CNURR is an automated crawler for backing up your team pads in old EtherPad.
As of now, more and more servers hosting old EtherPad decide to shut it down due to well-known performance and security problems.
You can use it from commandline or by writing your input.txt
My input.txt
looks like:
# Domains
-t [email protected] password
-a -f -t [email protected] password
# Standalone pads
-r pad_1 pad_2 pad_3
python -h
shows you help.
Why would I want to back it up using this tool, if there is standard export tool?
Default export of old EtherPad completely misses the changes and, most importantly, author data.
What of passworded pads?
I'm not totally sure, but it looks that either entered password is connected to the username, not the cookie set, or that admin access to the 'restore pad' somehow circumvents password requirements.