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Python program to QC seismic acquisition files generated by the recorder and vibroseis.

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Quality Control of Seismic Data Acquisition

This project aims for automation of quality control task of seismic data acquisition using the files generated for that purpose by the recorder instrument. Except for the content referenced in this README file and/or the code and/or the website, all content is invented by me, anything matching reality is just a coincidence.

This repository belongs to my third milestone project in the Full-stack Development course at Code Institute, covering Python along with Git version control and other software technologies.

The live link for this project is this one (

Projects Welcome Message Image


1 . Project Goals

The goal of the project is to automate the a real task of quality control of seismic acquisition data with vibroseis sources, which consists in analysing data from files (generated by the recorder instrument) and identify those points that were acquired out of specifications.

Described very basically, seismic data acquisition consists in introducing energy into the subsurface, from the ground, and measuring (with sensors) the energy that returns to the ground after being reflected or refracted by the changing properties of the subsurface.

This project considers that the device that introduce the energy into the ground/subsurface are vibrators (they apply a periodic force on the ground for some seconds) and the sensors that measures the energy that comes back are geophones.

In a typical day of work, there will be geophones/sensors on the ground (planted in advance), the vibrators will apply the force in one point and will move to the next one, and the geophones/sensors that are not used any more will be picked up to take them to new points after checking they are good to do so.

Considering these concepts, this projects calls "daily production" to the amount of points (or VPs, which stands for vibroseis point) that are acquired on a particular day. It also calls "layout" to the amount of geophones/sensors thar are put on the ground and "pick-up" to those that are collected, on the same particular day.

During this activity, summarised as "seismic data acquisition", a recorder instrument (a central unit that manages all the elements) generate files with information about how a specific source point (VP) has been acquired, including specifications and parameters for the positioning, average force, distortion of the force being applied to the ground, and many others. While acquiring data (which usually takes many days), at the end of each day and using these files, one checks the points that are out of specifications, create a list and pass them to the acquisition company to reacquire them the next day.

The points can be out of specifications because of, among others, mechanical issues to apply the proper force on the ground and/or impossibility to position the vibrator in the planned point (for example, because an object, river, tree, or anything else is present, and/or simply because the vibrators composing the fleet could not align to center their center of gravity in the planned point).

The project goal is to automate this process. The program does the following:

  • Access the files (in this case assumed to be Google Sheets orMicrosoft Excel files, which are generated by the recorder and saved bythe acquisition company in Google Drive or locally).
  • Identify the points to be reacquired.
  • Create a list and update the files with new sheets, whose content arethe points to reacquire the next day. The name of the sheets include thedate the VPs were acquired, for easier identification of the day.

Specifically, the goals of the project are the following ones:

  • To read quality control files from Google Drive and/or locally.
  • To identify the points that were acquired without complying with contractual specifications requirements.
  • To give the option to write the tolerances for quality control in case the corresponding file is not available, or to overwrite them if other tolerances want to be considered.
  • To create a list of points that need to be reacquired.
  • To give the user the option to visualize these points before writing the final list in the files.
  • To give the user the option to visualize daily production data and check them with the daily report.
  • To write the lists with points to be reacquired in the files.

2 . User Manual

The program code is divided in two files: "" and "" . The first one runs the program and calls all the functions, which are contained in the second file. To run the program from GitHub pages, just click on the "RUN PROGRAM" button. If using a terminal, run the program by calling the (e.g., write "python3" and press "enter").

The program starts with a welcome message and the list of files that are required to performed the automated quality control check. Below them, the user is given the option to read the files:

  • Read from Google Drive
  • Read from a local computer (where the user is working).

After selecting the option, the program will attempt to load the data and will check (validate) that the files contains the required information, in the required format. The program will show an error if the information is missing of if the file has another format (e.g., if the file was saved with different header length, with different number of columns, or any other differences). If everything is correct, the program will show the current acquisition parameters (tolerances for the quality control check) and will give the user the option to use them (which should be the normal case since parameters/tolerances are not usually changed once the acquisition has started) or to input new ones. The program will continue or will ask the user to enter new parameters based on the selection of the user. This option of introducing new parameters/tolerances will also be given if the parameters file is not available, which is the only file that could be missing, since the program will be closed if other files are missing.

