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Decode SANYO Air conditioner remote 270bits #1503

dotanger opened this issue Jun 19, 2021 · 29 comments · Fixed by #1568

Decode SANYO Air conditioner remote 270bits #1503

dotanger opened this issue Jun 19, 2021 · 29 comments · Fixed by #1568


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dotanger commented Jun 19, 2021

Version/revision of the library used

running the IRRecvDumpV3

Can't Decode a remote control that is SANYO according to google search. (mine is marked Tornado - probably OEM).
Getting protocol: UNKNOWN

Expected behaviour

find protocol: SANYO and the codes received

Output of raw data from [IRrecvDumpV3.ino]

For On/23C/Auto/cool/no swing I get different code each times, here are two on/off and on/off:

Timestamp : 003963.999
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : UNKNOWN
Code      : 0x426182FB (270 Bits)
Raw Timing[539]:
   +  5486, -  1874,    +   580, -   700,    +   576, -  1432,    +   578, -   676, 
   +   576, -  1432,    +   578, -   676,    +   576, -  1432,    +   580, -   702, 
   +   572, -  1438,    +   552, -   698,    +   574, -   676,    +   574, -   678, 
   +   574, -   678,    +   572, -  1438,    +   572, -   708,    +   574, -  1438, 
   +   556, -   724,    +   554, -   698,    +   548, -   700,    +   552, -   706, 
   +   566, -   680,    +   606, -   704,    +   548, -  1462,    +   512, -   786, 
   +   492, -  1516,    +   496, -  1516,    +   494, -  1516,    +   494, -  1518, 
   +   544, -   734,    +   546, -  1466,    +   506, -   774,    +   506, -   748, 
   +   504, -   774,    +   506, -  1522,    +   494, -  1514,    +   494, -   758, 
   +   494, -   784,    +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   740, 
   +   510, -   742,    +   510, -  1500,    +   512, -   740,    +   534, -   762, 
   +   544, -  1466,    +   544, -  1466,    +   546, -   734,    +   546, -   706, 
   +   572, -   682,    +   572, -   680,    +   574, -   704,    +   576, -   702, 
   +   578, -   676,    +   704, -   704,    +   580, -   700,    +   580, -   654, 
   +   672, -   676,    +   582, -   698,    +   560, -   724,    +   654, -   696, 
   +   582, -   652,    +   596, -   658,    +   568, -   684,    +   570, -   788, 
   +   574, -   696,    +   556, -   696,    +   556, -   826,    +   546, -   760, 
   +   520, -   732,    +   560, -   772,    +   520, -   734,    +   568, -   684, 
   +   570, -   708,    +   572, -   682,    +   572, -   704,    +   602, -   652, 
   +   604, -   650,    +   604, -   674,    +   580, -   672,    +   580, -   698, 
   +   580, -   698,    +   518, -   734,    +   518, -   734,    +   518, -   734, 
   +   518, -   760,    +   570, -   736,    +   516, -   764,    +   514, -   766, 
   +   618, -  1394,    +   562, -  3660,    +  5398, -  1942,    +   578, -   702, 
   +   576, -  1450,    +   578, -   734,    +   596, -  1432,    +   576, -   674, 
   +   682, -  1432,    +   576, -   702,    +   578, -  1432,    +   578, -   676, 
   +   576, -   676,    +   578, -   700,    +   574, -   706,    +   574, -  1436, 
   +   572, -   680,    +   598, -  1412,    +   574, -   706,    +   572, -   680, 
   +   562, -   718,    +   592, -   760,    +   518, -   716,    +   536, -   760, 
   +   596, -  1468,    +   516, -   736,    +   516, -  1496,    +   514, -  1498, 
   +   556, -  1454,    +   476, -  1552,    +   518, -   716,    +   506, -  1520, 
   +   520, -   734,    +   518, -   760,    +   518, -   718,    +   534, -  1492, 
   +   552, -  1458,    +   552, -   702,    +   552, -   700,    +   552, -   702, 
   +   552, -   700,    +   550, -   788,    +   570, -   704,    +   550, -  1464, 
   +   512, -   736,    +   550, -   702,    +   550, -  1462,    +   490, -  1526, 
   +   560, -   718,    +   560, -   692,    +   456, -   822,    +   456, -   798, 
   +   454, -   824,    +   592, -   730,    +   548, -   732,    +   546, -   706, 
   +   624, -   708,    +   548, -   738,    +   538, -   708,    +   544, -   710, 
   +   488, -   864,    +   518, -   786,    +   492, -   760,    +   492, -   838, 
   +   492, -   788,    +   490, -   760,    +   490, -   892,    +   518, -   760, 
   +   492, -   760,    +   492, -   760,    +   490, -   742,    +   510, -   788, 
   +   492, -   786,    +   492, -   762,    +   492, -   742,    +   510, -   786, 
   +   492, -   762,    +   490, -   764,    +   486, -   748,    +   504, -   774, 
   +   504, -   748,    +   474, -   776,    +   616, -   762,    +   518, -   760, 
   +   518, -   736,    +   616, -   748,    +   536, -   718,    +   500, -   752, 
   +   502, -   796,    +   484, -   820,    +   544, -  1414,    +   544, -  3688, 
   +  5528, -  1970,    +   476, -   776,    +   506, -  1524,    +   568, -   764, 
   +   488, -  1522,    +   488, -   762,    +   490, -  1522,    +   484, -   798, 
   +   480, -  1528,    +   476, -   802,    +   502, -   750,    +   474, -   778, 
   +   560, -   790,    +   490, -  1520,    +   490, -   790,    +   488, -  1524, 
   +   486, -   762,    +   490, -   762,    +   490, -   764,    +   488, -   764, 
   +   490, -   762,    +   488, -   842,    +   490, -  1526,    +   476, -   804, 
   +   582, -  1524,    +   490, -  1524,    +   484, -  1528,    +   452, -  1556, 
   +   504, -   750,    +   452, -  1558,    +   504, -   746,    +   508, -   770, 
   +   506, -   746,    +   472, -  1558,    +   486, -  1524,    +   514, -   738, 
   +   514, -   764,    +   514, -   764,    +   512, -   740,    +   514, -   764, 
   +   514, -   740,    +   512, -  1496,    +   514, -   740,    +   512, -   740, 
   +   512, -  1496,    +   514, -  1496,    +   514, -   738,    +   514, -   740, 
   +   512, -   740,    +   482, -   822,    +   512, -   740,    +   512, -   768, 
   +   642, -   740,    +   510, -   742,    +   512, -   720,    +   532, -   768, 
   +   482, -   826,    +   534, -   770,    +   508, -   772,    +   506, -   826, 
   +   532, -   722,    +   502, -   796,    +   510, -   820,    +   510, -   744, 
   +   508, -   744,    +   508, -   744,    +   508, -   770,    +   508, -   770, 
   +   508, -   746,    +   482, -   770,    +   506, -   772,    +   508, -   744, 
   +   508, -   746,    +   506, -   746,    +   506, -   746,    +   482, -   750, 
   +   500, -   754,    +   500, -   800,    +   560, -   772,    +   480, -   772, 
   +   480, -   772,    +   480, -   772,    +   480, -   908,    +   498, -   802, 
   +   478, -   772,    +   480, -   854,    +   480, -   774,    +   478, -   774, 
   +   480, -  1402,    +   474

