Computer Vision Group, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Authors: Christoph Goering, Erik Rodner, Alexander Freytag
contact: [email protected]
- vlfeat - for extracting features -
- yael - fast, multithreaded k-means -
- opencv - only used for grabcut -
- liblinear -
- color names -
- if installed, the parallel toolbox can be used. just uncomment the parfor in vlfeatExtractFeatures and vlfeatCreateCodebook
- mex-wrapper for grabcut needs to be compiled before first use
recRate = experimentParts('cub200_2011',nrClasses, ...
config, configParts)
- nrClasses = 200 | 14 | 3
- config - parameters to influence extraction of global features, a list can be found in experimentGeneral_extractGlobalFeatures.m
- configParts - for features extracted form parts, list can be found in experimentGeneral_extractPartFeatures.m
- use default values:
recRate = experimentParts('cub200_2011',nrClasses, ...
struct([]), struct([]))
- do not use global features:
recRate = experimentParts('cub200_2011',nrClasses, ...
struct('useGlobal','no'), struct([]))
- do not use part features:
recRate = experimentParts('cub200_2011',nrClasses, ...
struct([]), struct('useParts','none'))
- use part features, estimated using nearest neighbour:
recRate = experimentParts('cub200_2011',nrClasses, ...
struct([]), struct('useParts','nn'))
- do not use grabcut segmentation:
recRate = experimentParts('cub200_2011',nrClasses, ...
struct('preprocessing_useMask','none'), ...
- use the k-best part estimations:
recRate = experimentParts_knn('cub200_2011',nrClasses, ...
struct([]), struct([]))
The algorithm is described in detail in the corresponding paper, here, we just give a very brief overview and mention some additional aspects:
- opoonentSift and colorname features are used
- classification is done using liblinear and an approximated chi square kernel
- global features can be extracted from the whole image, the provided bounding box, or from a grabcut segmentation
- left and right instances of part features are pooled
- for classification all features are concatenated
- part transfer is based on HOG feature matching