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Parse JSON in PostgreSQL to save records

This tutorial requires some knowledge in Linux, Docker, Git, Angular, PostgreSQL, and Go Programming Language.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Goal
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Clone this repo
  5. Angular code
  6. Go server code
  7. PostgreSQL code
  8. Running the webserv app
  9. Conclusion

1. Introduction

We are continuing where we left-off in the previous tutorial Go POST JSON passthru controller.

The added code are: 1.) Postgresql database code, 2.) Go code package common to connect to Postgresql, and 3.) alter Go code package treedata to call the Postgresql stored-function code and pass the client Tree component JSON data.

In this tutorial we do not have new Angular sourcecode in the src/client folder. Instead what we have is the compiled version, from the previous tutorial Go POST JSON passthru controller, in the src/client/dist-static folder. I have a .gitignore rule to block the dist folder so I had to rename to dist-static.

2. Goal

Our goal is to save our tree component JSON data from our app screen:

Into our Go pass-thru controller server-side screen console:

:webserv .
2022/09/05 13:07:59 PostgreSQL 14.2 (Debian 14.2-1.pgdg110+1)
on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc
(Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
2022/09/05 13:07:59
Serving static folder: .
Listening on port: :3000
Press Ctrl-C to stop server
2022/09/05 13:09:42 jsonData: [{"label":"Documents","expandedIcon":"pi pi-folder-open","collapsedIcon":"pi pi-folder","data":"Documents Folder","children":[{"label":"Work","expandedIcon":"pi pi-folder-open","collapsedIcon":"pi pi-folder","data":"Work Folder","children":[{"label":"Expenses.doc","icon":"pi pi-file","data":"Expenses Document"},{"label":"Resume.doc","icon":"pi pi-file","data":"Resume Document"}],"toexpand":false},{"label":"Home","expandedIcon":"pi pi-folder-open","collapsedIcon":"pi pi-folder","data":"Home Folder","children":[{"label":"Invoices.txt","icon":"pi pi-file","data":"Invoices for this month"}],"toexpand":false}],"toexpand":true},{"label":"Pictures","expandedIcon":"pi pi-folder-open","collapsedIcon":"pi pi-folder","data":"Pictures Folder","children":[{"label":"barcelona.jpg","icon":"pi pi-image","data":"Barcelona Photo"},{"label":"logo.jpg","icon":"pi pi-image","data":"PrimeFaces Logo"},{"label":"primeui.png","icon":"pi pi-image","data":"PrimeUI Logo"}],"toexpand":true},{"label":"Movies","expandedIcon":"pi pi-folder-open","collapsedIcon":"pi pi-folder","data":"Movies Folder","children":[{"label":"Al Pacino","data":"Pacino Movies","children":[{"label":"Scarface","icon":"pi pi-video","data":"Scarface Movie"},{"label":"Serpico","icon":"pi pi-video","data":"Serpico Movie"}]},{"label":"Robert De Niro","data":"De Niro Movies","children":[{"label":"Goodfellas","icon":"pi pi-video","data":"Goodfellas Movie"},{"label":"Untouchables","icon":"pi pi-video","data":"Untouchables Movie"}]}]}]

And finally, as records in a table in our Postgresql database:

postgres=# select * from tree_data;

 key | parent |     label      |    icon     |   expandedicon    | collapsedicon |          data           | leaf | toexpand
   1 |      0 | data           |             |                   |               | data                    | f    | t
   2 |      1 | Documents      |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Documents Folder        | f    | t
   3 |      2 | Work           |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Work Folder             | f    | f
   4 |      3 | Expenses.doc   | pi pi-file  |                   |               | Expenses Document       | t    | f
   5 |      3 | Resume.doc     | pi pi-file  |                   |               | Resume Document         | t    | f
   6 |      2 | Home           |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Home Folder             | f    | f
   7 |      6 | Invoices.txt   | pi pi-file  |                   |               | Invoices for this month | t    | f
   8 |      1 | Pictures       |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Pictures Folder         | f    | t
   9 |      8 | barcelona.jpg  | pi pi-image |                   |               | Barcelona Photo         | t    | f
  10 |      8 | logo.jpg       | pi pi-image |                   |               | PrimeFaces Logo         | t    | f
  11 |      8 | primeui.png    | pi pi-image |                   |               | PrimeUI Logo            | t    | f
  12 |      1 | Movies         |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Movies Folder           | f    | f
  13 |     12 | Al Pacino      |             |                   |               | Pacino Movies           | f    | f
  14 |     13 | Scarface       | pi pi-video |                   |               | Scarface Movie          | t    | f
  15 |     13 | Serpico        | pi pi-video |                   |               | Serpico Movie           | t    | f
  16 |     12 | Robert De Niro |             |                   |               | De Niro Movies          | f    | f
  17 |     16 | Goodfellas     | pi pi-video |                   |               | Goodfellas Movie        | t    | f
  18 |     16 | Untouchables   | pi pi-video |                   |               | Untouchables Movie      | t    | f
(18 rows)