After previous option, the program will continue and show the daily production (VPs that have been acquired in that day) along with planted geophones (sensors that must be ready for the next day) and geophones that were picked up (sensors that will not be used for the new points and will be moved to the "front" for acquisition of new points). At this point, the program checks that the points included in the different files match the daily production. If they do not match, the user is given a warning message indicating that if one continues with the program, the information (lists) generated will be incomplete. The user might want to continue just to have an idea of how the acquisition is going on. The option to continue would be useful, for example, when the acquisition is going on but has not finished for the day. Below this information, the program will show a menu with these options:

  • "Compute points to reacquire"
  • "Visualize data"
  • "Update QCSDA Spreadsheet with points to reacquire"

This menu will be repeated until the user select to return to the previous menu (the start of the program, where the user is given the option to repeat or close the program). The first option ("Compute points to reacquire") will identify the points acquired out of specifications, based on current acquisition parameters (tolerances), and will show the number of points to be reacquired by category (distortion, average force and positioning issues). The program will ask the user to compute points to reacquire first if the last option ("Update QCSDA Spreadsheet with points to reacquire") is selected before computing the points to reacquire.

If "Visualize data" is selected, the program will show the following menu to select what information to show.

  • "Daily Statistics".
    If selected, it will show daily production, layout and pick-up.
  • "Acquisition Parameters".
    If selected, it will show the current acquisition parameters (tolerances).
  • "Number of points to be reacquired".
    If selected, it will show the number of points, by category (distortion, average force and positioning issues).
  • "Points to be reacquired".
    If selected, it will show the list of points to be reaquired, by category (distortion, average force and positioning issues), with the line number, station number, X-coordinate and Y-coordinate.

If "Update QCSDA Spreadsheet with points to reacquired" is selected and the points to be reacquired are already computed (otherwise the program will ask to do so), this option will prompt the user where to write the list of points to be reacquired (showing a message to remember the user where the data were read from last):

  • Google Drive
  • Locally

This menu will also give the opportunity to show a chart with the progress of daily production through time. I will also alert the user if the data have already been saved, as the menu will be shown again until the user select to return to previous menu to Compute/Visualize/Update.

The user is always given the option to return to previous menu, until the first one is shown (where to read the data from), where the user can select to repeat all the process or close the program.

Please check "5. Flowchart" section for a summary.

Assumptions for this project

A daily production of 120 points is assummed to test the program.


If interested in checking the warning messages, you can modify the files names and/or content to get alerts on what is going on and possible solutions. Introducing letters instead of numbers, when prompted, will also alert the user to introduce numbers. In addition, you can choose to enter parameters and check how the number of points to reacquire changes accordingly.

3 . File and Data Structures

The files involved in the quality control process are six. They are summarised here with the relevant information; all other information that might be contained is shown as "other" information and/or highlighted in blue.
They are generated on a daily basis, at the end of the production/acquisition of the day.
The files can be Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel files and contain data with the following structure:

  • PARAMETERS (File name: PARAMETERS; worksheet/sheet name: Tolerances)

    It is a simple Google Sheet / Microsoft Excel file that has a table with the following parameters:

    • Vibrators
    • Vibrators per fleet
    • Maximum accepted deviation from COG (metres)
    • Maximum accepted average distortion (%)
    • Minimum and maximum accepted average force (%)

    These are the values that set the limits or tolerances to compute the points that were acquired without complying the specifications and therefore need to be reacquired.

    The program just read the corresponding cell, the program can easily be adapted to other formats by changing the cells to read.

  • Daily Report (File name: daily_report; worksheet/sheet name: Daily_Report)

    This file contained a los of daily information and statistics. The program just read the daily production (as VPs, which stands for vibroseis points), layout (deployment of sensors on the ground for current and next-days acquisition) and pick-up (collection of sensors that have already been used).

  • Distortion Data (File name: distortion; worksheet/sheet name: Distortion)

    This file contains header lines with information (summarised here in 12 lines) and then a table whose columns contains the following information.