uint16_t rawData[539] = {5486, 1874,  580, 700,  576, 1432,  578, 676,  576, 1432,  578, 676,  576, 1432,  580, 702,  572, 1438,  552, 698,  574, 676,  574, 678,  574, 678,  572, 1438,  572, 708,  574, 1438,  556, 724,  554, 698,  548, 700,  552, 706,  566, 680,  606, 704,  548, 1462,  512, 786,  492, 1516,  496, 1516,  494, 1516,  494, 1518,  544, 734,  546, 1466,  506, 774,  506, 748,  504, 774,  506, 1522,  494, 1514,  494, 758,  494, 784,  494, 758,  494, 758,  494, 740,  510, 742,  510, 1500,  512, 740,  534, 762,  544, 1466,  544, 1466,  546, 734,  546, 706,  572, 682,  572, 680,  574, 704,  576, 702,  578, 676,  704, 704,  580, 700,  580, 654,  672, 676,  582, 698,  560, 724,  654, 696,  582, 652,  596, 658,  568, 684,  570, 788,  574, 696,  556, 696,  556, 826,  546, 760,  520, 732,  560, 772,  520, 734,  568, 684,  570, 708,  572, 682,  572, 704,  602, 652,  604, 650,  604, 674,  580, 672,  580, 698,  580, 698,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 760,  570, 736,  516, 764,  514, 766,  618, 1394,  562, 3660,  5398, 1942,  578, 702,  576, 1450,  578, 734,  596, 1432,  576, 674,  682, 1432,  576, 702,  578, 1432,  578, 676,  576, 676,  578, 700,  574, 706,  574, 1436,  572, 680,  598, 1412,  574, 706,  572, 680,  562, 718,  592, 760,  518, 716,  536, 760,  596, 1468,  516, 736,  516, 1496,  514, 1498,  556, 1454,  476, 1552,  518, 716,  506, 1520,  520, 734,  518, 760,  518, 718,  534, 1492,  552, 1458,  552, 702,  552, 700,  552, 702,  552, 700,  550, 788,  570, 704,  550, 1464,  512, 736,  550, 702,  550, 1462,  490, 1526,  560, 718,  560, 692,  456, 822,  456, 798,  454, 824,  592, 730,  548, 732,  546, 706,  624, 708,  548, 738,  538, 708,  544, 710,  488, 864,  518, 786,  492, 760,  492, 838,  492, 788,  490, 760,  490, 892,  518, 760,  492, 760,  492, 760,  490, 742,  510, 788,  492, 786,  492, 762,  492, 742,  510, 786,  492, 762,  490, 764,  486, 748,  504, 774,  504, 748,  474, 776,  616, 762,  518, 760,  518, 736,  616, 748,  536, 718,  500, 752,  502, 796,  484, 820,  544, 1414,  544, 3688,  5528, 1970,  476, 776,  506, 1524,  568, 764,  488, 1522,  488, 762,  490, 1522,  484, 798,  480, 1528,  476, 802,  502, 750,  474, 778,  560, 790,  490, 1520,  490, 790,  488, 1524,  486, 762,  490, 762,  490, 764,  488, 764,  490, 762,  488, 842,  490, 1526,  476, 804,  582, 1524,  490, 1524,  484, 1528,  452, 1556,  504, 750,  452, 1558,  504, 746,  508, 770,  506, 746,  472, 1558,  486, 1524,  514, 738,  514, 764,  514, 764,  512, 740,  514, 764,  514, 740,  512, 1496,  514, 740,  512, 740,  512, 1496,  514, 1496,  514, 738,  514, 740,  512, 740,  482, 822,  512, 740,  512, 768,  642, 740,  510, 742,  512, 720,  532, 768,  482, 826,  534, 770,  508, 772,  506, 826,  532, 722,  502, 796,  510, 820,  510, 744,  508, 744,  508, 744,  508, 770,  508, 770,  508, 746,  482, 770,  506, 772,  508, 744,  508, 746,  506, 746,  506, 746,  482, 750,  500, 754,  500, 800,  560, 772,  480, 772,  480, 772,  480, 772,  480, 908,  498, 802,  478, 772,  480, 854,  480, 774,  478, 774,  480, 1402,  474};  // UNKNOWN 426182FB
Timestamp : 004060.992
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : UNKNOWN
Code      : 0x75096518 (270 Bits)
Raw Timing[539]:
   +  5466, -  1874,    +   582, -   696,    +   582, -  1482,    +   594, -   692, 
   +   588, -  1420,    +   692, -   682,    +   582, -  1434,    +   558, -   692, 
   +   556, -  1458,    +   556, -   692,    +   600, -   680,    +   590, -   690, 
   +   588, -   664,    +   660, -  1446,    +   578, -   702,    +   582, -  1430, 
   +   554, -   696,    +   580, -   670,    +   564, -   718,    +   580, -   700, 
   +   552, -   702,    +   690, -   686,    +   550, -  1460,    +   548, -   704, 
   +   548, -   704,    +   614, -  1452,    +   552, -  1460,    +   554, -  1458, 
   +   556, -   696,    +   550, -  1476,    +   544, -   736,    +   520, -   760, 
   +   518, -   734,    +   496, -   782,    +   498, -   754,    +   498, -   756, 
   +   494, -  1516,    +   498, -   754,    +   516, -  1492,    +   544, -   736, 
   +   542, -   736,    +   548, -   706,    +   548, -  1462,    +   574, -   706, 
   +   566, -  1446,    +   558, -  1456,    +   590, -   690,    +   594, -   700, 
   +   580, -   700,    +   578, -   656,    +   594, -   658,    +   590, -   660, 
   +   666, -   710,    +   584, -   668,    +   584, -   670,    +   582, -   668, 
   +   584, -   752,    +   554, -   696,    +   554, -   696,    +   558, -   696, 
