If you are here, you know exactly why you are here.
- Install the build tools and kernel headers, if not already done:
sudo pacman -S base-devel git linux-pinetab2-headers
- Build the module
cd path/to/bes2600
make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=$PWD modules
- Load the module
sudo modprobe ./bes2600/bes2600.ko
- Build the danctnix kernel with bes2600 enabled
- Build the module
make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -C ../linux-pinetab2 M=$PWD modules
- Deliver the module to the tablet and load it
sudo modprobe --force-vermagic ./bes2600.ko
Get rid of all unnecessary code (usb/spi parts that we couldn't care less about)doneImplement MAC setting the standard way via DT local-mac-addressdone, needs provided dtsiUse devm API for GPIO managementdoneSolve the sleep issue (PT2 doesn't go into sleep if bes2600 module is loaded)done- Test power consumption and implement sleep mode for the chip