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Rendering API


MacOS Only
    "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferMetal": "True"


    "FFlagDebugGraphicsDisableDirect3D11": "True",
    "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferVulkan": "True"


    "FFlagDebugGraphicsDisableDirect3D11": "True",
    "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferOpenGL": "True"

Direct X 10

    "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferD3D11FL10": "True"

Direct X 11

    "FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferD3D11": "True"

Lightning Technologies

Voxel Lighting (Phase 1)

    "DFFlagDebugRenderForceTechnologyVoxel": "True"

Shadowmap Lighting (Phase 2)

    "FFlagDebugForceFutureIsBrightPhase2": "True"

Future Lighting (Phase 3)

    "FFlagDebugForceFutureIsBrightPhase3": "True"

Unified lighting

    "FFlagRenderUnifiedLighting12": "True",
    "FFlagUnifiedLightingBetaFeature": "True"

Unified Lighting Blendzone

    "FIntUnifiedLightingBlendZone": "500"

Graphical Settings

Enable DRS

side effects: slightly low poly player model, slightly low quality shirts and pants but its barely noticeable though
    "FFlagRenderDynamicResolutionScale10": "True"

disable highlights

stops highlights from showing on parts
    "DFFlagRenderHighlightManagerPrepare": "True"

Makes stuff slightly brighter

    "FFlagRenderFixFog": "True"


    "FFlagDebugCheckRenderThreading": "True",
    "FFlagRenderDebugCheckThreading2": "True"

Maximum Threads

    "FIntRuntimeMaxNumOfThreads": "2400"

Minimum Threads

    "FIntTaskSchedulerThreadMin": "3"

Smoother Terrain

    "FFlagDebugRenderingSetDeterministic": "True"

Force Graphics Quality Level

    "FIntRomarkStartWithGraphicQualityLevel": "1"

Disable Player Shadows

    "FIntRenderShadowIntensity": "0"

Disable Shadows

    "DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapHighQuality": "2147483647",
    "DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapLowQuality": "2147483647"

Preserve rendering quality with display setting

    "DFFlagDisableDPIScale": "True"

Low Graphics Quality w/ Max Render Distance/FRM Quality Levels

Explanation: 1-6 Are low graphics, Above 6 are high graphics. Like the 1-21 graphics slider
    "DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride": "1"

FRM Levels


1 = 3
2 = 2
3 = 6


4 = 7
5 = 11
6 = 14
7 = 15 
8 = 17
9 = 18
10 = 21

Low Render Distance

    "DFIntDebugRestrictGCDistance": "1"

Limits light updates

    "FIntRenderLocalLightUpdatesMax": "8",
    "FIntRenderLocalLightUpdatesMin": "6"

Disables fade in and fade out animation every light update

    "FIntRenderLocalLightFadeInMs": "0"

Makes avatars shiny

[everything goes black on <3] [DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride is there to set your graphics to 10, You can change it to anything above 3
    "DFIntRenderClampRoughnessMax": "-640000000",
    "DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride": "6"

Disable PostFX

    "FFlagDisablePostFx": "True"

Pause Voxelizer/Disable Baked Shadows

    "DFFlagDebugPauseVoxelizer": "True"

Gray Sky

Only applies to games with the default skybox
    "FFlagDebugSkyGray": "True"

Force LOD on Meshes

    "DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistance": "0",
    "DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL12": "0",
    "DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL23": "0",
    "DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL34": "0"

Lighting Attenuation

    "FFlagNewLightAttenuation": "True"

Enable GPULightCulling

Combine with Lighting Attenuation for better vision
    "FFlagFastGPULightCulling3": "True"

Enable CPULightCulling

    "FFlagDebugForceFSMCPULightCulling": "True"

Frame Buffer

Explanation: 0 makes white screen 1-3 makes other players have laggy movement, 4 is stable has better performance than 10 and less input lag
    "DFIntMaxFrameBufferSize": "4"

Low Quallity Terrain Textures

4 for less quality 16, 32, 64 for higher quality
    "FIntTerrainArraySliceSize": "4"

High Quality Textures

    "DFFlagTextureQualityOverrideEnabled": "True",
    "DFIntTextureQualityOverride": "3"

Lower Quality Textures

    "DFIntPerformanceControlTextureQualityBestUtility": "-1"