   +   558, -   694,    +   560, -   718,    +   560, -   692,    +   560, -   718, 
   +   522, -   732,    +   520, -   758,    +   566, -   686,    +   568, -   710, 
   +   570, -   684,    +   570, -   708,    +   574, -   680,    +   598, -   654, 
   +   662, -   672,    +   604, -   646,    +   602, -   648,    +   606, -   676, 
   +   604, -   774,    +   606, -   648,    +   606, -   646,    +   604, -   632, 
   +   620, -   676,    +   602, -   632,    +   620, -   676,    +   602, -   648, 
   +   602, -   676,    +   602, -   678,    +   576, -   676,    +   576, -   704, 
   +   574, -   576,    +   596, -  3604,    +  5458, -  1878,    +   568, -   712, 
   +   566, -  1444,    +   518, -   786,    +   566, -  1466,    +   492, -   762, 
   +   464, -  1546,    +   654, -   676,    +   522, -  1490,    +   518, -   734, 
   +   518, -   732,    +   624, -   684,    +   566, -   716,    +   562, -  1448, 
   +   510, -   786,    +   572, -  1488,    +   520, -   732,    +   520, -   758, 
   +   520, -   732,    +   606, -   702,    +   516, -   734,    +   518, -   734, 
   +   518, -  1498,    +   564, -   740,    +   568, -   684,    +   558, -  1470, 
   +   554, -  1454,    +   554, -  1456,    +   554, -   698,    +   554, -  1454, 
   +   554, -   700,    +   552, -   726,    +   552, -   700,    +   492, -   816, 
   +   574, -   676,    +   552, -   700,    +   552, -  1458,    +   546, -   764, 
   +   488, -  1524,    +   566, -   714,    +   564, -   690,    +   646, -   806, 
   +   574, -  1462,    +   550, -   704,    +   548, -  1460,    +   550, -  1460, 
   +   548, -   732,    +   548, -   704,    +   548, -   732,    +   546, -   734, 
   +   544, -   706,    +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   784,    +   516, -   764, 
   +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   790,    +   536, -   796,    +   510, -   744, 
   +   478, -   774,    +   456, -   794,    +   458, -   924,    +   514, -   758, 
   +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   786, 
   +   494, -   784,    +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   786, 
   +   492, -   786,    +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   760,    +   520, -   732, 
   +   520, -   732,    +   516, -   718,    +   590, -   758,    +   520, -   732, 
   +   520, -   732,    +   520, -   732,    +   520, -   810,    +   520, -   734, 
   +   518, -   762,    +   516, -   866,    +   544, -   732,    +   520, -   758, 
   +   518, -   814,    +   462, -   792,    +   460, -   712,    +   516, -  3658, 
   +  5402, -  1944,    +   510, -   768,    +   512, -  1518,    +   492, -   760, 
   +   492, -  1518,    +   492, -   760,    +   492, -  1518,    +   492, -   760, 
   +   492, -  1518,    +   492, -   762,    +   490, -   762,    +   492, -   762, 
   +   490, -   788,    +   492, -  1518,    +   492, -   786,    +   492, -  1520, 
   +   490, -   790,    +   488, -   792,    +   486, -   764,    +   488, -   762, 
   +   492, -   792,    +   486, -   792,    +   484, -  1526,    +   504, -   796, 
   +   484, -   746,    +   476, -  1532,    +   508, -  1522,    +   492, -  1518, 
   +   508, -   772,    +   516, -  1494,    +   516, -   736,    +   516, -   762, 
   +   516, -   736,    +   516, -   736,    +   516, -   736,    +   516, -   762, 
   +   516, -  1494,    +   516, -   736,    +   516, -  1526,    +   482, -   770, 
   +   510, -   742,    +   510, -   770,    +   612, -  1468,    +   516, -   762, 
   +   516, -  1494,    +   516, -  1494,    +   516, -   738,    +   514, -   738, 
   +   514, -   764,    +   516, -   738,    +   514, -   764,    +   540, -   740, 
   +   512, -   738,    +   514, -   764,    +   488, -   796,    +   482, -   848, 
   +   536, -   764,    +   514, -   766,    +   512, -   792,    +   512, -   740, 
   +   512, -   768,    +   512, -   870,    +   538, -   740,    +   512, -   766, 
   +   512, -   818,    +   482, -   802,    +   450, -   800,    +   480, -   774, 
   +   480, -   800,    +   478, -   774,    +   506, -   744,    +   508, -   742, 
   +   510, -   744,    +   484, -   768,    +   508, -   770,    +   484, -   794, 
   +   484, -   794,    +   484, -   798,    +   504, -   746,    +   506, -   774, 
   +   532, -   748,    +   474, -   822,    +   482, -   798,    +   560, -   798, 
   +   482, -   800,    +   504, -   750,    +   608, -   772,    +   480, -   770, 
   +   482, -   668,    +   480

