This is a preliminary release of using a m5paper as an automation panel for OpenHAB.
I want it to be as simple as possible : it queries OpenHAB items through REST API, so much of the configuration will be on the OpenHAB side. I don't want "yet another interface to configure with its cryptic syntax".
Actually, it just displays the 6 specified OpenHAB item's Label and Status.
While the is no power optimizations, it can already run several hours on battery.
It has been tested with OpenHAB 2.5 and 3.0
Visit for a more advanced fork
- Clone and open in PlatformIO
- Copy defs-sample.h to defs.h
- Edit defs.h and customize:
- Wifi settings
- Openhab host and port
- Sitemap to use (default: m5paper)
- Upload filesystem image (from PlatformIO menu, or "pio run -t uploadfs")
- Compile and upload to m5paper
- Monitor through serial port
Then, a sitemap containing the items to be displayed must be created. Here is a sample sitemap :
sitemap m5panel label="m5panel" {
Default item=HueSensor1Temperature label="Outside[%.1f°]"
Default item=SondeTH4_Temperature label="Cellar[%.1f]"
Default item=AqaraTemp02Temperature label="Bedroom[%.1f]" icon=""
Default item=SonoffRelay2Power label="Cellar[%s]" icon="light"
Default item=gd_currstate label="Garage[%s]" icon=""
Sitemap rules :
- Use sitemap label formatting
- Label is used as the button title
- The state is extracted from the label value enclosed in [brackets]
- Dynamic icons (light, switch, ...) are based on this state
- If no icon is specified (icon=""), the item state will be displayed in the center of the button
- Else, it will be displayed at the bottom, in a smaller font, under the icon location
- 6 items max are supported for now
- Don't use other sitemap features (frames, ...)
If you're in trouble :
- Check serial log
- Display your sitemap at http://<OPENHAB_HOST>:<OPENHAB_PORT>/basicui/app?sitemap=<OPENHAB_SITEMAP>
- Check you can reach REST API at http://<OPENHAB_HOST>:<OPENHAB_PORT>/rest/sitemaps/<OPENHAB_SITEMAP>
- First displays are slow (due to font caching)
- No touch screen support
- Nice font and correct encoding
- Dynamic updates
- Basic icon set
- Touch screen support for commands (switchs, ...)
- WifiManager for Wifi and items setup
- Support https connection to OpenHAB
- Provide binary releases
- Advanced widgets (gauge, weather, ...)
- Multi-page navigation
- Advanced configuration method (for widgets, fonts ...)