Statistics of Instagram accounts, Know you unfollowers and Fans.
#Authors Harsh Daftary Utkarsh Dhawan #Live Demo at :
- Completely written in Flask micro framework
- RESTful API to get listof followers, unfollowers and user details
- Angular JS web interface to consume this rest api
- Option to whitelist particular user lists from displaying in unfolloers
- Own JSON data storage system for keeping track of users
- CODE originally STORES the access tokens of users locally on json file.
- For session maintaining purpose code stores access tokens against a random uuid4 value
- This uuid4 value is stored in users cookies, which are checked on every requets.
- Login Page Dynamically fetechs the link for Login via Instagram
- Dashboard design is in static/main.html which consumes the rest api of this app using Angular JS
- AJAX is used for following and unfollowing on click.
- Beautiful spinner is used to show while data loading is pending from
Edit conf.json to add your Instagram APP client ID, Client Secret and Redirect URL
Requirements : instagram flask uuid
pip install python-instagram
pip install flask
pip install uuid
All set then :D
1. clone repository in desired folder
2. install requirements
3. python