CyberTrivia is a simple React application to create a trivia board game from a generic YAML file with the:
- questions
- answers
- points
The YAML file must have the following structure:
- question:
- <Question 1>
- <Option 1>
- <Option 2>
- ...
- <Answer 1>
- <Answer 2>
- ...
points: <Points>
- question:
- <Question 2>
- <Option 1>
- <Option 2>
- ...
- <Answer 1>
- <Answer 2>
- ...
points: <Points>
Here is a description of these fields:
- Category: Represents the category of the trivia questions.
- Question: The trivia question itself.
- Option: Multiple options for the question (if applicable, leave blank otherwise).
- Answer: The correct answer(s) for the question.
- Points: The number of points awarded for answering the question correctly.
To use the "Cyber Trivia" application:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install the necessary dependencies:
yarn install
- Start the application:
yarn dev
- Access the application in your web browser at http://localhost:5173
- Prepare a YAML file following the structure mentioned above.
- In the application, click on the "Nuova Partita" button.
- Drag & Drop the YAML file.
- Enjoy the game!
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request. When contributing to this repository, please follow the existing code style, conventions, and Git workflow.
Developed by Angelo Delicato @SecSI
This project is licensed under the MIT License.