FlashApp is an android application to help improve memory and learning thanks to the use of virtual flashcards
In the main screen there is the button to add the new collection.
Attention: deck information cannot currently be changed.
The tag information is free text which at the moment its creation will not affect the operation of the application.
Tag works even as a description.
At the bottom right there is the button to add new cards, you can only upload images in the application.
Blank cards cannot be added.
Press "Jouer" and enjoy!
Look at the question, press "tourner" when you think you know the answer and indicate whether you did it right or not. When you run out of cards you will see your result.
If you want to build the apk locally, you need to add a file called "local.properties" in the top level folder with the string inside: "sdk.dir = /home/USER/Android/Sdk".
Warning: "USER" must be replaced with the name of your Linux account.
For Windows and Mac I leave you the link to solve the problem
Here are some demo screenshots showcasing the main features of Flashapp:
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