Releases: curvenote/article
Style and bug fixes.
🔐 NPM security updates
🔄 Bring the setup
function inside of register
- This ensures the store is setup with the right provider.
- There was a bug when mutiple copies of the runtime were installed.
🆙 Fix the position of nested data in the equation.
- When editing nested elements would not be in the right position.
🧶 Switch to yarn
🧹 Improve linting.
⬇️ Margin bottom in article quote p
✏️Refactor chart --> svg for library
🐛 Fix when there are no headers or links.
- See #16
🚀 Bump version to 0.2.7
- Botched the publish of the dist folder 🤫
Navigation and Card resizing
New Features
- 🃏Flex-box resizing of cards
- 🚦Navigation improvements to responsiveness
- 🕶Better styles for aside and definition list
- #️⃣Go to Hash function in setup
- 🕶Article and aside spacing
Breaking Changes
- 🔄Rename font css variables
Major overhaul
New Packages
- Package has been renamed from
- There are a few other packages added:
Deals with the reactivity of components@iooxa/components
Base components hooked up to reactivity@iooxa/svg
Diagrams and reactive svg components@iooxa/article
That is this one! Includes all of the above and exposesiooxa
in your window
New Features and Major Changes
- Performance improvements - only render the components that actually changed! 🚀
- Execution is now in the main context by default and can access scripts defined there (see #12)
- Opinionated styles are removed (e.g. color, font), and these can be overridden with css vars
- Packages are now in typescript 🎉
- All components are prefixed with
, rather than the previousink-
- The
syntax has changed slightly, see below
New Components
Working with material web components to bring new components!
- material UI switch<r-checkbox>
- material UI checkbox<r-radio>
- material UI radio<r-select>
- material UI select box #9<r-input>
- material UI textarea<r-visible>
- Div that makes things invisible on demand
New Documentation
See for up to date documentation.
Changes to Article - Use more HTML!
- Now using
- Now using
for both asides and callouts.<aside class="callout info">
- These are now just plain CSS - so should be easy for people to re-theme
no longer suffers from a 1-frame lag- Outline see #2
- Helper functions to render math inline.
- Updated the svg library. See
Runtime State
I have moved to a single redux store to manage the state. This is split up into {variables, components}
the low-level interface looks like:
const x = store.dispatch(runtime.actions.createVariable('scope.x', 3));
const max = store.dispatch(runtime.actions.createVariable('scope.max', 9));
const range = store.dispatch(runtime.actions.createComponent(
'range', 'scope.myRange',
{ value: { func: 'x' }, min: { value: 1 }, max },
{ change: { func: '{x: value}' } },
// Can set/get the properties
const { min, max } = range.state;
A version of this will be exposed in the window as iooxa
so that you can get/set variables in other programs which is needed for more control: (e.g. see #12 #10).
Creating a new component
I have added a base-class BaseComponent
that does the generic registering and unregistering of the component as well as a class wrapper @withRuntime
that injects properties that you define in a ComponentSpec
and give the relevant setters/getters for properties and events as well as playing nice with lit-element. The basics of this new setup gets the boiler-plate from 74 --> 18 lines of code (~25% of the size). The @withRuntime
wrapper I think is also more accessible (to debug etc.) than what I had before.
export const DisplaySpec = {
name: 'display',
description: 'Inline display of values',
properties: {
value: { type: types.PropTypes.number, default: NaN },
format: { type: types.PropTypes.string, default: '.1f' },
events: {},
class Display extends BaseComponent<typeof DisplaySpec> {
updated(updated: PropertyValues) { onBindChange(updated, this); }
render() {
const { value, format } = this.$runtime!.state;
return html`${formatter(value, format)}`;
Other Details
- Packages are now in typescript 🎉
- Packages are now linted (with
)! - Included testing for the store and evaluation scripts
- Move to a redux architecture that can include the evaluate middleware or not. (by default this will be included)
- single file for each component
- Removed boiler-plate code for creating components, including fighting with typescript generics so new components don't have too!!!
Breaking Changes
There were a couple of issues with the previous naming conventions. It was is not specific enough for multiple event types (hover, drag, click, etc.) and there is no option for being able to add named components. This could be very helpful to react to events when a component enters the screen, show the component.min
value, etc. The previous name
attribute was used to set :value="${name}"
and bind="{[name]: value}"
which amounted to two way binding in the component. This was a handy shortcut and I think it should stay, however, be renamed to bind
now that events are explicitly named.
for components will now be used for the actual name of the component (should be unique in that scope)- introducing named
, which will allow components to have multiple types of events bind
is used as the default event type on components that allow it.
Previous version:
When you eat <r-dynamic name="cookies" min="2" max="100"> cookies</r-dynamic>,
you consume <r-display :value="cookies * 50" format=".0f"/></r-display> calories.
Changes to:
When you eat <r-dynamic bind="cookies" min="2" max="100"> cookies</r-dynamic>,
you consume <r-display :value="cookies * 50" format=".0f"/></r-display> calories.
This is equivalent to:
When you eat <r-dynamic :value="cookies" :change="{cookies: value}" min="2" max="100"> cookies</r-dynamic>,
you consume <r-display :value="cookies * 50" format=".0f"/></r-display> calories.
Action / Button
The bind
syntax doesn't make sense for the r-action
and r-button
components, it should really be an event and there isn't a value to "bind" to. This should change to :click
to return an event transform object. There is also a :hover
- The
is an evaluated string, and has been renamed to:transform
The resume styles/functions have temporarily been removed.
Deprecated Components
: please use "float: right" on a button preceding an h2 elementink-span
: please user-visible
: please user-visible
: please user-visible
: please user-visible
Ink Anchors
Chart Updates
Readme and pointer updates
Getting to read the correct version of the javascript.
Initial release to npm and web-components
Ink is now released on and on npm.