3. Prerequisites

I assume that you have a working Angular, PostgreSQL and Go installations. Please checkout the previous tutorials that cover these topics.

As already mentioned before, this tutorial builds on the previous tutorial Go POST JSON passthru controller. I suggest you go thru this tutorial especially if you are new to Angular and Go.

4. Clone this repo

Clone this repo then change into the repo folder. You can follow the commands below. You may have to adjust according to your own chosen directory structure.

:git clone

# Change into the just cloned folder
:cd pgsql-parse-json/src

# List folder contents

drwxr-xr-x 1 user1 user1  46 Aug 15 12:41 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 user1 user1  78 Sep  5 13:16 ..
drwxr-xr-x 1 user1 user1  22 Sep  3 13:06 client
drwx--x--x 1 user1 user1  58 Sep  3 13:09 docker
drwxr-xr-x 1 user1 user1 118 Sep  3 12:39 pgsql
drwxr-xr-x 1 user1 user1  84 Sep  3 13:12 server

5. Angular code

As already mentioned, in this tutorial we do not have new Angular sourcecode in the src/client folder. Instead what we have is the compiled version, from the previous tutorial Go POST JSON passthru controller, in the src/client/dist-static folder. I have a .gitignore rule to block the dist folder so I had to rename to dist-static.

Further down below we will run our Go server-side app webserv and pass this Angular compiled folder:

# The dot after the executable webserv passes the current folder
:cd src/client/dist-static/primeng-quickstart-cli
:webserv .

6. Go server code

6.1. Go server app in 4 packages

The Go server-side code is simple. We have refactored the previous tutorial's Go code into 4 packages. We have done just a few refactors: 1.) We added the common package, and 2.) altered the method saveJsonData() in package treedata. We have mostly inherited from the Go code in the previous tutorial Go POST JSON passthru controller.

# package file purpose
1 main src/server/webserv.go main webserv executable
2 common src/server/common/common.go Postgresql connector
3 params src/server/params/params.go process the command-line args
4 treedata src/server/treedata/treedata.go process the tree JSON data

6.2. Package treedata method saveJsonData() to save data

In the package treedata we have the saveJsonData() method. We have done some refactoring to this method. Aside from merely printing the JSON data on the console screen, it now calls our Postgresql database stored-function with the statement: sql := "select tree_insert($1)"

Then in the next line we call Postgresql with the expression: t.Pgx.Con.Exec(t.Pgx.Ctx, sql, t.Jdata.Data)

Here is some very important information on Avoiding SQL injection risk in our code.

// Save json data to db
func (t *tData) saveJsonData() error {
	// Print the data from the client
	log.Println("jsonData:", t.Jdata.Data)

	// SQL statement to call the stored-function
	sql := "select tree_insert($1)"

	// Call the Postgresql stored-function
	if _, err := t.Pgx.Con.Exec(t.Pgx.Ctx, sql, t.Jdata.Data); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

6.3. Compile and run Go server code

I assume that you have a working Go installation. Please checkout the previous tutorial, Write a Go static file web server, which covers installing the Go compiler.

This part has several steps in the listing below. Please carefully follow the command line instructions (cli) steps below. Note that the # character precedes a comment line. Also note that in the tutorial Write a Go static file web server, 3.4. Update your PATH, we updated our PATH to include the folder ~/go/bin where the Go compiler outputs the binary executable from the go install compilation command.

