cstime provides date and time functions for public health purposes.
provides convenient and consistent conversion between
- isoyear
- isoweek
- calyear
- season week
In addition, cstime provides calendar data for reference.
Read the introduction vignette here or run help(package="cstime")
The csverse is a set of R packages developed to help solve problems that frequently occur when performing disease surveillance.
If you want to install the dev versions (or access packages that haven't been released on CRAN), run usethis::edit_r_profile()
to edit your .Rprofile
Then write in:
repos = structure(c(
CSVERSE = "https://www.csids.no/drat/",
CRAN = "https://cran.rstudio.com"
Save the file and restart R.
You can now install csverse packages from our drat repository.