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Compatible devices (HTTPS firmware)

AtmanActive edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 137 revisions

The following devices are produced by Tuya and can be flashed with third-party firmware. It is recommended that you make a backup of the factory firmware in the event that you need to revert to it should the third-party firmware not function properly with your device.

Since Tasmota version, the firmware supports templates for configuring unsupported devices. Templates are easily configurable using the web UI. It is recommended to use templates instead of changing Generic Module (18) GPIO assignments. Tasmota Device Templates Repository maintains a list of templates for Tasmota as well as a list of unsupported devices (ones without and ESP82xx chip). There are numerous devices based on Tuya Wi-Fi modules. It may not be possible for all of them to work as expected with Tasmota. If you have a new device that does not have an existing template, you may refer to Configure Unknown Device guide to configure the device.


Success? Vendor Area Device Name GPIOs Picture Notes
Yes Anoopsyche EU AWP08L GPIO 04: Button1. GPIO 05: LED1 inverted. GPIO 12: Relay1. AWP08L 16A 3680W. Ordered in July 2019 from Amazon. Attention: different GPIO-Layout than AWP08L plug sold in france.
Yes AOFO UK ZLD-44UK-W 0,56,0,17,23,24,0,0,22,21,33,0,0 ZLD-44UK-W Ordered in January 2020 from Amazon.
Yes Yagala UK SWB3 0,0,53,0,0,23,0,0,21,0,22,24,0 Yagala SWB3 Sep. 2020 Amazon.
Yes Aoycocr US X5P 56,0,57,0,0,0,0,0,0,17,0,21,0 / GPIO00:Led1i, GPIO02:Led2i, GPIO13:Button1, GPIO15:Relay1 AoycocrX5P Ordered Dec. 2019 from Amazon
Yes AVATTO EU JH-G01E 1:CSE7766Tx, 3:CSE7766Rx, 12:Button1, 13:Led1i, 14:Relay1
Yes Bakibo EU TP2201 Use "Teckin" module
Yes BlitzWolf CN BW-SHP5 Blitzwolf - BW-SHP5
Yes BlitzWolf CN BW-SHP6 Blitzwolf - BW-SHP6
Yes BlitzWolf DE BW-SHP7 Blitzwolf - BW-SHP7
Yes BN-Link US BNC-60 BN-Link - BNC-60
Yes Brilliant AU Smart Wifi Plug and USB Charger 20676/05 5: Relay1, 13: Led1i, 14: Button1 Brilliant Smart Wifi Plug with USB photo
Yes CE (Costco) CA Wifi power bar LTS-6A-W5 0: LED1i, 14: Relay1 (Left), 12: Relay2, 13: Relay3, 4: Relay4, 5: Relay5, 16: Button1i
No Dwfeng US Amazon Wifi smart plug 2 packs GPIOs Previously reported as working, but units purchased in December 2019 were based on Realtek chips, not ESPs
Yes Gosund EU SP1
Yes Gosund EU SP111 Original version with 2300W max
Yes Gosund EU SP111 v2 "New" version of the SP111, 3450W max
No Gosund EU SP112 Previously reported as working but a July 2020 Amazon order came with a new firmware that prevents flashing via tuya-convert
Yes Generic EU ebay Mini Smart Socket - RGBW, USB Mini Smart Socket LED night-light with USB charging socket and 10A relay
No Generic UK Smart Plug with Energy Monitoring - G type plug Bad Type G Smart Plug Purchased in UAE, Tuya-Convert failed with logs saying it isn't ESP82xx-based.
Yes* LSC EU Power Plug 0,255,0,255,56,0,0,0,21,0,17,0,0 LSC Smart Connect - Power Plug The new versions do not have an ESP chip and are NOT supported!
Yes Luminea EU NX-4491 Configure by Template; 2: LED1i, 13: Button1, 15: Relay1 Sold by Pearl as "SF-450.avs"
Yes Medion AU Smart Plug S85225 3:Button1, 4:BL0937CF, 5:HLWBLCF1, 12:HLWBL SELi, 13: Led1i, 14: Relay1
Yes Neo EU Coolcam 16A
No Nooie US PA10 UNSUPPORTED: Non-ESP chip (RTL8710BN)
No* Teckin EU SP21 *New version with non-ESP chip on the market
Yes* Teckin EU SP22 *New version with non-ESP chip on the market
Yes Teckin UK SP23-2-D
Yes Teckin US SS31 4:Led1i, 5:Led2i, 12:Relay1, 13:Button1, 14:Relay2, SS31 Outdoor Dual Plug SS31 Template
Yes Teckin EU SS42
No Teckin CA SP10 Not using ESP82XX, FW 1.0.3, Previous version has been seen with ESP
No* Teckin UK SP27 SP27 Rapid flashes for a long time without Tuya-Convert. Rapid flashing stops, no progress, with Tuya-Convert. *Have not done a tear down to determine module.
Yes Vivitar US HA-7001 0: LED1i, 4: Relay2i, 5: Button1, 12: Relay4i, 13: Relay3i, 14: Relay5i, 16: Relay1 Vivitar HA-1007
No ZooZee EU SE131 Not using ESP82XX
No Generic CN AWP08L-like - AWP08L-like not ESP Similar as AWP08L from AliExpress (shop smartgorilla dropshipping Store). Failed as not using ESP chip. May be newer version.
Yes Espressi UK TP24 TP24