# We change folder into our cloned folder
:cd Projects/pgsql-parse-json

# In the cloned folder we cd into the Go server folder
:cd src/server

# In the Go server folder we list the contents

drwxr-xr-x 1 user1 user1   84 Sep  3 13:12 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 user1 user1   46 Aug 15 12:41 ..
drwxr-xr-x 1 user1 user1   18 Sep  1 13:41 common
drwxr-xr-x 1 user1 user1   18 Aug  2 13:24 params
drwxr-xr-x 1 user1 user1   22 Jul 31 12:16 treedata
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1  592 Sep  1 16:45 go.mod
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1  17K Sep  1 16:45 go.sum
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1 1.4K Sep  4 00:53 webserv.go

# Here we compile webserv.go and all included packages
:go install

# At this point the "webserv" executable will be in "~/go/bin" folder
2022/09/13 20:35:48 Database connection error:failed to
connect to `host=localhost user=postgres database=postgres`:
dial error (dial tcp [::1]:5432: connect: connection refused)

As shown in the preceding line above, although our server-side webserv app is ready, our Postgresql database is not running yet, hence the error message. In the next section we will deal with this and get our database up and running.

Further down below, in the section 8. Running the webserv app, we will retry running the webserv again and by that time we will have the database ready.

7. PostgreSQL code

7.1. PostgreSQL code in 4 SQL files

Our Postgresql code consists of 4 SQL files located in folder src/pgsql.

# file location purpose
1 tree_data.sql src/pgsql/tree_data.sql create table tree_data
2 tree_insert.sql src/pgsql/tree_insert.sql create function tree_insert()
3 tree_insert_do.sql src/pgsql/tree_insert_do.sql test function tree_insert()
4 tree_type.sql src/pgsql/tree_type.sql create type tree_type

7.2. File tree_insert.sql

The 2nd file tree_insert.sql is the more interesting Postgresql code of the 4 files. Below is the listing of file tree_insert.sql. It is straightforward. It merely loops through the children parameter a JSON array at a time and grabs values to insert into table tree_data. It then recursively calls itself for any non-null child children member. It uses the type tree_type when parsing the children members.

-- Parse tree json data and save records
-- CL 9/1/2022
create or replace function tree_insert(
    children   jsonb,           -- json to recourse into
    parent     int default 0    -- the parent key
) returns void as
    _record     record;
    _leaf       boolean default false;
    _key        int;

    -- Clear table & insert root record
    if tree_insert.parent = 0 then
        -- First clear output table & reset pk
        truncate tree_data restart identity;

        -- Initial serial PK "key" is the first parent
        insert into tree_data (parent, leaf, label, "data", toexpand)
            values (0, false, 'data', 'data', true)
            returning "key" into tree_insert.parent;
    end if;

    -- Loop thru the children json array using type tree_type
    for _record in

        -- Read documentation on jsonb_populate_recordset()
        from jsonb_populate_recordset(
            tree_insert.children) as js
            -- Check if entry has children
            _leaf = _record.children is null;

            -- Set toexpand to false if it's null
            _record.toexpand = coalesce(_record.toexpand, false);

            -- Inserted serial PK "key" is the parent in
            -- the succeeding recursive call if it has children.
            insert into tree_data (parent, label, icon, expandedIcon,
                    collapsedIcon, "data", leaf, toexpand)
                values (tree_insert.parent, _record.label, _record.icon,
                    _record."expandedIcon",  _record."collapsedIcon",
          , _leaf, _record.toexpand)
                returning "key" into _key;

            -- Recursive call to read next json array entry.
            -- Inserted serial PK "key" is parent for next children.
            if not _leaf then
                perform tree_insert(
                    _record.children,   -- next json segment to scan
                    _key                -- the new parent
            end if;
        end loop;

language plpgsql;

7.3. Running 4 SQL files to load them in Postgresql.

This tutorial requires that you have followed thru the 2nd tutorial Dockerize your PostgreSQL dev environment. It is necessary to setup your development Postgresql environment. You may need to redo the postgres14 docker container by re-running the bash script postgres14 which is listed below.

