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Flashing of WiFi Switch with a Raspberry Pi

Gianluca Sabella edited this page Sep 20, 2020 · 16 revisions

Background information

There are many similar devices made by the same big company (Tuya) and redistributed by 3rd parties companies (like Sonoff, AVATTO, ...). These devices are natively integrated with the Tuya cloud which can operate the device remotely. For example, from the cloud it's possible to upload a new firmware via OTA.

If you consider this to be unsecure and a kind of leakage in your home network, you can flash the device with a open source firmware (Tasmota) which can be operated locally on your network, does not require a cloud, and can be integrated locally with other system like Domoticz, Home Assistant, Alexa, Google.

Devices produced up to early 2020, could be flashed with a Tuya cloud simulator, e.g. tuya-convert. The vulnerability has been fixed and tuya-convert cannot works anymore (see #483).

If you want to flash the Tasmota firmware, you need to open the device and connect a serial device (like a Raspberry PI) to the test points. A bit of reverse engineering needs to be done to map the testing point to the ESP chip pins.

For the ESP pinout, you need to check the Espressif datasheet. See for example:

This page applyes to a specific device: DEVICE


Configure Raspberry PI switching ttyAMA and ttyS0 serials

Follow one of these procedures to edit /boot/config.ini and /boot/cmdline.txt

In alternative, you can use any USB Serial devices or an Arduino serial


For this device the connection scheme is:

  • connect RPI GPIO 5V to pin 3 of 5V/3V converted
  • connect RPI GPIO TX to ESP serial RX
  • connect RPI GPIO RX to ESP serial TX
  • connect RPI GPIO GND to ESP GND

In order to make the reverse enginnering of the connection, you need to identify the test point and to follow the path up to the ESP pins. IN this example:

Device board

1 The test point are the circle in the bottom right part 3

Zoom on the test points


Connection to the Rasperry Pi serial


Procedure step by step

  1. switch on the device with ESP GPIO0 shortcut on GND; this can be done by pressing the device button
  2. run esptool and flash the firmware erase_flash write_flash -fm dout 0x0 tasmota.bin

1 2 3 4 DEVICE

Post firmware flashing

There a couple of additional step to configure your new tasmota devices. For example you need to explain to the firware what is the expected action to execute when the button is pressed (i.e. seitch the relee). There is a procedure in the Tasmota wiki which explain how to reverse engineering the internal device GPIO connections. Once you have done, you can create a template to be uploaded to any equivalent device. For this specific device the template is: {"NAME":"Switch","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,0,17,0,0,21,0,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}