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A regional and cultural flavor mod for Crusader Kings 3, and the successor to Cybrxkhan's Immersion Pack mods for CK2.

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Mar 2, 2025
900d5c3 · Mar 2, 2025
May 30, 2023
Feb 26, 2025
Mar 2, 2025
Oct 25, 2020
Oct 25, 2020
Nov 20, 2023
Feb 16, 2025
Nov 21, 2024
Nov 21, 2024
Feb 16, 2025
Feb 6, 2025

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Latest Version: Version 1.14.1.b Hotfix for "Padmasambhava" (Released 2/16/25, for vanilla patch 1.14.x)

Newest Flavor Pack: Zhangzhung: Land of Hidden Treasures

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My father is wisdom and my mother is voidness. My country is the country of Dharma. I am of no caste and no creed. I am sustained by perplexity; and I am here to destroy lust, anger and sloth.

– Padmasambhava, 8th century Indian tantric Buddhist master

RICE, or Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment, adds immersion to different regions, cultures, and religions in CK3. As a spiritual successor to my Immersion Packs for CK2, it is a collection of "flavor packs" similar to PI's official flavor pack DLCs. RICE's guiding philosophy is to keep a focused scope that won't change gameplay significantly, but instead adds flavor across the world that is grounded in historical authenticity, especially for lesser-known places, peoples, and histories.

RICE is designed with compatibility in mind, and is technically compatible with most mods; I avoid editing vanilla files to prevent conflicts with other mods. For example, new cultures are added via hidden events at game start instead of directly through province history. If you are a mod author or user and concerned about compatibiliy with RICE, don't hesitate to contact me on the forums or Discord! Also feel free to use my work in your mods - all I ask is that I am credited and (if possible) to give me a heads up.

Manual Installation Steps

DO NOT manually download the master branch unless you know what you're doing as it is a WIP version and not necessarily stable!

  1. Go to and find the latest version you wish to download.
  2. Extract the "RICE" folder and "RICE.mod" file from the .zip file to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod
  3. Launch CKIII and select RICE in the launcher.
  4. Enjoy and play!

The mod folder should look something like this:

NOTE: When re-installing a mod, delete the old version of the mod first before copy and pasting the new one! While it's not always necessary, it's a good habit to do to prevent any potential issues. Additionally, make sure you are not subscribed to the Steam version of the mod, to prevent the launcher from getting confused as to which version to use.

Current Flavor Packs

At the moment, the below RICE flavor packs are included in the mod. There is a RICE Wiki that goes over the mod's features, thanks to feringghithebroken for working on it!

Click to view guides which cover the features in each specific pack in more detail (please note some guides are unfinished and/or out of date).

Latest Changelog

Version 1.14.1.b Hotfix for "Padmasambhava"

  • Added text clarifying that experience in the Sicilian Signore trait is gained through various mechanics related to the Sicilian Frontier struggle
  • Improved compatibility with More Bookmarks+ for the decision to Compile the First Turkic Dictionary
  • Tweaked holy site bonuses of the Kamru holy site (previously was using travel modifiers that don’t work on characters)
  • Fixed Nabati culture appearing in TFE
  • Fixed localization for Burmic priest plural in some cases
  • Fixed erroneous, oudated text saying the Marc'hegion MAA for the Bretons gets better with era
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes

Version 1.14.1.a Hotfix for "Padmasambhava"

  • Khitan Empire now starts with some event troops in 1178
  • Integrated additional Spanish localization thanks to Ferchu
  • Fixed Kimshuism having only two tenets if you play Africa Plus (added Adaptive)
  • Fixed decision to choose a enlightenment deity still costing piety if you have the Assertive Deities doctrine, which is supposed to waive the cost
  • Fixed missing localization for the Kimshuism and Bonanah faiths and West Himalayan religion
  • Fixed missing localization for the Zathapuk monastery decision historical tooltip
  • Fixed the Drokpa MAA requiring the Hussar tradition
  • Fixed Divination intent of the Fulaich Flower Festival activity not having any effect
  • Fixed localization for the Divination intent of the Fulaich Flower Festival activity not showing the correct bonus to chances of gaining the oracle modifier
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes

1.14.1 "Padmasambhava"