    • COLUMN 1: Line number (number of the imaginary line on a map where the acquisition takes place).
    • COLUMN 2: Station number (number of the point where a measurement takes places, usually separated in intervals of some metres along the line, from 10 to 50 for example).
    • COLUMN 3: Vibrator fleet id; identification of the fleet that acquire data in a point/station. This project considers two fleets acquiring data.
    • COLUMN 4: Number of vibrators in each fleet: depending on the design of the project, the number usually can be from one to five. This project assumes 4 vibrators per fleet.
    • COLUMN 5: Distortion; it is a measurement, in percentage, of the distortion being applied to the ground (for measurement).
    • COLUMN 6: Planned X-coordinate.
    • COLUMN 7: Planned Y-coordinate.
    • COLUMN 8: Planned Z-coordinate/elevation.
  • Average Force Data (File name: average_force; worksheet/sheet name: Average_Force)

    This file contains header lines with information (summarised here in12 lines) and then a table whose columns contains the followinginformation.

    • COLUMN 1: Line number (as explained for distortion above)
    • COLUMN 2: Station number (as explained for distortion above).
    • COLUMN 3: Vibrator fleet id (as explained for distortion above).
    • COLUMN 4: Number of vibrators in each fleet (as explained for distortion above).
    • COLUMN 5: Average force; it is a measurement, in percentage, of the force being applied to the ground (for measurement).
    • COLUMN 6: Planned X-coordinate.
    • COLUMN 7: Planned Y-coordinate.
    • COLUMN 8: Planned Z-coordinate/elevation.
  • Positioning Data (File name: positioning; worksheet/sheet name: Positioning)

    This file contains header lines with information (summarised here in12 lines) and then a table whose columns contains the followinginformation.

    • COLUMN 1: Line number (as explained for distortion above)
    • COLUMN 2: Station number (as explained for distortion above).
    • COLUMN 3: Planned X-coordinate.
    • COLUMN 4: Planned Y-coordinate.
    • COLUMN 5: Planned Z-coordinate/elevation.
    • COLUMN 6: Real X-coordinate (where the point is actually acquired).
    • COLUMN 7: Real Y-coordinate (where the point is actually acquired).
    • COLUMN 8: Real Z-coordinate/elevation (where the point is actually acquired).
  • Main File for Results and Progress (File name: QCSDA)

    This file is a summary of all days, containing the sheet "Statistics"with the date and daily production (number of VPs per day, layout andpick-up). A second sheet, "Chart" reads and plots this information.
    This is the file where the list of points to be reacquired (for thenext day) will be included, as new sheets, whose names will be "Redo_category_issue_date".

Assumptions for this project

A daily production of 120 points is assummed to test the program. The files can have a different format depending on the recording equipment brand, type and version; however, all files are usually divided in a header and a table, so applicability for other scenarios would only involve a change the number of header lines (in the global variables of the program) and changes in the location of cells where the information needs to be read from.

4 . User Experience

The goal of the program is to provide a simple but interactive method to automate a quality control task that would many minutes (with higher exposure to errors) if done manually.

User Goals

  • To have a menu that guide the user through the required steps.
  • To automate the daily generation of lists with points to be reacquired.
  • To select where the files are read from.

Site Owner Goals

  • To reduce the time involved in the repetitive quality control task.
  • To reduce errors that are caused by manual computation of reacquisition points.
  • To give the option to access files from the cloud (for those environments that has such possibility) or from a local machine.

User Stories

User stories are divided into the following three groups:

  • First time users

  1. As a user, I want to run the program intuitively and guided by messages, so I do not require further assistance and do not delay the daily activities.
  2. As a user, I do not want to go through a set up process, so I do not require further assistance and do not delay the daily activities.
  • Returning users

  1. As a returning user, I want to have the option to read and store my files both in the cloud and a local disk, so I am able to perform QA/QC activities even when the recorder is far away from the basecamp (where the computers are located).
  2. As a returning user, I want to automate a daily repetitive task, so I do not use much time to generate the list of points to be reacquired.
  3. As a returning user, I want to have the option to visualize the data, so I check if there is any anomaly before writing the final list.
  4. As a returning user, I want to automate the process, so I commit fewer (or none) errors.
  5. As a returning user, I want to be informed if something is wrong, so I understand what is happening and I know if I need to add or correct files.
  6. As a returning user, I want the program to check the correctness of the information, so I do not need to check if the files and/or information is correct before processing the data.
  7. As a returning user, I want to have the option to overwrite the acquisition parameters (tolerances), so I can still process data if the parameters file is not present or has any issue and/or if I want to test new parameters/tolerances.
  • Site Owner