No avatar textures

    "DFIntTextureCompositorActiveJobs": "0"

Texture Manager

1-4 Blurry, 5-7 low quality also removes studs, 8 Removes almost everything
    "FIntDebugTextureManagerSkipMips": "-1"

Remove Grass

    "FIntFRMMinGrassDistance": "0",
    "FIntFRMMaxGrassDistance": "0",
    "FIntRenderGrassDetailStrands": "0"

Increased Grass Motion

really fast speed
    "FIntGrassMovementReducedMotionFactor": "999"

No Grass Motion

    "FIntGrassMovementReducedMotionFactor": "0"

Enable Highlight Outlines on any Rendering API

    "FFlagHighlightOutlinesOnMobile": "True"

Move Pre-Render Phase [~25% Performance Boost]

This FastFlag moves the Pre-Render task to an off thread after all other tasks are completed. By default, Pre-Render runs first, forcing the render thread to wait until the Pre-Render process finishes before it can start rendering a frame.
With this FastFlag enabled, Pre-Renderer is executed while the main thread is processing the previous frame. This adjustment allows the main thread to proceed without waiting for Pre-Renderer, leading to increased framerates at the expense of some frame latency.
This flag is most effective in CPU-bound scenarios.
This fflag might cause issues
    "FFlagMovePrerender": "True"

Force MSAA

[0, 1, 2, 4, 8]
    "FIntDebugForceMSAASamples": "4"

ShadowMap Bias

[Future & ShadowMap]
    "FIntRenderShadowmapBias": "75"

Limits number of animations being played

0 removes most player animations, 1-5 removes the walk animation after jumping
    "DFIntMaxActiveAnimationTracks": "0"

Vertex Smoothing Group Tolerance

this might be placebo i didn't test this
    "FIntVertexSmoothingGroupTolerance": "500"


this might be placebo i didn't test this
    "FFlagRenderInitShadowmaps": "true"

Render Occlusion Culling

    "DFFlagUseVisBugChecks": "True",
    "FFlagEnableVisBugChecks27": "True",
    "FFlagVisBugChecksThreadYield": "True",
    "FIntEnableVisBugChecksHundredthPercent27": "100"

Increased Particles on low graphics

    "FFlagDebugDeterministicParticles" : "True"

No clouds/Sky

    "FFlagRenderNoLowFrmBloom": "false",
    "FFlagFRMRefactor": "false"

Quality of Life

Disable Captures Keybind

    "FFlagEnableCapturesHotkeyExperiment_v4": "False"

FPS Unlocker in Roblox Menu Settings

    "FFlagGameBasicSettingsFramerateCap5": "True",
    "DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps": "0"

Unlimited FPS Unlocker

    "FFlagTaskSchedulerLimitTargetFpsTo2402": "False",
    "DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps": "9999"

GUI Hiding Toggles

    "FFlagUserShowGuiHideToggles": "True",
    "GuiHidingApiSupport2": "True"

Hide guis

Instructions: Replace "ID" with any group ID that you are in.
Key combination Action
Ctrl + Shift + B Toggles GUIs in 3D space (BillboardGuis, SurfaceGuis, etc)
Ctrl + Shift + C Toggles game-defined ScreenGuis
Ctrl + Shift + G Toggles Roblox CoreGuis
Ctrl + Shift + N Toggles player names, and other BillboardGuis that show up above a player
    "DFIntCanHideGuiGroupId": "ID"

Remove layered clothing related for searching in lua app catalog

    "FStringAXCategories": "ClassicShirts.ClassicTShirts.ClassicPants"

Disable Fullscreen Title Bar

    "FIntFullscreenTitleBarTriggerDelayMillis": "3600000"

Disable In-game Advertisements

    "FFlagAdServiceEnabled": "False"

Disable Telemetry

    "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryEphemeralCounter": "True",
    "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryEphemeralStat": "True",
    "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryEventIngest": "True",
    "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryPoint": "True",
    "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryV2Counter": "True",
    "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryV2Event": "True",
    "FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryV2Stat": "True",
    "FStringTencentAuthPath": "null"

Surf the web inside of Roblox

Click the Beta badge or the 13+ badge to open the webview browser.
    "FFlagTopBarUseNewBadge": "True",
    "FStringTopBarBadgeLearnMoreLink": "",
    "FStringVoiceBetaBadgeLearnMoreLink": ""


