ULP to create a panelized array of a PCB.
Changes in this version by CharlesVanDen:
Issue: if the user's units are not MIL, the created panelized PCB will have the wrong size (way too big) Solution: Add GRID MIL 50 2 in the beginning of the script
Issue: If the library's name contains one or more spaces, the script will not work Solution: Put the component's name between single quotes
Issue: The command LINE is unknown in Eagle 7.2.0 Solution: replace LINE by WIRE
Issue: the defaults for x/y array size are 0, which is not practicle Solution: replace the defaults by 1,1
Issue: If the user's units are not mil, but e.g. mm, the dialog box will show the word 'mm', but the actual values are still interpreted as mil Solution: calculate back to mil from the user's units
Issue: the approximate board size is only shown in mil, not in mm Solution: also show the approximate board size in mm
Based on original work by:
Author: Maurice SAAB (Lebanon) [email protected]
Edited By: Todd Beyer (USA) [email protected]
Edited By: Thomas M. Sasala (USA) (cyberreefguru)
Enter the variable values, confirm the settings, and click OK. A script will be created at the destination location. Once the script is generated, open a new board and run the script. You can use the source board if you set the origin so it won't conflict with the original board.
Origin - where to start the panel array. Usually (0,0) or (0,0) plus the height of the current board.
Columns - Number of boards to make in the X direction.
Rows - Number of boards to make in the Y direction.
X Spacing - Distance between boards in X direction.
Y Spacing - Distance between boards in Y direction.