  1. As owner, I want to automate the process, so I give the option to achieve the quality control process in less time, with fewer errors.
  2. As owner, I want to give the option to read the quality control files from Google Drive or from a local computer, so I increase the functionality of my application.
  3. As owner, I want the program to validate the data, so users do not need to spend time checking the validity of the files and/or information.
  4. As owner, I want to give the user the option to visualize the data being controlled, so users can understand better eventual issues they might find.
  5. As owner, I want to give the option to write the points to be reacquired in Google Sheets or locally, so I increase the functionality of my application.
  6. As owner, I want to set the base for a quality control program, so more features can be added with further development (e.g., with more quality control files and/or more parameters/tolerances).

User Requirements and Expectations

  • An automate, error-free program.
  • A simple program.
  • No complex set up process.
  • Intuitive use, for example through a menu.
  • The option to read from Google Drive and from a local computer.
  • A simple way to visualize data.
  • The option to write the generated list in the same files where the data were read from.

5 . Flowchart

The following flowchart summarises the work and purpose of the program.

Program flowchart

Program Flowchart

6 . Technologies Used

The following languages, software and tools were implemented using Windows 10 Pro:


  • Python

Software and Other Tools

  • GitHub

  • Gitpod

  • PEP8

  • Heroku Platform

  • Google Chrome, version 91.0.4472.114, Official Build, 64-bit (and its development tool)

  • Microsoft Edge, version 91.0.864.59, Official build, 64-bit (and its development tool)

  • Firefox, 89.0.2, 64-bit (and its development tool)

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 2004, OS Build 19041.1052

  •, Flowchart Maker & Online Diagram Software,

  • Render

7 . Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

Please refer to section "13. Deployment" for deployment instructions and features.

8 . Libraries

9 . Features

The program runs in a terminal, including the following features:

  • Welcome message

It is the message that appears right after running the program.

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 1 and 2.

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

Welcome Message/Screen

  • First menu

It is shown with the welcome message and gives the option to select where to read the data from.

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 3 and 11.

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

First Menu Image

  • Validation messages

It can be found in the Functions page and show the functions of the wavelets that can be plotted in the Generator page.

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 1; 8 and 12.

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Images

Validation Messages Image

  • Current acquisition parameters

It shows the current acquisition parameters (tolerances) being used for the quality control process. The parameters are read from the corresponding file or loaded manually by the user.

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 1; 5 and 13.

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

Current Acquisition Parameters Image

  • Overwrite acquisition parameters menu

It gives the option to accept the read parameters or overwrite them.

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 9.

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

Overwrite Acquisition Parameters Menu Image

  • Overwriting acquisition parameters menu

In case the acquisition parameters are not present or if the user wants to overwrite them, a series of questions will guide the user to enter them.

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 1; 9 and 10.

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

Overwriting Acquisition Parameters Menu

  • Validation warning message

A warning message, giving the option to continue or close the program, will appear it the information contained in the files do not match the daily production. For example, a warning message will appear if the daily production accounts for a number of VPs acquired and any of the quality control files contains a different amount.

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 1; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 10 and 12.

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

Validation Warning Message Image

  • Compute/Visualize/Update menu

This menu will appear if everything (files and information) is correct and/or the user opt for continuing with the processing of data. A message including the daily production (including geophones planted and picked-up) is added on top of the menu to inform the user that the program is running and to provide him with the daily production numbers.

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 1; 5, and 13.

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

Compute/Visualize/Update Menu Image

  • Computed points message

It is a message that shows the number of points to be reacquired, by category (distortion, average force and positioning issues). It gives information and informs the user that the program is running".

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 1; 5 and 13.*

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

Computed Points Message Image

  • Visualize data menu

It gives the user the option to select what data to visualize.

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 1; 5 and 13.*

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

Visualize Data Menu Image

  • Daily statistics visualization

It prints the daily production statistics.

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 1; 5 and 13.*

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

Daily Statistics Visualization Image

  • Acquisition parameters visualization

It prints the acquisition parameters.

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 1; 5 and 13.*

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

Acquisition Parameters Visualization Image

  • Number of points to be reacquired visualization

It prints the number of points to be reacquired.

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 1; 5 and 13.*

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

Number of Points to Be Reacquired Visualization Image

  • List of points to be reacquired visualization

It prints the list of points to be reacquired, by category (distortion, average force and positioning issues).