    "DFIntConnectionMTUSize": "MTU_HERE"

No Internet Disconnect

[You will still be kicked but the message wont show.]
    "DFFlagDebugDisableTimeoutDisconnect": "True"

Adjust Default Timeout Time

1 second = 1000
    "DFIntDefaultTimeoutTimeMs": "10000"

Quick Game Launch

    "FFlagEnableQuickGameLaunch": "True"

Disable In-Game Purchases

    "DFFlagOrder66": "True"

Disable Chat

    "FFlagDebugForceChatDisabled": "True"

Disable Dynamic Heads Animations

    "DFIntAnimationLodFacsDistanceMin": "0",
    "DFIntAnimationLodFacsDistanceMax": "0",
    "DFIntAnimationLodFacsVisibilityDenominator": "0"

Automatically unmutes your mic on join (VC)

    "FFlagDebugDefaultChannelStartMuted": "False"

opt-out Experience Language

Removes the Experience Language option in settings
    "FIntV1MenuLanguageSelectionFeaturePerMillageRollout": "0"

Lets you change the zoom out limit

Only applies to games that haven't changed the default zoom limit
    "FIntCameraMaxZoomDistance": "9999"

Exclusive Fullscreen

    "FFlagHandleAltEnterFullscreenManually": "False"

Changes some tiny things about Party

    "FFlagAppChatAddConnectUnibarForActiveSquad": "False"

Reshuffle Party Icons

Changes the position of the "in a party" icon in the top bar
    "FFlagReshufflePartyIconsInUnibar": "False"

Renames Party back to Roblox Chat

    "FFlagAppChatRebrandStringUpdates": "False"

Reduced avatar item particles in first person

This just reduces the particle effect transparency when you go into first person which helps with visibility.
    "FFlagUserHideCharacterParticlesInFirstPerson": "True"

Increased preloading asset count

Load into games faster
    "DFIntNumAssetsMaxToPreload": "9999999",
    "DFIntAssetPreloading": "9999999"

5 decimal digits limit for camera sensitivity

basically like idk 8 months ago roblox added a 3 decimal digits limit, some people that I know used those extra digits
    "FFlagFixSensitivityTextPrecision": "False"

Disable voicechat

Setting this to True will not do anything
[TIP] Use PlaceFilter for specific games
    "DFFlagVoiceChat4": "False"

User Interface/Visuals

Fix Reduced Motion Stuck



    "FFlagFixReducedMotionStuckIGM2": "True"

Revert "Charts" back to Discovery

    "FFlagLuaAppChartsPageRenameIXP": "False"

Disable Sidebar Text (Default: True)

    "FFlagEnableNavBarLabels3": "False"

V2 Menu

enables the 2020 sidebar menu
    "FIntNewInGameMenuPercentRollout3": "100",
    "FFlagEnableInGameMenuControls": "False",
    "FFlagDisableNewIGMinDUA": "True",
    "FFlagEnableInGameMenuChromeABTest4": "False"

Custom Disconnect Message

    "FFlagReconnectDisabled": "True",
    "FStringReconnectDisabledReason": "You're stupid and I hate you"

Display FPS

    "FFlagDebugDisplayFPS": "True"

Verified Badge

clientsided, only you can see the badge
    "FStringWhitelistVerifiedUserId": "UserID"

Verified Badge on everyone

clientsided, only you can see the badge
    "FFlagOverridePlayerVerifiedBadge": "True"

Neon Rainbow Guis

    "FFlagDebugDisplayUnthemedInstances": "True"

Revert new invite menu

    "FFlagEnableNewInviteMenuIXP2": "False"

Revert spacing on errors

    "FFlagErrorPromptResizesHeight": "False"

Remove Disconnect Blur/Loading Blur

    "FIntRobloxGuiBlurIntensity": "0"

Disable New Chat Translation Settings

    "FFlagChatTranslationSettingEnabled3": "False"

New Camera Mode

    "FFlagNewCameraControls": "True"

Custom MicroProfiler Scale

    "DFIntMicroProfilerDpiScaleOverride":  "100"