Success? Vendor Area Device Name GPIOs Picture Notes
Yes Iotton US Iotton Smart Light Bulb 0,0,0,0,37,38,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Tasmota template: {"NAME":"Iotton Light","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,37,38,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}
Yes Teckin UK SB50 255,255,255,255,37,255,255,255,38,40,39,255,255
Yes Bneta ZA A60/IO-WIFI-GU10 255,255,255,255,140,37,0,0,38,142,141,255,255
Yes Bneta ZA IO-WIFI60-E27P 255,255,255,255,37,41,255,255,38,40,39,255,255
Yes Feit US BPA800/RGBW/AG/2(P) 255,255,255,255,37,38,255,255,141,142,140,255,255 Used tuya-convert development branch from commit 69ea7d3d2604e00c195c615223085bba3dd605f4 #6534Tasmota Template
Yes Generic EU darty Onearz Connect OECO_LB9WCCT 0,0,0,0,140,37,0,0,38,142,141,0,0 darty link
Yes Generic (also Avatar) EU RGBCW GU10 0,255,0,255,40,0,0,0,38,39,37,0,0 Generic GU10 WiFi Works before firmware 1.0.2, LEDs turn on full brightness when no PWM signal is given (power on), see ebay link amazon link
Yes LSC EU Filament E14 0,255,0,255,0,0,0,0,38,0,37,0,0 LSC Smart Connect - Filament E14
Yes LSC EU Filament M E27 0,255,0,255,0,0,0,0,38,0,37,0,0 LSC Smart Connect - Filament E27 Normal
Yes LSC EU Filament L E27 0,255,0,255,0,0,0,0,38,0,37,0,0 LSC Smart Connect - Filament E27 L
Yes LSC EU Filament XL E27 0,255,0,255,0,0,0,0,38,0,37,0,0 LSC Smart Connect - Filament E27 XL
Yes LSC EU Filament XXL E27 0,255,0,255,0,0,0,0,38,0,37,0,0 LSC Smart Connect - Filament E27 XXL
Yes LSC EU RGBW E14 0,255,0,255,0,0,0,0,181,0,180,0,0 LSC Smart Connect - RGBW E14 See #6495
Yes LSC EU RGBW GU10 0,255,0,255,0,0,0,0,181,0,180,0,0 LSC Smart Connect - RGBW GU10 See #6495
No LSC EU W GU10 n/a LSC Smart Connect - W GU10 Unknown
No LSC EU RGBW E27 n/a LSC Smart Connect - RGBW E27 Contains RTL8710BN
No LSC EU Ceiling Fixture W n/a LSC Smart Connect - Ceiling Fixture W Contains RTL8710BN, but easily replaceable with ESP-12
No LSC EU Ceiling Fixture RGBCCT 0,255,0,255,0,0,0,0,181,0,180,0,0 LSC Smart Connect - Ceiling Fixture RGBCCT Contains TYCL5 & SM2135
Yes Teckin EU SP50 Smart RGB Bulb E27 uses Protocol 2.2
Yes Brilliant EU RGBW E14 HK17653S72 255,255,255,255,37,40,255,255,38,255,39,255,255
No Twoon US XZ-190 says not ESP chip in logs Amazon
Yes Novostella US HM-FL36-RGBCW-US-2/RGBCW 0,0,0,0,37,40,0,0,38,41,39,0,0 Novostella 20W Flood Light Tasmota Template To enter pairing mode turn the device on, off, on, off, on
No LUMIMAN US LM530 LM530-4p-us Flashing hangs after initial firmware uploads. Other folks mentioned progress using this method on other devices, but I was not successful.
Yes NiteBird US TT-WB4 0,0,0,0,40,0,0,0,37,38,39,0,0 TT-WB4 Ordered Feb. 2020 from Amazon
NO! Miboxer Aliexpress WL5 Unsupported, based on WR3 RTL8710BN
Yes Elari RU SmartLED Filament E27 [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,56,0,46,0,0,0] SmartLED Filament E27 To enter pairing mode switch on and off 5 times
No LVWIT EU GU10 RGB+CCT 5W 350lm firmware sold after Jun 2020 not vulnerable
No LVWIT EU E14 RGB+CCT 5W 470lm firmware sold after Jun 2020 not vulnerable, earlier firmware did work
No LVWIT EU E27 A60 RGB+CCT 8.5W 806lm firmware sold after Jun 2020 not vulnerable, earlier firmware did work
No Brizlabs EU E14 RGB+WW 5W 350lm firmware sold after Jun 2020 not vulnerable, earlier firmware did work

