This repo was created to identify a bug that was squashed with [email protected]. See #2929 for details.
Using the gatsby-transformer-javascript-static-exports plugin allows us to add "frontmatter" to js files that can be targeted with GraphQL queries.
When paths to image files are included in the frontmatter, queries to them should return ImageSharp
nodes. In practice however, this often produces an error with message Path must be a string. Received undefined
In my experience the behavior is inconsistent. Sometimes the images are returned as expected. Sometimes my component receives the expected image nodes and renders properly, but running the same query in GraphiQL produces the error.
Often, making seemingly minor changes to the query produces a different outcome. For example, changing sizes( quality: 90 )
to sizes( quality: 80 )
may result in the expected behavior where before the error was produced. Stoping and restarting the development server with gatsby develop
has similarly unpredictable results.
// specify frontmatter = {
title: 'First Post',
coverImage: './cover-first-post.jpg'
// query frontmatter
allJsFrontmatter {
edges {
node {
data {
coverImage {
childImageSharp {
// frequent error
"errors": [
"message": "Path must be a string. Received undefined",
"locations": [
"line": 7,
"column": 11
"path": [