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Using a Raspberry Pi

ads1230 edited this page Aug 10, 2019 · 11 revisions

Generic Install Instructions

Before running Tuya-Convert, you need to disconnect the Pi from its Wi-Fi network, enabling the required vtrust-flash WiFi network to broadcast correctly. There are multiple ways of doing this:

Warning You will need to be connected via Ethernet or "USB Gadget mode" to continue use after disabling wifi.

  1. Via GUI: connect via VNC viewer, click the Wifi Icon, select your network and disconnect.

  2. Via SSH/Terminal: paste the command sudo killall wpa_supplicant

  3. Via SSH/Terminal: - type sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

                    - Delete the wifi network block including network={}
                    - Close the file (ctrl x, y, enter)

You can now follow the instructions on the main page.

Pi Zero W (Epicka Smart Plug)

Process to flash EPicka smart plugs ( )

I used a Pi Zero W to flash. Here are high level steps..

  • install raspian lite
  • setup USB Gadget mode (unless you have keyboard/monitor). It might give you self assigned IP instead of regular network IP. That's okay. You can still ssh to pi.
  • You will have to kill wpa_supplicant otherwise wifi hotspot will not start.

sudo killall wpa_supplicant

Since you are connected using usb-gadget mode, your ssh session will still work.

  • Follow main tuya-convert steps.
  • Make sure to flash with user2 mode otherwise you will brick your smart plugs.