AVHRR GAC L1c processing using ecflow
BRANCH information:
*master* branch operates on monthly tarfiles, e.g. NOAA7_1985_01.tar
*weekly_tarfiles* branch operates on weekly tarfiles, e.g. n07_1985_001x008.tar
Dependencies: You need also to install
on remote machine (CCA)
branch = feature-clock
on local (ECGATE) & remote machine (CCA)
You have to clone this repository twice:
1) local machine, e.g. ecgate: /path/to/repo
2) remote machine, eg.g cca: /path/to/repo
If you want to test or run only specific dates and satellites, please create your suite using "--testcase" For more details: ./create_suite.py --help
sqlite database must be placed here required on remote;
while processing this database will be filled;
ORIG = "/perm/ms/de/sf1/gacdb/AVHRR_GAC_archive_l1bonly_20161130.sqlite3"
(1) remote machine (CCA) for processing
cp ${ORIG} /path/to/ECFlow_AvhrrGacL1c_proc/sql/AVHRR_GAC_archive_proc_v3.sqlite3
(2) local machine (ECGATE) for suite creation
ln -s ${ORIG} BASIS_AVHRR_GAC_archive.sqlite3
this is the source code, which is running on the remote machine
here are the TLE files, which are required in pygac (remote machine)
this is the source code for ecflow required on local machine (ECGATE)
edit config.sh
adapt all variables and paths!
start ecflow server
ecflow_start -p 3500 -d $HOME/ecflow_logs
stop ecflow server, if you do not need it anymore!
ecflow_stop -p 3500
create mpmd database
edit suite config file
cd ecflow_suite
edit config_suite.py
clear directories if necessary
generate suite definition
./create_suite.py -h
./create_suite.py --sdate 20080101 --edate 20081231
register and load suite
cd ..
open ecflowview GUI
ecflowview &
and resume suite