Analysing driller’s logs is a tedious and repetitive task in many groundwater modelling projects. Automating the process of extracting useful information from driller's logs allows spending less time on manual data wrangling, more time on its interpretation, and enhances the reproducibility of the analysis.
This package combines features to:
- perform natural language processing on lithology descriptions in the logs, to detect primary and secondary lithologies
- apply supervised machine learning to interpolate lithologies across a 3D grid
- visualise interactively the 3D data
An introductory sample workflow gives an overview of some of these capabilities.
MIT (see License.txt)
The documentation includes the API documentation.
Some notebook tutorials are hosted in a separate github repository pyela-doc. pyela-doc includes quick setup instructions with conda.
Get a quick tour of some legacy visualisations. Visualisation features are currently being reengineered.
The quickest way with conda. We recommend installing conda packages rather than pip packages whereever possible.
on Linux:
# my_env_name=elauser
conda env create -n $my_env_name -f ./ela_environment.yml python=3.7
conda activate $my_env_name
This should be all to get a working environment. If you want to use 'ela' from jupyter lab:
conda install --name ${my_env_name} jupyterlab ipywidgets jupyter
jupyter-labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
python -m ipykernel install --user --name ${my_env_name} --display-name "Py3 ELA"
call C:\Users\xxxyyy\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat
REM curl should come with anaconda3. Perhaps not with miniconda though.
where curl
cd c:\tmp
curl -o ela_environment.yml
set my_env_name=ELA
conda env create -n %my_env_name% -f ela_environment.yml python=3.7
conda activate %my_env_name%
This should be all to get a working environment. If you want to use 'ela' from jupyter lab:
conda install -c conda-forge --name %my_env_name% jupyterlab ipywidgets jupyter
jupyter-labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
python -m ipykernel install --user --name %my_env_name% --display-name "Py3 ELA"
pip packages specified from the environment.yaml
files may have not installed (under investigation). Check that pvgeo and "our" packages are installed e.g.
conda activate %my_env_name%
conda list | grep pvgeo
if not present:
REM make sure you have git in the PATH e.g.
set PATH=C:\Users\per202\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\git_local\mingw32\bin\;%PATH%
where git
conda activate %my_env_name%
pip install --no-deps pvgeo
pip install -e git+
pip install --no-deps -e git+
As of January 2019 ela is on pypi. While pip install ela
might work on some computers, it is unlikely that all python geospatial dependencies will install. We highly recommend you set up a conda environment with all dependent packages prior to installing ela with pip or from source.
'ela' relies on several external packages, and some can be fiddly to install depending on the version of Python and these external packages. This section thus has fairly prescriptive instructions, given in the hope of limiting the risk of issues.
and possibly other python packages require proj4
version 4.9+ to be installed (libproj-dev). If your debian/ubuntu repo does not suffice (older versions) you may try:
sudo apt-get install -y libc6
sudo dpkg -i proj-data_4.9.3-2_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i libproj12_4.9.3-2_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i proj-bin_4.9.3-2_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i libproj9_4.9.2-2_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i libproj-dev_4.9.3-2_amd64.deb
We recommend installing Anaconda to install dependencies. Note that I recommend to not let anaconda change your startup file and change the PATH
environment. To activate Anaconda you first need: source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate
. Then choose a conda environment name.
Optionally, if your anaconda installation is a bit dated, you may want to do conda update -n base conda
and conda update -n base anaconda-navigator
To create the conda environment for ela on Linux:
# source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate
conda create --name ${my_env_name} python=3.7
conda install --name ${my_env_name} rasterio cartopy geopandas pandas nltk scikit-learn scikit-image matplotlib vtk
conda activate ${my_env_name}
On Windows, using the DOS CMD prompt, assuming you installed Anaconda in user mode.
call %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat
set my_env_name=ELA
conda create --name %my_env_name% python=3.7
REM if using conda activate %my_env_name% I seem to loose conda from the command line, so:
conda install --name %my_env_name% conda
conda install --name %my_env_name% rasterio cartopy geopandas pandas nltk scikit-learn scikit-image matplotlib vtk
conda activate %my_env_name%
At this point we have installed all the python dependencies ela needs that are available via conda
As of writing (2019-08) conda does not have pyqt5, and no suitable version of mayavi for python3. We resort to use pip
. You may want to do first:
pip install --upgrade pip
For Python 3.x one needs to install pyqt5 for mayavi, as per these instructions. As of Jan 2019 be aware that there is a known issue in mayavi visual rendering with pyqt5 as a backend on Linux and 'ela' is affected by this. Nevertheless this is not a commplete blocker for most 'ela' features so installation instructions are kept here.
pip search pyqt5 | sort -g
pip search mayavi
pip install pyqt5
pip install mayavi
For users without admin rights,
conda install pyqt5
pip install mayavi --user
At this point all mandatory dependencies for 'ela' are installed.
There are three options to access ela:
- use the latest available on pip,
- clone and install with
- direct import of the package directory (this is done at runtime from e.g. a notebook)
pip search ela
pip install ela
Alternatively, from source with
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
As of 2019-05 you can find new features using deep learning for classification in the submodule ela.experiment
. You will need the additional dependencies:
conda install --name ${my_env_name} gensim tensorflow keras
pip install wordcloud
If reading xls files using pandas, need pkg xlrd
with e.g. conda install xlrd
You may use ela as you prefer; we recomment using "Jupyter Lab" to write notebooks. See the Jupyter lab doc for official information.
The following should be enough otherwise to use 'ela'
conda install --name ${my_env_name} jupyterlab ipywidgets jupyter
jupyter-labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
python -m ipykernel install --user --name ${my_env_name} --display-name "Py3 ELA"
set my_env_name=ELA
conda install --name %my_env_name% jupyterlab ipywidgets jupyter
jupyter-labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
python -m ipykernel install --user --name %my_env_name% --display-name "Py3 ELA"
'ela' aims to complement other Python packages for geoscience, in particular for handling bore data . It already depends on the package 'striplog' and is likely to depend on 'lasio' in the future.
You should also check the repository hydrogeol_utils
3D interactive visualisation - Using mayavi 4.6+ on python 3.6+ may be visually buggy on Linux. This appears to be a low level issue running on laptop with dual Intel/NVIDIA Graphic cards.
If in a conda environment trying to use pip
you get:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip._internal'
curl -o
python3 --force-reinstall