a config parser for GO with support for path selectors
##package documentation
a loaded config gonfig.FromJson("path/to/config.json") exposes the following methods
- GetString("path/to/key", "default value / can be nil") (string, error)
- GetInt("path/to/key", 0) (string, error)
- GetFloat("path/to/key", nil) (string, error)
- GetBool("path/to/key", false) (string, error)
- GetAs("path/to/key", &myCustomStruct) error
##usage example
###example config file
"services" : {
"facebook" : {
"host" : "facebook.com",
"port" : 443,
"message" : {
"template" : {
"subject" : "this is my default subject",
"message" : "whoops, looks like I forgot to write a body!"
"credentials" : {
"facebook" : {
"username" : "jane32",
"password" : "supersecret"
###example main.go
type ExampleMessageStruct struct {
Message string
Subject string
func main() {
f, err := os.Open("myconfig.json")
if err != nil {
// TODO: error handling
defer f.Close();
config, err := gonfig.FromJson(f)
if err != nil {
// TODO: error handling
username, err := config.GetString("credentials/facebook/username", "scooby")
if err != nil {
// TODO: error handling
password, err := config.GetString("credentials/facebook/password", "123456")
if err != nil {
// TODO: error handling
host, err := config.GetString("services/facebook/host", "localhost")
if err != nil {
// TODO: error handling
port, err := config.GetInt("services/facebook/port", 80)
if err != nil {
// TODO: error handling
// TODO: example something
// login(host, port, username, password)
var template ExampleMessageStruct
if err := config.GetAs("services/facebook/message/template", &template); err != nil {
// TODO: error handling
/// TODO: example something
// template.Message = "I just want to say, oh my!"
// sendMessage(host, port, template)