Set Custom Font Size

    "FIntFontSizePadding": "1"

red font

You need to use Default Roblox Font to activate this. Also it can be glitchy in the settings menu
    "FStringDebugHighlightSpecificFont": "rbxasset://fonts/families/BuilderSans.json"

New Report Menu

    "FStringSelectInSceneReportMenuOverrideUserIds": "UserID"

Always display Render Stats

pretty self explanatory fflag, you can't disable them using the hotkey
    "FFlagDebugAlwaysDisplayRenderStats": "true"

Adjust Scroll Speed

    "FIntScrollWheelDeltaAmount": "140"

Set Custom Kick Message Length

    "FIntMaxKickMessageLength": "1"

Darker Dark Theme

    "FFlagLuaAppUseUIBloxColorPalettes1": "True",
    "FFlagUIBloxUseNewThemeColorPalettes": "True"

Enable Blue theme

    "FFlagLuaAppUseUIBloxColorPalettes1": "True",
    "FFlagLuaAppEnableFoundationColors7": "True"

Enable New Settings Layout

    "FFlagInExperienceMenuReorderFirstVariant2": "True"

Reset Character instead of Respawn in Experience Menu

    "FFlagInExperienceMenuResetButtonTextToRespawn": "False"

No Transparency V4 Menu (2023)

    "FStringInGameMenuModernizationStickyBarForcedUserIds": "UserID"

Subscriptions Page

    "FFlagLuaAppDevSubsEnabled": "True"

Overlay that shows what you type

    "FFlagDebugTextBoxServiceShowOverlay": "True"

Ammount of lines to show at once for above

    "DFIntTextBoxServiceHistorySize": "1"

Hides gui

    "FFlagDebugAdornsDisabled":  "True"

disable coregui

you get a white screen if you use the lua app and all coreguis dont show up if you're ingame
    "FFlagFFlagLogAllGuacRead":  "True"

Dont Render UI

    "FFlagDebugDontRenderUI": "True"

Dont Render Screen GUIs

    "FFlagDebugDontRenderScreenGui": "True"

Disable Autocomplete

    "FFlagEnableCommandAutocomplete": "False"

Break Top Bar Menu

    "FStringNewInGameMenuForceds": "UserID",
    "FFlagEnableInGameMenuChrome": "True"

Break Collectible Icon

    "FFlagDisplayCollectiblesIcon": "False"

Disable Bubble Chat

    "FFlagEnableBubbleChatFromChatService": "False"

Disable Camera & Selfview

    "FFlagSelfieViewEnabled": "True"

Disable Avatar Chat

    "FFlagAvatarChatServiceEnabled3": "False"

Remove VC Beta Badge

    "FFlagVoiceBetaBadge": "False",
    "FFlagTopBarUseNewBadge": "False",
    "FFlagBetaBadgeLearnMoreLinkFormview": "False",
    "FFlagControlBetaBadgeWithGuac": "False",
    "FStringVoiceBetaBadgeLearnMoreLink": "null"

VR Controller transparency

    "FIntVRTouchControllerTransparency": "0"

Disable VR Collision Fade

    "FFlagViewCollisionFadeToBlackInVR": "False"

Limit Videos Playing

    "DFIntVideoMaxNumberOfVideosPlaying": "0"

Disable DSA Reporting In-game

    "FFlagDSAIllegalContentReporting2": "False"

Desktop App Dev Tools

only works on web view windows like profiles, ctrl + shift + I
    "FFlagDebugEnableNewWebView2DevTool": "True"

Show All Error Strings

makes you unable to join games and shows you every join error message
    "FFlagDebugEnableErrorStringTesting": "True"

Customize chat translation settings

A fflag that lets you customize what languages are available for the chat translation feature
(English cannot be removed)
    "FStringChatTranslationEnabledLocales": "es_es,fr_fr,pt_br,de_de,it_it,ja_jp,ko_kr,id_id,tr_tr,zh_cn,zh_tw,th_th,pl_pl,vi_vn,ru_ru,"

Remove the "automatically translation" message

basically remove that message when you join a game that roblox will automatically translate supported languages etc etc
    "FFlagChatTranslationEnableSystemMessage": "False"

remove the vr toggle

removes the vr toggle from the escape menu
    "FFlagAlwaysShowVRToggleV3": "False"

cleaner desktop home page

Tho it wont remove the Recommended for you and Sponsored sections but it will remove the Recommended section (the insanely long one)
    "FIntGameGridFlexFeedItemTileNumPerFeed": "0"

disable burger icon

removes the 2015 3 lines icon from chrome ui and reverts it to the 9 dots square
    "FFlagEnableHamburgerIcon": "False"