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 1; 5 and 13.*

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

List of Points to Be Reacquired by Distortion Issues Image List of Points to Be Reacquired by Average Force Issues Image List of Points to Be Reacquired by Positioning Issues Image

  • Where-to-write menu

It gives the user the option to select where to write the list of computed points to be reacquired, Google Drive or locally.

User Stories Addressed by this Feature: 1; 3; 5; 13 and 14.*

Please check "11. Testing of User Stories" for more details.

Check Image

Where-to-write Menu Image

10 . Validation

PEP8 was used to check the files written in Python, with "All right" results.

The tool can be accessed with this link: .

PEP3 check for

Evidence of no errors and warnings in the file

EP3 check for

Evidence of no errors and warnings in the file

11 . Testing of User Stories

First time users

The following are testing of User Stories previously described above:

  1. As a user, I want to run the program intuitively and guided by messages, so I do not require further assistance and do not delay the daily activities.
Welcome message
Validation messages
Current acquisition parameters
Overwriting acquisition parameters menu
Validation warning message
Compute/Visualize/Update menu
Computed points message
Visualize data menu
Daily statistics visualization
Acquisition parameters visualization
Amount of points to be reacquired visualization
List of points to be reacquired visualization
Where-to-write menu
Follow instructions and messages given by the program Execute the task being selected Works as expected

Welcome Message Image

  1. As a user, I do not want to go through a set up process, so I do not require further assistance and do not delay the daily activities.
Welcome message (when accessing the page containing the program) Click on "RUN PROGRAM" button, or type "python3" when using a terminal. No set up process Run program, perform quality control tasks without setting up any application and/or component Works as expected

Run Program Image

Returning Users

  1. As a returning user, I want to have the option to read and store my files both in the cloud and a local disk, so I am able to perform QA/QC activities even when the recorder is far away from the basecamp (where the computers are located).
First menu
Where-to-write menu
Select whether to read from Google Drive or locally Access files in the selected source (Google Drive or locally) Works as expected

Where-to-read from Image

  1. As a returning user, I want to automate a daily repetitive task, so I do not use much time to generate the list of points to be reacquired.
Program itself Follow instructions given by the program Automated quality control task Works as expected

Automated Result for Distortion Image Automated Result for Average Force Image Automated Result for Positioning Image

  1. As a returning user, I want to have the option to visualize the data, so I check if there is any anomaly before writing the final list.
Current acquisition parameters
Validation warning message
Compute/Visualize/Update menu
Computed points message
Visualize data menu
Daily statistics visualization
Acquisition parameters visualization
Amount of points to be reacquired visualization
List of points to be reacquired visualization
Where-to-write menu
Visualize information given by the program and select option to visualize when prompted Show information Works as expected

List of Points to Be Reacquired by Distortion Issues Image List of Points to Be Reacquired by Average Force Issues Image List of Points to Be Reacquired by Positioning Issues Image

  1. As a returning user, I want to automate the process, so I commit fewer (or none) errors.
Program itself Follow instructions given by the program Automated quality control task Works as expected

List of Points to Be Reacquired by Distortion Issues Image List of Points to Be Reacquired by Average Force Issues Image List of Points to Be Reacquired by Positioning Issues Image

Returning users

  1. As a returning user, I want to be informed if something is wrong, so I understand what is happening and I know if I need to add or correct files.
Validation warning message Work normally, following the instructions of the program Get a message when something is not correct and/or might impact the results. Works as expected

Missing or Wrong File Name Warning in Google Drive Image Missing or Wrong File Name Warning in Locally Image

  1. As a returning user, I want the program to check the correctness of the information, so I do not need to check if the files and/or information is correct before processing the data.
Validation messages
Validation warning message
Access data in Google Drive or locally when prompted Get the program check the validity of the data and inform any issues Works as expected

Validation Messages Image

  1. As a returning user, I want to have the option to overwrite the acquisition parameters (tolerances), so I can still process data if the parameters file is not present or has any issue and/or if I want to test new parameters/tolerances.
Overwrite acquisition parameters menu
Overwriting acquisition parameters menu
Enter new acquisition parameters when prompted, if desired Load new parameters and execute the process with them Works as expected

