Make it easy to bump versions and re-run CI builds across many projects and CI providers.
bumpercar = require("@cypress/bumpercar")
# configure a new Bumpercar
car = bumpercar.create({
providers: {
travis: {
# find/create one here:
githubToken: "github-token-for-user-with-repo-privileges"
circle: {
# find/create one here:
circleToken: "circle-token-for-user-with-project-privileges"
# bump your ENV vars with ease
car.updateProjectEnv("cypress-io/cypress-download", "circle", {
VAR_1: "lo"
VAR_2: "and"
VAR_3: "behold"
.then ->
# kick off a new build/run with your new vars
car.runProject("cypress-io/cypress-download", "circle")
This module supports
- Travis
- setting environment variables
- fetch last build by id
- restart build by id
- CircleCI
- setting environment variables
- starting a build
- AppVeyor
- setting environment variables
- starting a build
- Buildkite
- setting environment variables
- starting a build
npm test
runs the unit tests oncenpm run watch
keeps watching for file changes and reruns the tests
Run commands with DEBUG=bumper
environment variable. To see debug messages from the unit tests, run with DEBUG=test
environment variable.