ARCHIVED - angular-libphonenumber - AngularJS input masks for phone numbers
ARCHIVAL NOTE - This library was written for Angular 1, which goes EOL at the end of this year. Also, I've been so out of the UI programming game for so long, I wouldn't know if this worked anyways.
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angular-libphonenumber is an angular directive that can be used as an input mask.
By default, all numbers are formatted in US format, but the format can be set with
the country-code
descriptor. It uses
nathanhammond/libphonenumber as a formatter
for phone number's, which calls
Google's libphonenumber
to format numbers as you type them.
View a demo here
Using Bower:
bower install --save angular-libphonenumber
You then must decide what version of libphonenumber you want. There are two included, and you must include one of them in your application before angular-libphonenumber:
- dist/libphonenumber.js - only includes the libphonenumber code needed for typeahead to work
- dist/libphonenumber.full.js - includes all libphonenumber functionality including typeahead
<!-- Use either -->
<script src="./<path_to_bower_components>/angular-libphonenumber/dist/libphonenumber.full.js" />
<!-- OR -->
<script src="./<path_to_bower_components>/angular-libphonenumber/dist/libphonenumber.js" />
<!-- THEN -->
<script src="./<path_to_bower_components>/angular-libphonenumber/dist/angular-libphonenumber.min.js" />
Then include it in your angular application:
angular.module('myModule', ['cwill747.phonenumber']);
- You need to get the user's country code from somewhere. Where you do that is up to you (setting, local storage, angular-translate, or just another input box):
<input type="text" ng-model="countrycode" />
- Then you just apply the input mask to any input box:
<input type="text" ng-model="phoneNumber" phone-number country-code="countrycode" />
If you are having any questions or issues getting things to work, you can:
- Ask a question in stackoverflow under the angular-libphonenumber tag.
Project's issue on GitHub should be used discuss bugs and features.
We welcome any contributions to the project. Please check the for contribution guidelines.
Check out our contributors here
- Install Node.js and NPM (should come with)
- Install global dev dependencies:
npm install -g gulp karma
- Install local dev dependencies:
npm install
while current directory is angular-libphonenumber repo
- Build the whole project:
- this will runjshint
, andbuild
- Use GitHub's release tool to draft and publish a release. I like the format better than changelogs.