Nagios plugin to monitor time remaining on a BIG-IQ evaluation license
This plugin is deprecated in favour of the new f5-nagios-bigip-license-monitor
This plugin works almost identically to the BIG-IP version, with the exception of the addition of an optional "-l" parameter. Because BIG-IQ/IWF allows you to select an authentication provider, you'll need a loginReference to use a service account stored in AD. You can get your loginReference by first getting an authentication token as a local administrative user, then cURLing the REST endpoint at https:///mgmt/cm/system/authn/providers/ldap/. It will look something like "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/system/authn/providers/ldap/1a8c2902-d940-4bca-a4b6-c403d62eceed/login".
# 'check_bigiq-license' command definition
define command{
command_name check_bigiq-license
command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$
# Monitor license expiry via iControl
define service{
use generic-service ; Inherit values from a template
hostgroup_name bigiq-hostgroup
service_description license
check_command check_bigiq-license!-u service_account -p "password_here" -l "loginReference here"
normal_check_interval 1440
notification_interval 1440
retry_check_interval 60
Usage: <options>
-H <host>
Mandatory. Specifies the hostname or IP address to check.
-u <usermame>
Mandatory. Specifies the iControl user account username.
-p <password>
Mandatory. Specifies the iControl user account password.
-l <loginReference>
Optional. Specifies the loginReference for non-local user authentication
in URI format.
-w <warn_threshold>
Optional. Specifies the warning threshold in days. If not specified, the
value of DEFAULT_WARN_THRESHOLD is used instead.
-c <crit_threshold>
Optional. Specifies the critical threshold in days. If not specified, the
value of DEFAULT_CRIT_THRESHOLD is used instead.