- Use ‘ravel’ and ‘wind’ as antonyms instead of ‘ravel’ and ‘unravel’. English is weird. ‘Ravel’ and ‘unravel’ mean the same thing!. (pull request #100, pull request #104).
- Added new emsarray.conventions.DimensionConvention subclass. For conventions with multiple grids defined on unique subsets of dimensions this base class will provide a number of default method implementations. All existing conventions have been updated to build off this base class. (pull request #100)
- Remove workaround for pydata/xarray#6049 (pull request #101).
- Add Convention.wind() method as the inverse to Convention.ravel() (pull request #102, pull request #104).
- Add Convention.strtree() spatial index, deprecate Convention.spatial_index(). The old attribute was a compatibility shim around Shapely 1.8.x STRtree implementation. Now that the minimum version of Shapely is 2.0, the STRtree can be used directly. (pull request #103).
- Add emsarray.plot.add_landmarks() and landmarks parameter to Convention.plot() and related functions. (pull request #107).
- Make the positive_down and deep_to_shallow parameters optional for normalize_depth_variables(). If not supplied, that feature of the depth variable is not normalized. This is a breaking change if you previously relied on the default value of True for these parameters. (pull request #108).
- Add new module emsarray.transect for making transect plots. This feature is considered experimental and may change significantly in future releases. (pull request #110).
- Fix an issue with plotting variables with no long_name attribute. (issue #105, pull request #111).