LED Strips

Success? Vendor Area Device Name GPIOs Picture Notes
Yes LSC EU 970750 51,255,255,255,37,255,255,255,38,40,39,255,255 LSC Smart Connect - LED Strip IR Rules


Success? Vendor Area Device Name GPIOs Picture Notes
Yes MoesHouse CN MS-105 (rev.2?) GPIO01 = TuyaTX (107), GPIO03 = TuyaRX (108) This 1 Gang Dimmer looks different from most sources I could find.
Yes Generic UK 4 gang WiFi Switch (No Neutral) TuyaMCU Flash completed successfully, set up Tasmota in TuyaMCU mode
Yes Jinvoo EU Curtain WiFi Switch 52,0,0,10,22,11,0,0,9,21,0,23,0 Issue this in console: SwitchMode 3 - Interlock 1 - LedPower 0 - SetOption31 1 - PulseTime1 130 (amount of seconds for curtain movement + 100 i.e. 30sec + 100 = 130) - PulseTime2 1 - Pulsetime3 130 (amount of seconds for curtain movement + 100 i.e. 30sec + 100 = 130) - SaveOption 1
Yes Jinvoo EU 1 gang WiFi Switch 52,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,21,0,0,0
Yes Jinvoo EU 2 gang WiFi Switch 52,0,0,10,22,0,0,0,9,21,0,0,0
Yes Jinvoo EU 3 gang WiFi Switch 52,0,0,10,22,11,0,0,9,21,0,23,0
Yes Whpuliao EU Bulb Socket 17,255,0,255,0,0,0,0,21,56,0,0,0 Module type: Slampher (9) tested successfully with tasmota


Success? Vendor Area Device Name GPIOs Picture Notes
No Arlec AU Grid Connect 40cm SMART Pedestal Fan Does not use ESP82XX
Yes Geek Aire US Geek Aire Fan, Air Circulator TuyaMCU


Success? Vendor Area Device Name GPIOs Picture Notes
No LSC EU Siren n/a LSC Smart Connect - Siren Contains RTL8710BN, but easily replaceable with ESP-12
Yes LSC EU Smart Movement Sensor (5 meters) V1.0 unknown Flashing OTA works, but decouple the battery and power the board with 3.3V & GND to prevent deep sleep.
Yes Generic EU Wi-Fi Smart IR Controller SRW-001 (I bought it from AliExpress) The YTF IR Bridge Tasmota module works perfectly Please make sure you upgrade the Tasmota firmware to Tasmota-IR
Yes Moes/Beca EU MOES WiFi Smart Thermostat (BHT-002-GCLW) My variant was: 5A for boiler heating white N/A Use tuya-convert to flash this firmware: Tasmota will NOT work.