Blazor interop for GoogleMap library
- Add google map script tag to wwwroot/index.html in Client side or _Host.cshtml in Server Side
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
For servers side also needed to link to recourse manually in preview9. This could change in future releases. Add this line into _Host.cshtml
<script src="_content/BlazorGoogleMaps/objectManager.js"></script>
- Use component in client and server side same
@page "/map"
@using GoogleMapsComponents
@using GoogleMapsComponents.Maps
<h1>Google Map</h1>
<GoogleMap @ref="@map1" Id="map1" Options="@mapOptions"></GoogleMap>
@functions {
private GoogleMap map1;
private MapOptions mapOptions;
protected override void OnInitialized()
mapOptions = new MapOptions()
Zoom = 13,
Center = new LatLngLiteral()
Lat = 13.505892,
Lng = 100.8162
MapTypeId = MapTypeId.Roadmap
- Adding Direction Example
@using GoogleMapsComponents
@using GoogleMapsComponents.Maps
<h1>Google Map</h1>
<GoogleMap @ref="@map1" Id="map1" Options="@mapOptions" Height="350" OnAfterInit="@(async () => await OnAfterInitAsync())"></GoogleMap>
<button @onclick="AddDirections">Add Direction</button>
@code {
private GoogleMap map1;
private MapOptions mapOptions;
private DirectionsRenderer dirRend;
protected override void OnInitialized()
mapOptions = new MapOptions()
Zoom = 13,
Center = new LatLngLiteral()
Lat = 40.603629,
Lng = -75.472518
MapTypeId = MapTypeId.Roadmap
private async Task OnAfterInitAsync()
//Create instance of DirectionRenderer
dirRend = await DirectionsRenderer.CreateAsync(map1.JsRuntime, new DirectionsRendererOptions()
Map = map1.InteropObject
private async Task AddDirections()
//Adding a waypoint
var waypoints = new List<DirectionsWaypoint>();
waypoints.Add(new DirectionsWaypoint() { Location = "Bethlehem, PA", Stopover = true } );
//Direction Request
DirectionsRequest dr = new DirectionsRequest();
dr.Origin = "Allentown, PA";
dr.Destination = "Bronx, NY";
dr.Waypoints = waypoints;
dr.TravelMode = TravelMode.Driving;
//Calculate Route
await dirRend.Route(dr);
Adding map in razor page without _Host.cshtml use RenderComponentAsync to render componenent or/and try changing the Rendermode to Server in the host file
- Map
- Marker
- InfoWindow
- Polygon, LineString, Rectangle, Circle
- Routes
- Data
- StreetView
- Places