Overwrite Acquisition Parameters Menu Image

Site Owner

  1. As owner, I want to automate the process, so I give the option to achieve the quality control process in less time, with fewer errors.
Program itself
Validation warning message
Follow instructions given by the program Automated quality control task Works as expected

List of Points to Be Reacquired by Distortion Issues Image List of Points to Be Reacquired by Average Force Issues Image List of Points to Be Reacquired by Positioning Issues Image

  1. As owner, I want to give the option to read the quality control files from Google Drive or from a local computer, so I increase the functionality of my application.
First menu Select whether to read from Google Drive or locally Access files in the selected source (Google Drive or locally) Works as expected

Read from Google Drive or Locally Image

  1. As owner, I want the program to validate the data, so users do not need to spend time checking the validity of the files and/or information.
Validation messages
Validation warning message
Access data in Google Drive or locally when prompted Get the program check the validity of the data and inform any issues Works as expected

Validation Messages Image

  1. As owner, I want to give the user the option to visualize the data being controlled, so users can understand better eventual issues they might find.
Current acquisition parameters
Compute/Visualize/Update menu
Computed points message
Visualize data menu
Daily statistics visualization
Acquisition parameters visualization
Amount of points to be reacquired visualization
List of points to be reacquired visualization
Where-to-write menu
Visualize information given by the program and select option to visualize when prompted Show information Works as expected

Information on Acquisition Parameters Image Information on Points to be Reacquired Image Information on Daily Production Image Information on Points to be Reacquired by Average Force Issues Image Information on Points to be Reacquired by Distortion Issues Image Information on Points to be Reacquired by Positioning Issues Image Information on Current Acquisition Parameters (When Validating the Data) Image

  1. As owner, I want to give the option to write the points to be reacquired in Google Sheets or locally, so I increase the functionality of my application.
Where-to-write menu Select whether to read from Google Drive or locally Access files in the selected source (Google Drive or locally) Works as expected

Write in Google Drive or Locally Image

  1. As owner, I want to set the base for a quality control program, so more features can be added with further development (e.g., with more quality control files and/or more parameters/tolerances).
Program itself Use current code as base for new features (e.g., incorporating new quality control files) Easily add functionality Initial version deployed working as expected, further development for new features

GitHub with Base Program Image

12 . Bugs

Some bugs were related to positioning of elements in the page. They were fixed by assigning proper values, most of them with the help of a temporary background colour for the element.

Then, many minor bugs were solved just by assigning the correct property and/or by trial and error.

Bugs that required more time and specific solutions were the following ones:

Bug Solution
Amount of points for reacquisition were different when using different file locations (Google Sheets in Google Drive and locally) Issued solved by using to Python function round() to get numbers with two decimals for distortion, average force and positioning values.
"If" condition did not activate/could not check condition when dealing with Pandas dataframe (reading locally) or dictionary (when entering acquisition parameters manually). When trying to address first element, ambiguity error arose Issue solver by using "isinstance" function to check if data are a dictionary, activating condition if it is
Dictionary lose "tolerances" element and operations cannot be performed in validate_data_locally() function Issue solved by using "update" method when assigning new items to the dictionary
Program stops working when a number is not entered as acquisition parameter when prompted Use a "while" loop with "try/except" commands ("try" only breaks when a number is entered, "except" prints/indicates that a number must be entered)
When reading data from Google Sheets, positioning file, value could not be converted to float type, indicating a string was attempted to be converted Index values for reading the table were wrong, issue fixed changing indexes from [1, 9] to [0, 9] (the program was trying to convert an empty cell, that is to say, a string like "", to a float).
Detect missing option to give the user the opportunity to enter acquisition parameters if the corresponding file exists but a value is missing, for both Google Drive and local options For Google Drive option, call the load_parameters() function (if the user selects to do so) in the exception/error generated when a value is missing, as for Google Sheets the value is ''. For local option, as the missing value in the corresponding Microsoft Excel file is "nan", call the load_parameters() function (if the user selects to do so) after reading the values in the file, as an error is not given in this case, and the "nan" value is identified using the NumPy function numpy.isnan function.
Could not increment global variables (write_in_Google_Drive and write_locally) declared in the file, stopping the execution of the program. Add keyword "global" inside function "update_qcsda()".
The program did not compute the correct number of points to be reacquired. The issue was caused by a wrong break line to divide the long line into different lines to comply with PEP8 requirements. The separation had been done after a square bracket, starting the new line with another bracket, both of them inside another brackets. The issue was solved by rearranging the lines in more parts.

