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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

bug | 错误,故障
bug | 错误,故障
错误,故障 | Something isn't working
Pull requests that update a dependency file
documentation | 文档相关
documentation | 文档相关
文档相关 | Improvements or additions to documentation
duplicate | issue 或者 pr 已经存在
duplicate | issue 或者 pr 已经存在
issue 或者 pr 已经存在 | This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement | 新功能需求
enhancement | 新功能需求
新功能需求 | New feature or request
evaluation required | 需要评估
evaluation required | 需要评估
需要评估 | evaluation required
invalid | 无效的
invalid | 无效的
无效的 | This doesn't seem right
question | 需要更多信息
question | 需要更多信息
需要更多信息 | Further information is requested
wontfix | 无法解决
wontfix | 无法解决
无法解决 | This will not be worked on