uint16_t rawData[539] = {5466, 1874,  582, 696,  582, 1482,  594, 692,  588, 1420,  692, 682,  582, 1434,  558, 692,  556, 1458,  556, 692,  600, 680,  590, 690,  588, 664,  660, 1446,  578, 702,  582, 1430,  554, 696,  580, 670,  564, 718,  580, 700,  552, 702,  690, 686,  550, 1460,  548, 704,  548, 704,  614, 1452,  552, 1460,  554, 1458,  556, 696,  550, 1476,  544, 736,  520, 760,  518, 734,  496, 782,  498, 754,  498, 756,  494, 1516,  498, 754,  516, 1492,  544, 736,  542, 736,  548, 706,  548, 1462,  574, 706,  566, 1446,  558, 1456,  590, 690,  594, 700,  580, 700,  578, 656,  594, 658,  590, 660,  666, 710,  584, 668,  584, 670,  582, 668,  584, 752,  554, 696,  554, 696,  558, 696,  558, 694,  560, 718,  560, 692,  560, 718,  522, 732,  520, 758,  566, 686,  568, 710,  570, 684,  570, 708,  574, 680,  598, 654,  662, 672,  604, 646,  602, 648,  606, 676,  604, 774,  606, 648,  606, 646,  604, 632,  620, 676,  602, 632,  620, 676,  602, 648,  602, 676,  602, 678,  576, 676,  576, 704,  574, 576,  596, 3604,  5458, 1878,  568, 712,  566, 1444,  518, 786,  566, 1466,  492, 762,  464, 1546,  654, 676,  522, 1490,  518, 734,  518, 732,  624, 684,  566, 716,  562, 1448,  510, 786,  572, 1488,  520, 732,  520, 758,  520, 732,  606, 702,  516, 734,  518, 734,  518, 1498,  564, 740,  568, 684,  558, 1470,  554, 1454,  554, 1456,  554, 698,  554, 1454,  554, 700,  552, 726,  552, 700,  492, 816,  574, 676,  552, 700,  552, 1458,  546, 764,  488, 1524,  566, 714,  564, 690,  646, 806,  574, 1462,  550, 704,  548, 1460,  550, 1460,  548, 732,  548, 704,  548, 732,  546, 734,  544, 706,  494, 758,  494, 784,  516, 764,  494, 758,  494, 790,  536, 796,  510, 744,  478, 774,  456, 794,  458, 924,  514, 758,  494, 758,  494, 758,  494, 758,  494, 786,  494, 784,  494, 758,  494, 758,  494, 786,  492, 786,  494, 758,  494, 760,  520, 732,  520, 732,  516, 718,  590, 758,  520, 732,  520, 732,  520, 732,  520, 810,  520, 734,  518, 762,  516, 866,  544, 732,  520, 758,  518, 814,  462, 792,  460, 712,  516, 3658,  5402, 1944,  510, 768,  512, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 762,  490, 762,  492, 762,  490, 788,  492, 1518,  492, 786,  492, 1520,  490, 790,  488, 792,  486, 764,  488, 762,  492, 792,  486, 792,  484, 1526,  504, 796,  484, 746,  476, 1532,  508, 1522,  492, 1518,  508, 772,  516, 1494,  516, 736,  516, 762,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 762,  516, 1494,  516, 736,  516, 1526,  482, 770,  510, 742,  510, 770,  612, 1468,  516, 762,  516, 1494,  516, 1494,  516, 738,  514, 738,  514, 764,  516, 738,  514, 764,  540, 740,  512, 738,  514, 764,  488, 796,  482, 848,  536, 764,  514, 766,  512, 792,  512, 740,  512, 768,  512, 870,  538, 740,  512, 766,  512, 818,  482, 802,  450, 800,  480, 774,  480, 800,  478, 774,  506, 744,  508, 742,  510, 744,  484, 768,  508, 770,  484, 794,  484, 794,  484, 798,  504, 746,  506, 774,  532, 748,  474, 822,  482, 798,  560, 798,  482, 800,  504, 750,  608, 772,  480, 770,  482, 668,  480};  // UNKNOWN 75096518
Timestamp : 004156.263
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : UNKNOWN
Code      : 0xB7A90766 (270 Bits)
Raw Timing[539]:
   +  5422, -  1932,    +   522, -   758,    +   522, -  1488,    +   562, -   690, 
   +   560, -  1452,    +   558, -   692,    +   560, -  1456,    +   554, -   694, 
   +   558, -  1456,    +   568, -  1444,    +   594, -  1416,    +   572, -  1454, 
   +   558, -  1450,    +   584, -   746,    +   570, -   718,    +   562, -  1448, 
   +   664, -   710,    +   586, -   668,    +   584, -   694,    +   714, -   668, 
   +   582, -   656,    +   598, -   696,    +   688, -  1406,    +   558, -   692, 
   +   558, -  1456,    +   590, -  1422,    +   596, -  1428,    +   584, -  1426, 
   +   560, -   718,    +   560, -  1452,    +   558, -   692,    +   562, -   692, 
   +   522, -   756,    +   522, -  1492,    +   566, -  1442,    +   604, -  1410, 
   +   562, -  1452,    +   584, -   710,    +   574, -   664,    +   616, -   678, 
   +   602, -   636,    +   614, -   636,    +   598, -   652,    +   602, -  1428, 
   +   604, -  1406,    +   608, -  1400,    +   608, -   646,    +   610, -   666, 
   +   608, -   644,    +   608, -   670,    +   606, -   646,    +   606, -   648, 
   +   602, -   634,    +   614, -   636,    +   618, -   678,    +   600, -   638, 
   +   676, -   672,    +   602, -   676,    +   576, -   676,    +   654, -   686, 
