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Repository files navigation


A Spring Boot / Spring JPA PoC project

Context: The proposal of this PoC is create a web service that provides tools to achieve the follow:

A client has requested the implementation of an application that provides:

Ability to manage a list of contacts and update their details,
    Each contact has a name, email and phone number,
    Each contact can work for one or more organisations,
    There will potentially be thousands of customers.
Ability to manage a list of organisations and update their details,

    Each organisation has a name, address and a url,
    There will potentially be hundreds of customers.
Ability to get a list of organisations.
Ability to get a list of contacts by organisation.


The application uses an embedded H2 memory server. Hibernate generate the database and tables when the project is run for the first time. So no database setup is necessary.


To run the application is necessary to have Maven installed. Once configured, it is just execute the command:

mvn spring-boot:run


For testing, it is necessary a tool capable to make REST calls to a webserver. For my tests I used the command line tool 'CURL' See examples of use below.

Application commands:

For Organisations:

* Return all organisations
    GET "/organisations"
    Ex.: curl -X GET localhost:8080/organisations

* Add a new organisation
    POST "/organisations"
    Ex.: curl -X POST localhost:8080/organisations -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{"name": "Google Inc", "address": "USA", "url": ""}'

* Return the organisation with id {id}
    GET "/organisations/{id}"
    Ex.: curl -X GET localhost:8080/organisations/3

* Get all contacts of the organisation with id {id}
    GET "/organisations/{id}/contacts"
    Ex.: curl -X GET localhost:8080/organisations/3/contacts

* Update organisation details of the organisation with id {id}
    PUT "/organisations/{id}"
    Ex.: curl -X POST localhost:8080/organisations/3 -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{"name": "CentricMinds", "address": "Auckland, ACK", "url": ""}'

* Delete the organisation with id {id}
    DELETE "/organisations/{id}"
    Ex.: curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/organisations/3

For Contacts:

* Return all contacts
    GET "/contacts"
    Ex.: curl -X GET localhost:8080/contacts

* Get contact of the contact id {id}
    GET "/contacts/{id}"
    Ex.: curl -X GET localhost:8080/contacts/5

* Add a new contact to the given organisation with id {organisationId} if contact still not exists, otherwise add the existing contact to this organisation.
    POST "/organisations/{organisationId}/contacts"
    Ex. New Contact: curl -X POST localhost:8080/organisations/1/contacts -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{"name": "Cristiano Moraes", "email": "[email protected]", "phoneNumber": "8888 8888"}'
    Ex. Existing Contact: curl -X POST localhost:8080/organisations/2/contacts -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{"id": 3}'

* Update data of a contact with id {id}
    PUT "/contacts/{id}"
    Ex.: curl -X PUT localhost:8080/contacts/5 -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{"name": "Cristiano Moraes", "email": "[email protected]", "phoneNumber": "8888 8888"}'

* Remove contact with id {contactId} from the organisation with id {organisationId}
    DELETE "/organisations/{organisationId}/contacts/{contactId}"
    Ex.: curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/organisations/1/contacts/5

* Delete contact of the id {id}. Only delete if contact has no connected organisation
    DELETE "/contacts/{id}"
     Ex.: curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/contacts/5


A Spring Boot / Spring JPA POC project






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