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pogobuf.Client Options

nico edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 7 revisions

pogobuf.Client options

This page lists the available client options and their default value.


Auth token as returned from one of the login classes

Type: string
Required: true


Auth type (ptc or google)

Type: string
Required: true


Whether or not to download and process settings from the Pokémon Go API during a call to pogobuf.Client.init()

Type: boolean
Required: false
Default value: true


Enables automatic throttling/delaying of calls to pogobuf.Client.getMapObjects() to prevent API errors, disable if you prefer to implement your own rate limiting

Type: boolean
Required: false
Default value: true


Minimum time in milliseconds to enforce between calls to pogobuf.Client.getMapObjects() if mapObjectsThrottling is enabled (gets overwritten by the API settings value if downloadSettings is enabled)

Type: number
Required: false
Default value: 5000


Proxy server to use for API requests

Type: string
Required: false


Maximum number of times each API request is tried (in case of rate limiting or temporary errors), set to 1 to disable retry logic

Type: number
Required: false
Default value: 5


Enables automatic conversion of long.js objects to primitive types (number or string depending on size) in all responses returned from protobuf.js

Type: boolean
Required: false
Default value: true


If enabled, response objects include a _requestType attribute that contains the request type (like POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.RequestType.GET_INVENTORY). Useful to parse response objects.

Type: boolean
Required: false
Default value: false


API version to use for the encrypted signature generation, in pogo api format, like the one you pass to downloadRemoteConfigVersion (i.e. 4500 corresponds to version 0.45).
As of February 26th 2017, only two values are working:

  • 5702 (latest version, need hash server)
  • 4500 (old version, does not need hash server).

Type: number
Required: false
Default value: 4500


Additional fields for the envelope signature (such as device_info), accepts an object of fields that go into POGOProtos.Networking.Envelopes.Signature or a callback function that will be called for every envelope with the envelope as its single parameter and should return such an object

Type: Object or function
Required: false


Enables pogodev (or compatible) hashing service for encrypted signature generation (requires minimum version setting of 5100)

Type: boolean
Required: false
Default value: false


URL of hashing server

Type: string
Required: false
Default value:


Access key to send to the hashing server, or an array of keys to cycle through for each request (round-robin)

Type: string or string[]
Required: false