   +   562, -   718,    +   586, -   694,    +   664, -   708,    +   572, -   678, 
   +   572, -   708,    +   702, -   682,    +   570, -   708,    +   568, -   686, 
   +   654, -   678,    +   602, -   682,    +   600, -   678,    +   672, -   706, 
   +   522, -   732,    +   522, -   756,    +   600, -   736,    +   560, -   724, 
   +   504, -   774,    +   674, -   698,    +   522, -   760,    +   520, -   732, 
   +   684, -   696,    +   556, -   722,    +   556, -   696,    +   600, -   732, 
   +   522, -   730,    +   554, -   726,    +   518, -   762,    +   490, -   862, 
   +   554, -   596,    +   552, -  3606,    +  5448, -  1906,    +   494, -   758, 
   +   494, -  1516,    +   494, -   784,    +   494, -  1516,    +   494, -   758, 
   +   494, -  1516,    +   494, -   788,    +   490, -  1522,    +   486, -  1526, 
   +   454, -  1572,    +   494, -  1516,    +   494, -  1516,    +   494, -   792, 
   +   514, -   792,    +   456, -  1554,    +   616, -   758,    +   520, -   734, 
   +   520, -   758,    +   570, -   740,    +   514, -   734,    +   518, -   732, 
   +   520, -  1496,    +   616, -   734,    +   518, -  1490,    +   520, -  1490, 
   +   518, -  1494,    +   516, -  1494,    +   514, -   736,    +   518, -  1494, 
   +   514, -   734,    +   518, -   734,    +   518, -   734,    +   596, -  1474, 
   +   474, -  1552,    +   518, -  1494,    +   516, -  1492,    +   516, -   762, 
   +   516, -   736,    +   516, -   736,    +   516, -   738,    +   514, -   736, 
   +   516, -   738,    +   488, -  1522,    +   514, -  1496,    +   512, -  1500, 
   +   488, -   792,    +   486, -   764,    +   488, -   764,    +   488, -   764, 
   +   488, -   764,    +   488, -   764,    +   488, -   746,    +   506, -   790, 
   +   488, -   764,    +   488, -   752,    +   500, -   772,    +   506, -   818, 
   +   486, -   764,    +   488, -   764,    +   488, -   764,    +   488, -   790, 
   +   486, -   792,    +   486, -   766,    +   488, -   764,    +   488, -   746, 
   +   504, -   752,    +   502, -   754,    +   496, -   776,    +   502, -   774, 
   +   506, -   792,    +   488, -   764,    +   488, -   756,    +   576, -   766, 
   +   486, -   766,    +   486, -   792,    +   486, -   766,    +   488, -   954, 
   +   454, -   758,    +   522, -   772,    +   478, -   820,    +   486, -   766, 
   +   486, -   766,    +   486, -   794,    +   486, -   792,    +   488, -   766, 
   +   486, -   766,    +   486, -   766,    +   486, -   662,    +   486, -  3722, 
   +  5338, -  1968,    +   512, -   794,    +   484, -  1526,    +   590, -   794, 
   +   486, -  1524,    +   484, -   768,    +   484, -  1524,    +   484, -   768, 
   +   484, -  1526,    +   484, -  1526,    +   482, -  1552,    +   430, -  1578, 
   +   510, -  1500,    +   510, -   736,    +   514, -   744,    +   480, -  1526, 
   +   488, -   794,    +   484, -   794,    +   484, -   768,    +   484, -   796, 
   +   484, -   794,    +   484, -   768,    +   482, -  1526,    +   484, -   768, 
   +   484, -  1526,    +   484, -  1526,    +   484, -  1552,    +   458, -  1548, 
   +   508, -   772,    +   510, -  1502,    +   484, -   794,    +   508, -   744, 
   +   510, -   738,    +   514, -  1502,    +   484, -  1526,    +   482, -  1526, 
   +   484, -  1526,    +   482, -   770,    +   484, -   890,    +   518, -   740, 
   +   510, -   744,    +   482, -   768,    +   432, -   822,    +   432, -  1576, 
   +   484, -  1526,    +   514, -  1500,    +   562, -   770,    +   484, -   770, 
   +   482, -   796,    +   482, -   770,    +   484, -   874,    +   508, -   770, 
   +   508, -   740,    +   486, -   768,    +   484, -   794,    +   486, -   768, 
   +   482, -   772,    +   430, -   798,    +   454, -   802,    +   480, -   800, 
   +   478, -   772,    +   480, -   822,    +   480, -   798,    +   484, -   792, 
   +   486, -   792,    +   486, -   770,    +   510, -   798,    +   482, -   770, 
   +   482, -   764,    +   488, -   768,    +   484, -   850,    +   480, -   798, 
   +   480, -   772,    +   480, -   904,    +   506, -   798,    +   480, -   798, 
   +   480, -   824,    +   480, -   802,    +   476, -   774,    +   480, -   772, 
   +   480, -   772,    +   480, -   774,    +   480, -   772,    +   480, -   774, 
   +   478, -   800,    +   480, -   798,    +   480, -   774,    +   478, -   774, 
   +   480, -   668,    +   558