Thick healthbar

Disabling it will completly remove the healthbar
    "FFlagUpdateHealthBar": "True"

Revert the new chrome ui to the old one

    "FFlagEnableHamburgerIcon": "False",
    "FFlagEnableUnibarV4IA": "False",
    "FFlagEnableAlwaysOpenUnibar2": "False",
    "FFlagUseNewUnibarIcon": "False",
    "FFlagUseSelfieViewFlatIcon": "False",
    "FFlagUnibarRespawn": "False",
    "FFlagEnableChromePinIntegrations2": "False",
    "FFlagAppChatInExperienceEnabledV647new": "False"

Extra + left healthbar for chrome ui Topbar

    "FFlagEnableUnibarMaxDefaultOpen": "True",
    "FFlagUpdateHealthBar": "False",
    "FFlagUseNewPinIcon": "False"

Fix broken health bar

    "FFlagEnableAlwaysOpenUnibar2": "False"

Roblox events button

remove FStringPlatformEventUrl to have the default url
    "FFlagPlatformEventEnabled2": "True",
    "FStringPlatformEventUrl": "AnyLinkHere"

Better Trackpad Scrolling

    "FFlagBetterTrackpadScrolling": "True"

Reset Character instead of Respawn in Experience Menu

    "FFlagInExperienceMenuResetButtonTextToRespawn": "False"

Mini webview

    "FFlagWebViewProtocol": "False"

Google guidelines

Makes the Learn More button in the Age rating button redirect to the link of your choice
desktop app only
    "FStringExperienceGuidelinesExplainedPageUrl": "url"

No opacity to Chrome UI

So when this fflag is set to false when you change the background transparency in the esc menu it won't affect the small 3 buttons of chrome ui and will keep them semi-transparent
the bg transparency set to opaque and the fflag is true and one on the right is bg transparency set to opaque and the fflag is false
    "FFlagChromeUsePreferredTransparency": "False"

Preferred text size scale

enables a font scaler in the escape menu
     "FFlagEnablePreferredTextSizeScale": "True",
     "FFlagEnablePreferredTextSizeSettingInMenus2": "True"

Explorer Redesign

studio only
    "FFlagExplorerPropertiesUseRDLColors": "True",
    "FFlagExplorerPropertiesUseStyledObject": "True"

Mute button redesign (VC)

changes the vc mute button in the menu
    "FFlagMuteTogglesEnableIXP": "False"

Multi Try On

Allows you to try on multiple things in the catalog and buy everything at once
some accessories in the same category cannot be tried on at the same time
   "FFlagAXEnableMultiTryOnUI": "True"

User Interface/Visuals Experimental

Simple coregui settings

    "FFlagRefactorInExpGameSettings": "True"

Capture posts

twitter but roblox edition
    "FFlagCapturesPostEnabledForAll_v4": "true"

New microprofiler and shift + f5 ui

    "FFlagImproveMicroprofilerReadability": "True"

Enable Better Haptics

    "FFlagEnableBetterHapticsResultHandling": "True"

Chrome UI Topbar Removal

    "FFlagEnableInGameMenuChromeABTest4": "False"

Hide playerlist close button on Chrome UI

    "FFlagDisablePlayerListDisplayCloseBtn": "True"

Ragdoll Death Type

Studio Only

I tried Ragdoll to see if anything would happen lol this is how i found this (found this long time ago)
    "DFStringDefaultAvatarDeathType": "Ragdoll"

Audio Related

Allows you to change voice chat distance

default: [Min 7 Max 80]
    "DFIntVoiceChatRollOffMinDistance": "7",
    "DFIntVoiceChatRollOffMaxDistance": "80"

Sounds use physical velocity and become distorted

    "FFlagSoundsUsePhysicalVelocity": "True"

Audio Occlusion

    "FFlagDebugEnableDirectAudioOcclusion2": "True"

Limit audios that are being played

    "DFIntMaxLoadableAudioChannelCount": "1"

