An active, public list of project ideas related to NFCxZK. We are aiming to get more visibility and activity around the intersection of NFC and ZK technologies. Please reach to [email protected] with any interest or join the PSE discord!
- ID/contact cards
- More integration with payment/social
- Loyalty programs
- Mailable starter pack / care package
- Set of signature-enabeld cards
- Instructions for how to distribute and use
- Parterning with city tourism
- Map of activities
- Tap into a bunch of different places
- Rewards for engaging with community
- Interoperable signatures
- Cities don't need to agree on same data layer to build interoperable / pokedex style connections
- Private social graphs
- Proof of humanity
- Community organizers
- Creating subgroups in a verifiable and private way
- Rewarding strong community members
- Social media experience
- Seeing what you have in common with your friends
- Snap map with consent
- More granular private stories / photo albums
- Can have more specific groups to share photos with
- Can be a feed or a story
- Different form factors
- Creating a sense of the app being alive when data is private and can only be revealed by ZK proofs
- Hardware investigations
- Improving the speed and efficiency of generating signatures via tap
- Witness encryption to BLS signatures
- Private set intersection between collections of signatures
- 2PC to recommend activities for two different people based on what they have done