blimp-io can manage one or multiple blimps. So far it only accepts JSON data, which it logs to the corresponding API-Key
Based on Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose.js (MongoDB),, Passport.js (+Bcrypt) and Angular.js
Generated with angular-fullstack
- Create "data buckets" instead of attaching reports directly to a blimp
- Implement real-time graphing (highcharts-ng ?)
- Means of filtering / ordering / grouping reports and interpreting the data
- Cleanup styles / Switch to LESS
- Revamp Authentication Service in the Front-End
###How do I, as a developer, start working on the project?
- You will need npm and yeoman (Grunt.js, Bower)
- Inside the blimp-io directory do
npm install && bower install
- Make sure MongoDB is up
- Fire up a local server with
grunt server
###How do I make use of the generators for angular components?
You don't. The application has an entirely different structure now. The modules should provide enough of a template.
Please refer to the angular-fullstack generator documentation
###What's the default user login?
Username: blimp
Password: blimp
This user will automatically be created at server start if the user collection is empty.
###What's the current deploy workflow?
GitHub commit hook -> Travis-CI -> Heroku (Autodeploy)
Switched to / VIEW BUILDS
###Generate a seperate deployment build
grunt heroku
###Alternatively: Service & Autostart
A service script is provided together with blimp-io; it assumes the usage of hotnode
nano init.d/blimp-io
Copy it to /etc/init.d
sudo cp init.d/blimb-io /etc/init.d/blimp-io
sudo chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/blimp-io
Use it to start blimb-io
/etc/init.d/blimp-io {start|stop|restart|status}
###Redirection with nginx Proxying WebSockets with nginx
location ~^/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:9007;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;