You may need to modify the 2nd -v volume mapping parameter according to your choice folder. Substitute your own path here if necessary. However try maintain the container mapping into the :/home/psql/pgsql-json folder.

Before re-running the postgres14 script you will have to first delete the postgres14 docker container with the command: docker rm postgres14

# postgres14
# Make sure to run:
# chmod +x postgres14
# to make this bash script file executable. This script will run the
# postgres image in detached mode, name it postgres14, and create
# volume postgres_volume if not existing. This volume provides
# persistence when the container ceases running. It will also bind
# mount your project folder as the working folder.
docker run -d --name=postgres14 -p 5432:5432 \
--mount source=postgres_volume,target=/var/lib/postgresql/data \
-v /home/user1/Projects/psql:/home/psql \
-v /home/user1/Projects/pgsql-parse-json/src/pgsql\
:/home/psql/pgsql-json \
-w /home/psql \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="my-postgres-password" postgres

# Run "docker rm postgres14" to remove this container from memory.

7.4. Make sure your ~/.bashrc has aliases pgstart, pgend, and psql defined.

Towards the end of the 2nd tutorial Dockerize your PostgreSQL dev environment there is a part to Add these 3 aliases in ~/.bashrc:

alias pgstart='docker start postgres14'
alias pgstop='docker stop postgres14'
alias psql='docker exec -it postgres14 psql -U postgres'

With these aliases in your ~/.bashrc file defined, then we can proceed to the next steps.

7.5. Test-run the function tree_insert().

This part has several steps in the listing below. Please carefully follow the command line steps below. Note the character "#" precedes a comment line.

# We change folder into our cloned folder
:cd Projects/pgsql-parse-json

# Run the pgstart alias to run Postgresql

# Run psql alias to run the container's psql executable.
# The alias psql brings us inside postgres14 container.
# Note the change of prompt to "postgres=#".
psql (14.2 (Debian 14.2-1.pgdg110+1))
Type "help" for help.

# In 7.3. we mapped into the container's pgsql-json folder.
# So here we change into that folder.
postgres=# \cd pgsql-json/

# We list the files in this pgsql-json folder
postgres=# \! ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000  366 Sep  3 20:50 tree_data.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 1790 Sep  5 20:23 tree_insert_do.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 2355 Sep  4 07:35 tree_insert.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000  377 Sep  3 20:51 tree_type.sql

# We run the 1st file to create table tree_data
postgres=# \i tree_data.sql

# Check to make sure table tree_data exists
postgres=# \dt tree*
           List of relations
 Schema |   Name    | Type  |  Owner
 public | tree_data | table | postgres
(1 row)

# We run the 4th file to create type tree_type
postgres=# \i tree_type.sql

# Check to make sure type tree_type exists
postgres=# \dT tree*
        List of data types
 Schema |   Name    | Description
 public | tree_type |
(1 row)

# We run the 3rd file to create function tree_insert
postgres=# \i tree_insert.sql

# Check to make sure function tree_insert exists
postgres=# \df tree*
                                     List of functions
 Schema |    Name     | Result data type |           Argument data types            | Type
 public | tree_insert | void             | children jsonb, parent integer DEFAULT 0 | func
(1 row)