13 . Deployment

The website was fully written in Gitpod, permanently tested in Gitpod terminal, and periodically deployed to GigHub Pages (in a main branch) and Heroku Platform (to handle backend languages). It was migrated to Render in November 2022.

The fully deployed program, accessible by anyone, is found here, whose URL is . Its repository is found here, whose URL is

The program requires access to Google Cloud Platform. These steps are also included in these deployment instructions.

Based on the Code Institute's Love Sandwiches Walkthrough Project content, the following steps has been applied to have the program deployed:

  • Set Up of Google Cloud Platform and API to Access Google Drive:
  1. Go to Google Cloud Platform ( and log in with your user account.
  2. Create project (in this case, PP3-CI-QCSDA)
  3. In the search field (on top), look for "Google Drive API" and enable it.
  4. Add credentials according to this information:
    • Using "Google Drive API"
    • Accessing "Application data"
    • Not using the API with other engines or functions
    • Enter service account
    • Grant the service an "Editor" role
  5. Once added, in "Credentials", select the service account created.
  6. In the next page, go to the "Keys" tab, click "Add Key" and select "Create New Key". Then select "JSON" and create, making note where the file created is located.
  • Set up of API to access Google Sheets:
  1. Look for "Google Sheets" in the search field (on top).
  2. Select it and enable it.
  • Set up of template to be able to have a terminal on GitHub Pages:
  1. Use Code Institute template for terminal on GitHub Pages.
  2. Add JSON file created in Google Cloud Platform to the main branch, rename it to an easy-to-deal-with file name, e.g., creds.json or credential.json.
  4. If using Gitpod, pin the workspace to avoid deletion after 14 days. Access the project from Gitpod workspace, not from the Gitpod button on GitHub pages, otherwise a new workspace will be created.
  • Install required libraries into Gitpod workspace to have the project working:
  1. Install google-auth to use the JSON file and authenticate access the project in Google Cloud.
  2. Install gspread to access data in Google Sheets. The following command can be used to install both libraries: "pip3 install gspread google-auth"
  • Deploy on Heroku Platform:
  1. Include dependencies in a requirements.txt file, which is used by Heroku to install the dependencies. Use this command: "pip3 freeze > requirements.txt"
  2. Create new app from the dashboard of your Heroku account.
  3. Go to settings of the apps (do that before deploying the code).
  4. Ignore this step if you do not use credentials to access other services. In Config Vars, create a new one giving the name of CREDS, and assign to content of the JSON file with credentials to its value.
  5. Go to Buildpacks and add Python and Node.js, in that order, keeping Python on top and NodeJS below.
  6. Go to the deploy sections of the app, select GitHub as the Deployment method, assign a name for the repository to connect to GitHub, and connect.
  7. Go to the bottom and select whether you want automatic (rebuilding for each commit) or manual deployment.
  8. You will get a button with a link to your app if successfully deployed.
GitHub Pages Screenshot

Deployment on GitHub Pages Image

After first deployment, several updates have been carried out before the final version. These updates were implemented in the deployed website from Gitpod, just by using the "push" command for every commit (change) in the ongoing development.

The project can also be forked from the repository (, please check for the "Fork" button, top-right of the page, to achieve this task.

14 . Considerations

Although very rarely, it has been observed that the program occasionally stops running, giving an error or just freezing. If that happens, please trying again. The issue is likely to be related to Internet connection issues, as on those occasions, the program worked normally immediately after, without any further change and without any new deployment or built (it even worked by pressing the "RUN PROGRAM" button, without having to reload the webpage or opening a new one).

15 . Credits

16 . Acknowledgements

I would like to acknowledge and thank the following people for being part of this project and for helping me in the development of it:

  • To my wife and family, for always supporting and helping.
  • Code Institute, for providing knowledge, guide, content and tools.
  • My mentor, Mo, for helping with very valuable guide and support.
  • Code Institute community in Slack for permanently being an online reference.
  • All the valuable information provided by the sources mentioned above in the credits.


Python program to QC seismic acquisition files generated by the recorder and vibroseis.






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