uint16_t rawData[539] = {5422, 1932,  522, 758,  522, 1488,  562, 690,  560, 1452,  558, 692,  560, 1456,  554, 694,  558, 1456,  568, 1444,  594, 1416,  572, 1454,  558, 1450,  584, 746,  570, 718,  562, 1448,  664, 710,  586, 668,  584, 694,  714, 668,  582, 656,  598, 696,  688, 1406,  558, 692,  558, 1456,  590, 1422,  596, 1428,  584, 1426,  560, 718,  560, 1452,  558, 692,  562, 692,  522, 756,  522, 1492,  566, 1442,  604, 1410,  562, 1452,  584, 710,  574, 664,  616, 678,  602, 636,  614, 636,  598, 652,  602, 1428,  604, 1406,  608, 1400,  608, 646,  610, 666,  608, 644,  608, 670,  606, 646,  606, 648,  602, 634,  614, 636,  618, 678,  600, 638,  676, 672,  602, 676,  576, 676,  654, 686,  562, 718,  586, 694,  664, 708,  572, 678,  572, 708,  702, 682,  570, 708,  568, 686,  654, 678,  602, 682,  600, 678,  672, 706,  522, 732,  522, 756,  600, 736,  560, 724,  504, 774,  674, 698,  522, 760,  520, 732,  684, 696,  556, 722,  556, 696,  600, 732,  522, 730,  554, 726,  518, 762,  490, 862,  554, 596,  552, 3606,  5448, 1906,  494, 758,  494, 1516,  494, 784,  494, 1516,  494, 758,  494, 1516,  494, 788,  490, 1522,  486, 1526,  454, 1572,  494, 1516,  494, 1516,  494, 792,  514, 792,  456, 1554,  616, 758,  520, 734,  520, 758,  570, 740,  514, 734,  518, 732,  520, 1496,  616, 734,  518, 1490,  520, 1490,  518, 1494,  516, 1494,  514, 736,  518, 1494,  514, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  596, 1474,  474, 1552,  518, 1494,  516, 1492,  516, 762,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 738,  514, 736,  516, 738,  488, 1522,  514, 1496,  512, 1500,  488, 792,  486, 764,  488, 764,  488, 764,  488, 764,  488, 764,  488, 746,  506, 790,  488, 764,  488, 752,  500, 772,  506, 818,  486, 764,  488, 764,  488, 764,  488, 790,  486, 792,  486, 766,  488, 764,  488, 746,  504, 752,  502, 754,  496, 776,  502, 774,  506, 792,  488, 764,  488, 756,  576, 766,  486, 766,  486, 792,  486, 766,  488, 954,  454, 758,  522, 772,  478, 820,  486, 766,  486, 766,  486, 794,  486, 792,  488, 766,  486, 766,  486, 766,  486, 662,  486, 3722,  5338, 1968,  512, 794,  484, 1526,  590, 794,  486, 1524,  484, 768,  484, 1524,  484, 768,  484, 1526,  484, 1526,  482, 1552,  430, 1578,  510, 1500,  510, 736,  514, 744,  480, 1526,  488, 794,  484, 794,  484, 768,  484, 796,  484, 794,  484, 768,  482, 1526,  484, 768,  484, 1526,  484, 1526,  484, 1552,  458, 1548,  508, 772,  510, 1502,  484, 794,  508, 744,  510, 738,  514, 1502,  484, 1526,  482, 1526,  484, 1526,  482, 770,  484, 890,  518, 740,  510, 744,  482, 768,  432, 822,  432, 1576,  484, 1526,  514, 1500,  562, 770,  484, 770,  482, 796,  482, 770,  484, 874,  508, 770,  508, 740,  486, 768,  484, 794,  486, 768,  482, 772,  430, 798,  454, 802,  480, 800,  478, 772,  480, 822,  480, 798,  484, 792,  486, 792,  486, 770,  510, 798,  482, 770,  482, 764,  488, 768,  484, 850,  480, 798,  480, 772,  480, 904,  506, 798,  480, 798,  480, 824,  480, 802,  476, 774,  480, 772,  480, 772,  480, 774,  480, 772,  480, 774,  478, 800,  480, 798,  480, 774,  478, 774,  480, 668,  558};  // UNKNOWN B7A90766
Timestamp : 004217.248
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : UNKNOWN
Code      : 0x225422BE (270 Bits)
Raw Timing[539]:
   +  5472, -  1876,    +   572, -   750,    +   560, -  1448,    +   562, -   718, 
   +   638, -  1430,    +   564, -   688,    +   564, -  1450,    +   572, -   706, 
   +   602, -  1424,    +   586, -   666,    +   588, -   692,    +   586, -   666, 
   +   584, -   652,    +   594, -  1486,    +   584, -   666,    +   586, -  1422, 
   +   586, -   696,    +   582, -   668,    +   602, -   678,    +   582, -   670, 
   +   582, -   666,    +   584, -   668,    +   586, -  1428,    +   580, -   720, 
   +   600, -   688,    +   592, -  1418,    +   626, -  1426,    +   582, -  1428, 
   +   582, -   670,    +   582, -  1428,    +   582, -   704,    +   578, -   672, 
   +   578, -   670,    +   582, -   670,    +   584, -   694,    +   638, -   674, 
   +   554, -   694,    +   582, -  1432,    +   562, -   686,    +   686, -   694, 
   +   584, -   668,    +   584, -  1426,    +   584, -   670,    +   662, -  1404, 
   +   570, -  1442,    +   598, -  1430,    +   560, -   676,    +   576, -   720, 
   +   560, -   676,    +   562, -   690,    +   564, -   688,    +   600, -   680, 
   +   644, -   704,    +   570, -   684,    +   572, -   706,    +   650, -   686, 