# Test run the just created function tree_insert.
# The test run lists the contents of table tree_data.
postgres=# \i tree_insert_do.sql
 key | parent |     label      |    icon     |   expandedicon    | collapsedicon |          data           | leaf | toexpand
   1 |      0 | data           |             |                   |               | data                    | f    | t
   2 |      1 | Documents      |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Documents Folder        | f    | t
   3 |      2 | Work           |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Work Folder             | f    | f
   4 |      3 | Expenses.doc   | pi pi-file  |                   |               | Expenses Document       | t    | f
   5 |      3 | Resume.doc     | pi pi-file  |                   |               | Resume Document         | t    | f
   6 |      2 | Home           |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Home Folder             | f    | f
   7 |      6 | Invoices.txt   | pi pi-file  |                   |               | Invoices for this month | t    | f
   8 |      1 | Pictures       |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Pictures Folder         | f    | t
   9 |      8 | barcelona.jpg  | pi pi-image |                   |               | Barcelona Photo         | t    | f
  10 |      8 | logo.jpg       | pi pi-image |                   |               | PrimeFaces Logo         | t    | f
  11 |      8 | primeui.png    | pi pi-image |                   |               | PrimeUI Logo            | t    | f
  12 |      1 | Movies         |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Movies Folder           | f    | f
  13 |     12 | Al Pacino      |             |                   |               | Pacino Movies           | f    | f
  14 |     13 | Scarface       | pi pi-video |                   |               | Scarface Movie          | t    | f
  15 |     13 | Serpico        | pi pi-video |                   |               | Serpico Movie           | t    | f
  16 |     12 | Robert De Niro |             |                   |               | De Niro Movies          | f    | f
  17 |     16 | Goodfellas     | pi pi-video |                   |               | Goodfellas Movie        | t    | f
  18 |     16 | Untouchables   | pi pi-video |                   |               | Untouchables Movie      | t    | f
(18 rows)

# Exit out of Postgresql
postgres=# \q

# We are back in our Linux console

From here on you can always start Postgresql by typing pgstart. To stop it you can type pgstop. To connect to Postgresql and run SQL commands like we did above just type psql. These are the aliases in the section Add these 3 aliases in ~/.bashrc in the previous tutorial.

At this point our Postgresql database is up and ready for our webserv app.

8. Running the webserv app

8.1. Run webserv with the Angular compiled static files folder

We can either cd into the Angular compiled static files folder,

# The dot after the executable webserv passes the current folder
:cd src/client/dist-static/primeng-quickstart-cli
:webserv .

Or, we can pass the relative path of where the Angular compiled static files folder is located. Either way way is fine.

# While in our cloned project folder we can run "webserv" and
# pass the relative path of where the Angular compiled static
# files folder is located.
:webserv src/client/dist-static/primeng-quickstart-cli/

2022/09/15 14:17:09 PostgreSQL 14.2 (Debian 14.2-1.pgdg110+1)
on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by
gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
2022/09/15 14:17:09
Serving static folder: src/client/dist-static/primeng-quickstart-cli/
Listening on port: :3000

Press Ctrl-C to stop server

8.2. Running the browser app URL localhost:3000

8.3. Testing our webapp tree component generated JSON data

In our webapp, with the Document and Pictures node expanded, click on the Save button. Clicking on the Save button should list the raw JSON data jsonData in the console as shown below.

:webserv src/client/dist-static/primeng-quickstart-cli/
2022/09/15 14:32:10 PostgreSQL 14.2 (Debian 14.2-1.pgdg110+1)
on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc
(Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
2022/09/15 14:32:10
Serving static folder: src/client/dist-static/primeng-quickstart-cli/
Listening on port: :3000
Press Ctrl-C to stop server
2022/09/15 19:15:38 jsonData: [{"label":"Documents","expandedIcon":"pi pi-folder-open","collapsedIcon":"pi pi-folder","data":"Documents Folder","children":[{"label":"Work","expandedIcon":"pi pi-folder-open","collapsedIcon":"pi pi-folder","data":"Work Folder","children":[{"label":"Expenses.doc","icon":"pi pi-file","data":"Expenses Document"},{"label":"Resume.doc","icon":"pi pi-file","data":"Resume Document"}]},{"label":"Home","expandedIcon":"pi pi-folder-open","collapsedIcon":"pi pi-folder","data":"Home Folder","children":[{"label":"Invoices.txt","icon":"pi pi-file","data":"Invoices for this month"}]}],"toexpand":true},{"label":"Pictures","expandedIcon":"pi pi-folder-open","collapsedIcon":"pi pi-folder","data":"Pictures Folder","children":[{"label":"barcelona.jpg","icon":"pi pi-image","data":"Barcelona Photo"},{"label":"logo.jpg","icon":"pi pi-image","data":"PrimeFaces Logo"},{"label":"primeui.png","icon":"pi pi-image","data":"PrimeUI Logo"}],"toexpand":true},{"label":"Movies","expandedIcon":"pi pi-folder-open","collapsedIcon":"pi pi-folder","data":"Movies Folder","children":[{"label":"Al Pacino","data":"Pacino Movies","children":[{"label":"Scarface","icon":"pi pi-video","data":"Scarface Movie"},{"label":"Serpico","icon":"pi pi-video","data":"Serpico Movie"}]},{"label":"Robert De Niro","data":"De Niro Movies","children":[{"label":"Goodfellas","icon":"pi pi-video","data":"Goodfellas Movie"},{"label":"Untouchables","icon":"pi pi-video","data":"Untouchables Movie"}]}]}]

