Created for HackUMass VI, this project is a motion activated music player that uses Leap Motion to detect gestures. These gestures are linked to media commands and can be used to control any music player.
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Python 2.7 -
Leap Motion (V2 Tracking) -
Flask -
Keytap - a quick, downward tapping movement
Keytap - Play/Pause
Swipe - a linear movement of a finger to the left or right
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Swipe left - Previous Track
Swipe right - Next Track
Circles - A finger tracing a circle in space
Clockwise-circle - Volume Up
Counter-clockwise circle - Volume Down
- Our Flask server supports multiple clients concurrently viewing one user's music play experience. uses Leap Motion hardware to record gestures and corresponding commands and posts them to the Flask server which renders it for the user.
With more time, we would create greater user interactoin. We would use Unity to create a 3D menu of options to configure personal settings. Along with the menu, we would create interactive blocks for more complicated commands such as choosing the next song from a favorites playlist.
Additionally, we would create multiple modes where users could access additional features. One mode would be the Morse Code Interpreter where users could enter morse code dots with a swipe down motion and see their completed message when ending the Morse Code mode with the swith modes command.
Command to Switch Modes
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- How can I learn more about Leap Motion?
The official website for Leap Motion has a great start-up guide for new users, however their sample code for the Python SDK may have some errors. If one finds errors, they can reference our code above. - Are there similar music-related Leap Motion technologies?
Composers may be interested in which allows users to compose music through interactive blocks - Will this work on any OS? It has been tested the most on OSX, but it will run on Windows as well. Feel free to submit issues here.
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Crystal Rhee
Northeastern University
Computer Science and Finance Major -
Ivan Chen
Northeastern University
Computer Science Major -
Jonathan Shee
UMass Amherst
Computer Science Major -
Timothy Shee: High School 💌 👀 👅 👄
MIT License