The aim of this application is to discover potential areas of knowledge and similar research areas based on keywords of research papers.
The data is extracted from an SPARQL endpoint:
You could execute this query to get last results:
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX bibo: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name ?author ?publication ?title (group_concat(distinct ?keyword;separator=", ") as ?keywords)
graph <> {
?author foaf:name ?name.
?author foaf:publications ?publication.
?publication dct:title ?title.
?publication bibo:Quote ?keyword.
} GROUP BY ?name ?author ?publication ?title
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX bibo: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT distinct ?name ?author ?publication (group_concat(distinct ?tit;separator = ",") as ?title) (group_concat(distinct ?keyword;separator=",") as ?keywords)
?author foaf:publications ?publication.
?author foaf:name ?name.
?publication bibo:Quote ?keyword.
?publication dct:title ?tit.
} GROUP BY ?author ?publication ?name
For the experiment I try with this dataset.
System Requirements
- Java JRE 1.7.0_45 or superior
- Maven 3 or superior
- Java Application Server (Tomcat 7.x, Jetty 6.x or GlassFish 4.x)