This tool performs filtering of alignments in a bam file as well as alignment-based probe trimming. Alignments will be filtered based on whether they are: 1. unmapped/not in proper pair
, 2. supplementary
3. short (<65N)
, 4. off-target
, 5. on-target
, and a separate bam file will be produced as output for each of these 5 categories.
- argparse options:
: required arg, file path of BAM file-o
: required arg, file path to output directory (must exist)-t
: required arg, file path to tsv file containing probe sequences used (column 1 = names, column 2 = sequences)-b
: required arg, file path to bed file generated from probe sequences-p
: optional arg, If flag is set, will assume given a paired end bam.
- 5 BAM files as follows:
- {file}.on.bam // on-target
- {file}.off.bam // off-target
- {file}.sup.bam // supplementary
- {file}.len.bam // short length (<65N)
- {file}.unmap.bam // unmapped or not in proper pair
- 2 stats files:
- {file}.lev_dists.tsv // Distribution of detected mismatches in probe sequences according to levenshtein distance
- {file}.trimmed_probe_lengths.tsv // Distribution of trimmed probe lengths (will signify presense of ins/del in probe seqs)
Will also output count data (# reads in each filtration category) to stdout.
python -i sample_1.bam -o output_dir/ -t probes.tsv -b probes.bed --paired