Mess with voice chat volume

default 1000
    "DFIntVoiceChatVolumeThousandths": "100000"

No sounds

    "FFlagDebugRomarkMockingAudioDevices": "True"

Remove Parental Controls Tab

    "FFlagLuaAppsEnableParentalControlsTab": "False"

Legacy Search

    "FFlagAXSearchLandingPageIXPEnabled4": "False"

Disable Profile Picture Customization

    "FFlagAXDefaultAvatarToShopEnabled3": "False"

old luaapp chat button

    "FStringNewChatTabExperimentLayerValue": "2024MUSIC"

Disable Toast Notifications

    "FFlagToastNotificationsProtocolEnabled2": "False"

Rename Communications to Voice Enabled

    "FFlagGameDetailsDecoupledCommunication": "False"

Physics (Abusive)

Tool Desync

    "DFIntSimBlockLargeLocalToolWeldManipulationsThreshold": "-1"

Remap R6 to R15 Rigs/Weird Movement

    "FFlagRemapAnimationR6ToR15Rig": "True"

Weird Leg Movement

    "DFFlagAnimatorPostProcessIK": "True"

Adjust Hip Height Clamps

    "DFIntHipHeightClamp": "-48"

Random High Jumps

    "FFlagSimAdaptiveTimesteppingDefault2": "True",
    "DFFlagSimHumanoidTimestepModelUpdate": "True"


    "FFlagSimAdaptiveTimesteppingDefault2": "True",
    "DFIntSimAdaptiveHumanoidPDControllerSubstepMultiplier": "-999999",
    "DFFlagSimHumanoidTimestepModelUpdate": "True"

No Animations

Stops the game from trying to replicate your animations in the server. You dont have animations in the server but you do for your client
    "DFIntReplicatorAnimationTrackLimitPerAnimator": "-1"

Delayed Animations

your animations on your screen are normal but on the server they aren't
affects everyone's animations
    "FFlagProcessAnimationLooped": "False"

Stick unanchored parts to you

- = up, + = down
    "DFIntSolidFloorPercentForceApplication": "-1000",
    "DFIntNonSolidFloorPercentForceApplication": "-5000"

Max Raycast Distance

Raycasting is the use of intersection tests to solve problems in ROBLOX. The most common use of raycasting is to determine the first object intersected by a ray. This is done by casting a virtual ray from a certain point in a direction and determining the first surface it intersected with.
Break legs collision from 2 to -inf, kinda break camera on values over 3 noclip cam on 3
    "DFIntRaycastMaxDistance": "3"

Possible Super Jump

    "DFIntNewRunningBaseGravityReductionFactorHundredth": "1500"

Change DataSender Rate

a.k.a does not let you load games
    "DFIntDataSenderRate": "-1"

Disable Touch Events

    "DFIntTouchSenderMaxBandwidthBps": "-1"

Fake Lag

    "DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "1"

Invisible 1

Stops the physics on your character froms sending to the server so your character doesn't move for the server. You can move on your client.
    "DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "-30"

Invisible 2

Locks your character's position on the server to (0, 0, 0), having the side effect of turning you invisible. This only affects the server and other clients, not you. server-sided things that rely on your position, like clicking to get tools, will not function. In some games these can be abusable. Here is a list of them: Link
    "DFIntGameNetPVHeaderTranslationZeroCutoffExponent": "10"

Teleport ragdolled bodies to 0,0,0

this doesn't work in every game with ragdolls
the teleporting is clientsided, no one else can see them
    "DFIntGameNetLocalSpaceMaxSendIndex": "10000"

Invisible 3

Restricts the client from sending any physics-related information. This means other people can topple you over.
    "DFIntPhysicsSenderMaxBandwidthBps": "1",
    "DFIntPhysicsSenderMaxBandwidthBpsScaling": "0"

Clientsided Invisible

    "FIntParallelDynamicPartsFastClusterBatchSize": "-1"


    "DFIntMaxMissedWorldStepsRemembered": "1"


    "DFIntMaxMissedWorldStepsRemembered": "1000"

slide on wall walks/hops

buggy. only works in a certain angle.
    "DFIntMaximumFreefallMoveTimeInTenths": "2147483648"

Noclip 1

Adjust the value so you don't fall through the ground
    "DFIntAssemblyExtentsExpansionStudHundredth": "-50"

