An Old Inspiration to Arithmetic (AOITA)
The electronic calculator is a ubiquitous, little appreciated, piece of technology with a rich history. The first all-electronic calculator, the ANITA (A New Inspiration to Arithmetic), was developed by the British Bell Punch Company in 1961, and featured vacuum and cold-cathode tubes. The ANITA was superseded in 1963 by the legendary Friden EC-130, which swapped vacuum tubes for a solid-state design, and introduced Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). Alas, the electronic calculator is no longer the prominent powerhouse it once was. In 1986, an estimated 41% of the world’s general-purpose hardware was dedicated to electronic calculators; today, that has diminished to less than 0.05%.
Nonetheless, an appreciation of yesteryear is in order. In commemoration of the electronic calculator, I have designed and built the An Old Inspiration to Arithmetic (AOITA) that uses the solid-state design and RPN of the Friden EC-130, but retains the cold-cathode display of the ANITA. In a testament to progress, the AOITA uses a modern ATmega1284P microcontroller and a newly fashioned set of cold-cathode tubes designed by Dalibor Farny in the Czech Republic.
For Use: You will quickly find this calculator does not work the way you expect it to! RPN applies the operator after the operand. For example, instead of '2 + 2 =', type '2 = 2 +'. Examine the LCD to see what values are currently on the stack. Press the backwards arrow with an embedded x key to clear the stack. Note that not all buttons on the keypad are currently functional.
Al-Husseini, Mahdi