CygnusOS CAF is a minimal custom Android ROM which provides users best UI and performance altogether.
First, make sure you have an Android build environment and the repo tool set up. After that, run the following commands:
repo init -u -b caf-13
repo sync -c --force-sync --optimized-fetch --no-tags --no-clone-bundle --prune -j$(nproc --all)
This is a large download that will take approximately 100 GB of disk space, so plan accordingly.
. b*/e*
lunch cygnus_device_codename-userdebug
make cygnus -j$(nproc --all)
Since Cygnus doesn't have pathmaps, you need to have your own HALs. You can take HALs from any ROM provided they build fine and don't have any pathmaps in them. The paths for cloning HALs are as follows:
Audio -> vendor/qcom/opensource/audio-hal/primary-hal
Media -> hardware/qcom/media
Display -> hardware/qcom/display
Of course, many HALs can be found in our devices org, on their respective caf-12-x branches and you can use them if your device has the same chipset, Happy Compiling!
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