Noclip 2

Adjust the value so you don't fall through the ground
    "DFIntSimBroadPhasePairCountMax": "50"

Noclip 3/Mesh Noclip ✨

    "DFIntPhysicsDecompForceUpgradeVersion": "1500"

Hip Height

Very controllable bounce, only works with negative values, 0 allows you to hover
    "DFIntMaxAltitudePDStickHipHeightPercent": "-200"


    "DFIntUnstickForceAttackInTenths": "-4"

Slide on Terrain/Meshes

    "DFIntSmoothTerrainPhysicsRayAabbSlop": "-9999",
    "DFIntMaximumFreefallMoveTimeInTenths": "2147483648"

Drive vehicles slowly

    "DFIntPhysicsImprovedCyclicExecutiveThrottleThresholdTenth": "0"

Network Ownership

better network ownership of parts
    "DFIntMinClientSimulationRadius": "2147000000",
    "DFIntMinimalSimRadiusBuffer": "2147000000",
    "DFIntMaxClientSimulationRadius": "2147000000",
    "DFFlagDebugPhysicsSenderDoesNotShrinkSimRadius": "True",
    "FFlagDebugUseCustomSimRadius": "True"

Abusive Visuals

Semi Fullbright

    "FFlagFastGPULightCulling3": "True",
    "FIntRenderShadowIntensity": "0",
    "DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapHighQuality": "2147483647",
    "DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapLowQuality": "2147483647",
    "FFlagNewLightAttenuation": "True",
    "FIntRenderShadowmapBias": "-1",
    "DFFlagDebugPauseVoxelizer": "True"

Fullbright 1

use in games with massive or games with lots of clouds, make sure the game is daytime or has daytime.
    "FFlagFastGPULightCulling3": "True",
    "FIntRenderShadowIntensity": "0",
    "DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapHighQuality": "2147483647",
    "DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapLowQuality": "2147483647",
    "FFlagNewLightAttenuation": "True",
    "FIntRenderShadowmapBias": "-1",
    "DFFlagDebugPauseVoxelizer": "True",
    "DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride": "1",
    "DFFlagDebugRenderForceTechnologyVoxel": "True",
    "FFlagRenderFixFog": "True",
    "FFlagDisablePostFx": "True"

Fullbright 2

same stuff needed as fullbright but its better, fullbright 1 and 2 will let you noclip a bit inside a wall, be-aware.
tip: change the DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride fflag to 0 when you dont want quality 1 and wanna change it in game, best to hide ur fullbright while someone is watching.
    "FFlagFastGPULightCulling3": "True",
    "FIntRenderShadowmapBias": "-1",
    "DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapHighQuality": "2147483647",
    "DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapLowQuality": "2147483647",
    "FIntRenderShadowIntensity": "0",
    "FFlagRenderFixFog": "True",
    "DFFlagDebugRenderForceTechnologyVoxel": "True",
    "FFlagRenderNoLowFrmBloom": "false",
    "DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride": "1",
    "FIntBloomFrmCutoff": "1654515",
    "DFFlagDebugPauseVoxelizer": "True",
    "FFlagNewLightAttenuation": "True",
    "FFlagFRMRefactor": "false",
    "FFlagDisablePostFx": "True"

Draws a circle under avatars

    "FFlagDebugAvatarChatVisualization": "True",
    "FFlagEnableInGameMenuChromeABTest4": "False"

Humanoid Outline

Draws an outline around every part and every humanoid
    "DFFlagDebugDrawBroadPhaseAABBs": "True"

fflag above but more complex

Draws an outline around every body part
    "DFFlagDebugDrawBvhNodes": "True"

Buggy ZPlane Camera

    "FIntCameraFarZPlane": "1"

Adds an UI in game, which highlights any part player touches (like ground, Meshes etc.). It's a non-functioning UI too. Also adds a blue circle to your humanoid.