   +   604, -   646,    +   606, -   644,    +   608, -   672,    +   606, -   722, 
   +   632, -   672,    +   608, -   646,    +   606, -   724,    +   610, -   644, 
   +   608, -   670,    +   610, -   644,    +   608, -   644,    +   608, -   644, 
   +   610, -   642,    +   610, -   644,    +   608, -   670,    +   610, -   668, 
   +   610, -   644,    +   608, -   646,    +   608, -   670,    +   606, -   672, 
   +   606, -   672,    +   606, -   672,    +   632, -   648,    +   606, -   676, 
   +   602, -   648,    +   602, -   650,    +   600, -   754,    +   604, -   674, 
   +   572, -   666,    +   556, -   690,    +   602, -   650,    +   560, -   720, 
   +   576, -   590,    +   572, -  3578,    +  5402, -  1944,    +   564, -   758, 
   +   520, -  1488,    +   524, -   756,    +   522, -  1490,    +   520, -   730, 
   +   522, -  1488,    +   522, -   762,    +   516, -  1496,    +   562, -   686, 
   +   564, -   716,    +   514, -   738,    +   514, -   734,    +   518, -  1496, 
   +   558, -   720,    +   568, -  1458,    +   556, -   724,    +   554, -   698, 
   +   552, -   686,    +   596, -   724,    +   554, -   700,    +   554, -   682, 
   +   568, -  1458,    +   604, -   700,    +   552, -   700,    +   552, -  1458, 
   +   552, -  1462,    +   548, -  1466,    +   460, -   822,    +   456, -  1554, 
   +   566, -   728,    +   550, -   686,    +   508, -   744,    +   512, -   784, 
   +   492, -   742,    +   480, -   772,    +   458, -   792,    +   490, -  1526, 
   +   508, -   786,    +   520, -   758,    +   494, -   756,    +   494, -  1516, 
   +   496, -   810,    +   494, -  1516,    +   494, -  1516,    +   492, -  1524, 
   +   482, -   770,    +   484, -   794,    +   480, -   802,    +   502, -   748, 
   +   618, -   730,    +   522, -   732,    +   520, -   732,    +   522, -   732, 
   +   516, -   718,    +   538, -   740,    +   536, -   720,    +   502, -   748, 
   +   456, -   794,    +   458, -   794,    +   458, -   820,    +   458, -   824, 
   +   476, -   774,    +   480, -   800,    +   508, -   772,    +   532, -   722, 
   +   500, -   750,    +   588, -   760,    +   518, -   734,    +   518, -   734, 
   +   492, -   760,    +   490, -   840,    +   492, -   760,    +   492, -   760, 
   +   492, -   760,    +   492, -   760,    +   492, -   788,    +   492, -   760, 
   +   492, -   744,    +   506, -   748,    +   508, -   788,    +   490, -   762, 
   +   486, -   748,    +   476, -   774,    +   538, -   786,    +   492, -   786, 
   +   492, -   760,    +   570, -   762,    +   490, -   734,    +   492, -  3762, 
   +  5478, -  1990,    +   518, -   762,    +   492, -  1518,    +   606, -   764, 
   +   502, -  1520,    +   492, -   788,    +   492, -  1518,    +   490, -   762, 
   +   490, -  1518,    +   492, -   762,    +   516, -   762,    +   516, -   738, 
   +   540, -   738,    +   516, -  1494,    +   516, -   764,    +   514, -  1496, 
   +   486, -   768,    +   512, -   738,    +   516, -   738,    +   514, -   738, 
   +   514, -   764,    +   514, -   842,    +   540, -  1496,    +   514, -   764, 
   +   566, -   738,    +   514, -  1498,    +   482, -  1578,    +   454, -  1508, 
   +   530, -   770,    +   456, -  1524,    +   512, -   730,    +   494, -   758, 
   +   466, -   824,    +   428, -   824,    +   536, -   766,    +   512, -   766, 
   +   512, -   740,    +   590, -  1472,    +   512, -   744,    +   508, -   742, 
   +   512, -   740,    +   512, -  1498,    +   536, -   822,    +   430, -  1582, 
   +   482, -  1498,    +   512, -  1498,    +   512, -   766,    +   512, -   742, 
   +   512, -   740,    +   512, -   768,    +   510, -   768,    +   512, -   768, 
   +   512, -   766,    +   512, -   766,    +   590, -   758,    +   520, -   770, 
   +   510, -   740,    +   590, -   742,    +   510, -   768,    +   510, -   820, 
   +   562, -   768,    +   510, -   770,    +   508, -   770,    +   558, -   824, 
   +   430, -   822,    +   432, -   820,    +   458, -   744,    +   510, -   848, 
   +   536, -   768,    +   510, -   770,    +   508, -   872,    +   430, -   822, 
   +   432, -   794,    +   484, -   744,    +   508, -   744,    +   508, -   744, 
   +   508, -   744,    +   508, -   744,    +   510, -   744,    +   508, -   736, 
   +   516, -   770,    +   508, -   770,    +   508, -   770,    +   508, -   770, 
   +   508, -   772,    +   506, -   744,    +   560, -   768,    +   484, -   744, 
   +   508, -   688,    +   486

