The AgileVehicle Project, an automated road vehicle that take you wherever your destination is in whatever attitude you want.
Coming soon.
##Linux Prerequisites For Ubuntu and other Debian based users, please run the following command to ensure everything is set up:
sudo apt-get install g++ arduino libsdl2-dev
##Directory Structure
####/SteeringWheelControl Controlling the suspnsion-motor assembly with Logitech G29 and Arduino. Added force feedback but not tested.
####/Arduino The Arduino code for the function above.
####/ROS ROS implementation of the system. Catkin workspace.
IMPORTANT Please properly setup ROS (version: kinetic kame), please refer to official documents and tutorials at:
ROS based Arduino code able to transmit data at 30Hz. Run ./bootstrap
to prepare the system.
#####/ROS/src Home to ROS packages and services. Currently including:
/ROS/src/steering_wheel: Steering Wheel Control Utilities which should read Logitech G29 data and publish it using custom message prescribed in
under topicWheelControl
(DONE), or in One-Wheel-Debug mode, publish directly toWheelControl
topic which is anInt32MultiArray
and directly received by Arduino, see Arduino code for reference (UNDONE).
/ROS/src/dyna_core: dynamic/kinematic control algorithms which subscribes the data from Arduino at four wheels and topic
, calculates the state of the vehicle, and publish data underWheelControl
Future packages: setup module which should be breaken away from steering_wheel, and vision navigation packages.
####/libelas Integration of OpenCV in libelas, merged libelas-gpu to implement CUDA, merged robotology/stereo-vision and working on migration from yarp to ROS interface. Untested.
####/LogitechFFDrivers Logitech G29 drivers source and interface for force feedback.