  • Added Zhangzhung Flavor Pack: Land of Hidden Treasures
  • Added 5 Tibetan-themed soundtracks
  • Added dna for a few historical characters added by RICE
  • Added fictional Dezawist Darada rulers in Chitral in 867, 1066, 1178
  • Added semi-fictitious non-Islamic Pamiri vassals for Badakhshan in Shughnan and Wakhan in 1066
  • Renamed Buddhist vassal of the Samanids in 867 from the fictitious name to Humar, who is an attested non-Muslim ruler in the region around that time period
  • Thabit ibn Qurra’s wife is now also Syriac like he is if he chooses a Harranian wife in his event chain
  • Revamped Darada namelist with actual Dardic names and dynasties
  • Sicily struggle is now automatically started based on start date after 647 CE, rather than if Fallen Eagle is running or not (should not affect most users, only those that play with TFE or O-Saft-Killer’s 867 and 1066 submod for TFE)
  • Improved randomness of Sicilian stronghold malus events
  • Changed Hindu Shahi rulers to Gandhari culture in 867
  • Buffed victory chances in Palios from various Palio modifiers
  • Slightly buffed victory chances in Palios for players
  • Reduced control malus hit from Sicilian stronghold raids
  • There’s now some slight variety with how much control or development you might lose from Sicilian stronghold raids
  • Buffed the last two perks of the Sicilian Liminality Dynasty legacy
  • Changed defender holding bonus of the Incastellamento perk of the Sicilian Liminality Dynasty legacy to a control growth bonus
  • Chronic Ifriqyan Famines modifiers no longer last forever, instead they last for 30 years from the 1066 start date
  • Decisions to Collaborate with Pirates now clarifies that you will no longer be able to build other special buildings on the province in question
  • Fixed the Sicilian decision to support Salerno’s medical school not actually deducting gold costs
  • Fixed some RICE Dynasty Legacies not being available to adventurers
  • Fixed Siculo-Arabic culture event not properly referencing the Siculo-Arabic/Siqilli culture
  • Fixed Luxor Temple building not being available to Greco-Roman faiths even though they can take the decision to rededicate it to paganism
  • Fixed Mediterranean Pirate decision being available in the Caspian
  • Fixed “Norman Culture and Learning” dynasty modifier rewarded for the Assimilation ending of the Normandy struggle giving renown instead of a legitimacy bonus
  • Fixed Palermo being Ashari Muslim in Fallen Eagle and other mods with early start dates
  • Fixed mismatch for Budivoj/Henry and Krutoj names in aspirations
  • Fixed one of the Zhang families in Dunhuang having Zhu as their admin noble family title
  • Fixed Collaborate with Pirate decisions being available when your capital already has a special building
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes and tweaks


Thanks to all I worked with, took stuff from, and provided me encouragement and feedback over the years. Huge thanks to the kind souls who take the time to translate the mod and put up with my erratic update schedule.

Special thanks in particular to:

  • Atreides for bookmark icons
  • B7E7 for collab and content from BlackEmperor's Africa Plus mod
  • Bonseny for the amazing VIET and RICE logos and the beautiful 3D art assets
  • Celticus for a lot of useful help and suggestions
  • Cruci for grammar fixes and miscellaneous help
  • Diadochi Kings mod (from CK2) for Elamite names
  • DrStein(Dupont) for revamped artwork
  • Eastern Etiquette mod and 🍓白茶 for Chinese history improvements
  • Fische for various building art icons and Vertimnus for donating it to me (originally made for Sinews of War)
  • George Hammond for some music (see here for more of his work)
  • Henry for the Better Bedouin Culture mod
  • Herkles for Dharmachakra stuff and collab
  • KeizerHarm for UI work
  • Klorpa for fixing a lot of typos
  • Lahom for most Native American names
  • Макс for Erzya and Moksha names and info
  • Msl229 for Eastern Europe research and code
  • Naatturi for content from the Ukonusko Overhaul mod
  • Nezaros for religion and bookmark art
  • Nix for Evenki names
  • PinkPanzer for some decision art
  • Rajas of Asia for Asian stuff and collab
  • Shatzi for more Breton content
  • Soraya for a lot of research and code
  • The Fallen Eagle for some icons and collab
  • The Not So Lonely Arrikirri and Tundragrass for help on the Zunbils
  • YTnuBF for Native American ethnicities from the Amerindian Steppe Tribe mod

Special thanks also to the translators who work hard to ensure the mod can be played in other languages, and various playtesters for helping me prepare the updates, including but not limited to Shatzi, O-Saft-Killer, msl229, Nezaros, Dystopianist, Patlichan, and others.


A regional and cultural flavor mod for Crusader Kings 3, and the successor to Cybrxkhan's Immersion Pack mods for CK2.






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