8.4. Open another terminal console

Open another terminal console. In most Linux terminal software this is done by pressing ctrl-t. With a new console, then follow the command line instructions below.

# Alias "psql" should connect us with Postgresql

psql (14.2 (Debian 14.2-1.pgdg110+1))
Type "help" for help.

# Here we query the table "tree_data" for its contents
postgres=# select * from tree_data;
 key | parent |     label      |    icon     |   expandedicon    | collapsedicon |          data           | leaf | toexpand
   1 |      0 | data           |             |                   |               | data                    | f    | t
   2 |      1 | Documents      |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Documents Folder        | f    | t
   3 |      2 | Work           |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Work Folder             | f    | f
   4 |      3 | Expenses.doc   | pi pi-file  |                   |               | Expenses Document       | t    | f
   5 |      3 | Resume.doc     | pi pi-file  |                   |               | Resume Document         | t    | f
   6 |      2 | Home           |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Home Folder             | f    | f
   7 |      6 | Invoices.txt   | pi pi-file  |                   |               | Invoices for this month | t    | f
   8 |      1 | Pictures       |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Pictures Folder         | f    | t
   9 |      8 | barcelona.jpg  | pi pi-image |                   |               | Barcelona Photo         | t    | f
  10 |      8 | logo.jpg       | pi pi-image |                   |               | PrimeFaces Logo         | t    | f
  11 |      8 | primeui.png    | pi pi-image |                   |               | PrimeUI Logo            | t    | f
  12 |      1 | Movies         |             | pi pi-folder-open | pi pi-folder  | Movies Folder           | f    | f
  13 |     12 | Al Pacino      |             |                   |               | Pacino Movies           | f    | f
  14 |     13 | Scarface       | pi pi-video |                   |               | Scarface Movie          | t    | f
  15 |     13 | Serpico        | pi pi-video |                   |               | Serpico Movie           | t    | f
  16 |     12 | Robert De Niro |             |                   |               | De Niro Movies          | f    | f
  17 |     16 | Goodfellas     | pi pi-video |                   |               | Goodfellas Movie        | t    | f
  18 |     16 | Untouchables   | pi pi-video |                   |               | Untouchables Movie      | t    | f
(18 rows)

# To exit out of Postgresql

# Back into our terminal console prompt

With the table tree_data listing above you can try verify the record contents. Check that they correlate with the JSON data in the previous console listing as well as in our tree component state (which node is expanded). Check too for which node are leaves and which are not.

9. Conclusion

Remember that the pgstop alias stops running the postgres14 docker container. To start Postgresql type pgstart. To connect to Postgresql and run SQL commands type psql.

Note that running psql after pgstop results in error because Postgresql is not running. We must run pgstart first before running psql.

To exit out of webserv just press ctrl-c.

Type exit to end our Linux terminal console session, as shown below.

# The pgstop alias stops running the postgres14 docker container

# Note that running psql after pgstop results in error
# because the postgres14 docker container is not running.
Error response from daemon: Container 99571c7ec0fb48e416469f918031ed153ab13dea81fae6ff17237ea1c29dfd75 is not running

# To exit out of Linux terminal console

I hope this tutorial was helpful. This tutorial did try to put into good use your knowledge of Linux, Docker, Git, Angular, PostgreSQL, and Go.

In this tutorial we have covered the following. You can review carefully the individual sections for more clarity.

  1. Introduction
  2. Goal
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Clone this repo
  5. Angular code
  6. Go server code
  7. PostgreSQL code
  8. Running the webserv app
  9. Conclusion

Good luck and happy coding! 😊


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