    "FFlagDebugHumanoidRendering": "True"


    "DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdMainViewHighQuality": "10000",
    "DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdMainViewLowQuality": "10000",
    "DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapHighQuality": "10000",
    "DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapLowQuality": "10000"

Abusive Game Specific Presets


omg i cant believe roblox is that dumb to do this...


these fflags cause a memory leak + crashes roblox

    "FIntPhysicsGridHierarchyLowestLevelInitBinCount": "199999999",
    "FIntPhysicsGridHierarchyLowestLevelInitBinCountWorldModel": "100000000",
    "FIntPhysicsSolverCollisionPoolBucketSize": "2147483647",
    "FIntPhysicsSolverCollisionPoolBucketSizeWorldModel": "2147483647"

Crash Roblox 1

    "DFIntTimestepArbiterThresholdCFLThou": "0"

Crash Roblox 2

    "DFFlagVideoCaptureServiceEnabled": "False"

Increase Ping

    "DFIntDataSenderMaxBandwidthBps": "150"

Crash roblox 3

when you try to launch roblox it won't open
    "DFFlagDebugSimulateHangAtStartup": "True"

Crash roblox 4

the same thing from above but it only crashes when you try to close roblox
    "DFFlagDebugSimulateHangAtShutdown": "True"


Shows the state of a flag

    "FStringDebugShowFlagState": "FLAG_HERE"
    "FStringDebugShowFlagState": "DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps, ChannelName"

Show Outlined Chunks

    "FFlagDebugLightGridShowChunks": "True"

Show Outlined Chunks that are being interacted

    "DFFlagDebugEnableStreamingSolverVisualization": "True"

Prevents Remote Events from running

    "DFIntRemoteEventSingleInvocationSizeLimit": "1"

log player joins,leaves,messages

only works with the new chat
    "FStringDebugLuaLogLevel": "trace",
    "FStringDebugLuaLogPattern": "ExpChat/mountClientApp"

Octree Validation

    "FFlagDebugEnableOctreeValidation": "True"

Self Explanatory 1

    "DFFlagDebugPrintDataPingBreakDown": "True"

Self Explanatory 2

    "DFFlagDebugAudioLogging": "True"

Duplicate of Above

    "DFFlagDebugAudioLogging2": "True"

Self Explanatory 3

    "FFlagTrackerLodControllerDebugUI": "True"

Self Explanatory 4

Disable Drag Detectors
    "FFlagDragDetectors1": "False"

Self Explanatory 5

Disabe CTM Climbing
    "FFlagUserClickToMoveSupportAgentCanClimb2": "False"

Self Explanatory 6

Disabe Feedback Button in ESC
    "FFlagDisableFeedbackSoothsayerCheck": "False"

Self Explanatory 7

LDL dev console printing
    "DFFlagDebugSimLDLProgramPrintBuildStats": "True",
    "DFFlagDebugSimLDLProgramPrintExecStats": "True"

Self Explanatory 8

prints body allocations counts in dev console
    "FFlagDebugCountSimBodyAllocations": "True"

Max dev console log count

Control how many developer console logs can be shown at once, for example if you set the limit to be 100, then 100 different log messages will be shown while any older ones will be deleted when the limit is reached
    "FIntNewDevConsoleMaxLogCount": "2147483647"

Self Explanatory 13

Default value is 650, higher value more usage lower value less
    "FIntRenderMaxShadowAtlasUsageBeforeDownscale": "650"

Self Explanatory 14

Allows you to edit the DataModel Patch
    "FFlagDataModelPatcherForceLocal": "True"

Limit console message length

changes the max character length limit for each dev console message
    "FIntStandardOutputMaximumCharacterLength": "100"

Replace all Decals with a Test Image

    "FFlagDebugTestImageDrawItem": "True"

Community Presets

We are not accepting performance Fast Flags that aren't listed or known.

absolutely kill your game quality with fflags known to me

    "FFlagDisablePostFx": "True",
    "FIntDebugTextureManagerSkipMips": "8",
    "DFIntTextureCompositorActiveJobs": "0",
    "DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistance": "0",
    "DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL12": "0",
    "DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL23": "0",
    "DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL34": "0",
    "DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride": "1",
    "DFFlagDebugPauseVoxelizer": "True",
    "DFFlagDebugRenderForceTechnologyVoxel": "True",
    "FFlagGlobalWindRendering": "False",
    "FIntRenderShadowIntensity": "0",
    "FIntRenderShadowmapBias": "1",
    "FIntDebugForceMSAASamples": "-1",
    "FIntFRMMinGrassDistance": "0",
    "DFIntTextureQualityOverride": "1"


fastvariable's list without the bloat






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