uint16_t rawData[539] = {5472, 1876,  572, 750,  560, 1448,  562, 718,  638, 1430,  564, 688,  564, 1450,  572, 706,  602, 1424,  586, 666,  588, 692,  586, 666,  584, 652,  594, 1486,  584, 666,  586, 1422,  586, 696,  582, 668,  602, 678,  582, 670,  582, 666,  584, 668,  586, 1428,  580, 720,  600, 688,  592, 1418,  626, 1426,  582, 1428,  582, 670,  582, 1428,  582, 704,  578, 672,  578, 670,  582, 670,  584, 694,  638, 674,  554, 694,  582, 1432,  562, 686,  686, 694,  584, 668,  584, 1426,  584, 670,  662, 1404,  570, 1442,  598, 1430,  560, 676,  576, 720,  560, 676,  562, 690,  564, 688,  600, 680,  644, 704,  570, 684,  572, 706,  650, 686,  604, 646,  606, 644,  608, 672,  606, 722,  632, 672,  608, 646,  606, 724,  610, 644,  608, 670,  610, 644,  608, 644,  608, 644,  610, 642,  610, 644,  608, 670,  610, 668,  610, 644,  608, 646,  608, 670,  606, 672,  606, 672,  606, 672,  632, 648,  606, 676,  602, 648,  602, 650,  600, 754,  604, 674,  572, 666,  556, 690,  602, 650,  560, 720,  576, 590,  572, 3578,  5402, 1944,  564, 758,  520, 1488,  524, 756,  522, 1490,  520, 730,  522, 1488,  522, 762,  516, 1496,  562, 686,  564, 716,  514, 738,  514, 734,  518, 1496,  558, 720,  568, 1458,  556, 724,  554, 698,  552, 686,  596, 724,  554, 700,  554, 682,  568, 1458,  604, 700,  552, 700,  552, 1458,  552, 1462,  548, 1466,  460, 822,  456, 1554,  566, 728,  550, 686,  508, 744,  512, 784,  492, 742,  480, 772,  458, 792,  490, 1526,  508, 786,  520, 758,  494, 756,  494, 1516,  496, 810,  494, 1516,  494, 1516,  492, 1524,  482, 770,  484, 794,  480, 802,  502, 748,  618, 730,  522, 732,  520, 732,  522, 732,  516, 718,  538, 740,  536, 720,  502, 748,  456, 794,  458, 794,  458, 820,  458, 824,  476, 774,  480, 800,  508, 772,  532, 722,  500, 750,  588, 760,  518, 734,  518, 734,  492, 760,  490, 840,  492, 760,  492, 760,  492, 760,  492, 760,  492, 788,  492, 760,  492, 744,  506, 748,  508, 788,  490, 762,  486, 748,  476, 774,  538, 786,  492, 786,  492, 760,  570, 762,  490, 734,  492, 3762,  5478, 1990,  518, 762,  492, 1518,  606, 764,  502, 1520,  492, 788,  492, 1518,  490, 762,  490, 1518,  492, 762,  516, 762,  516, 738,  540, 738,  516, 1494,  516, 764,  514, 1496,  486, 768,  512, 738,  516, 738,  514, 738,  514, 764,  514, 842,  540, 1496,  514, 764,  566, 738,  514, 1498,  482, 1578,  454, 1508,  530, 770,  456, 1524,  512, 730,  494, 758,  466, 824,  428, 824,  536, 766,  512, 766,  512, 740,  590, 1472,  512, 744,  508, 742,  512, 740,  512, 1498,  536, 822,  430, 1582,  482, 1498,  512, 1498,  512, 766,  512, 742,  512, 740,  512, 768,  510, 768,  512, 768,  512, 766,  512, 766,  590, 758,  520, 770,  510, 740,  590, 742,  510, 768,  510, 820,  562, 768,  510, 770,  508, 770,  558, 824,  430, 822,  432, 820,  458, 744,  510, 848,  536, 768,  510, 770,  508, 872,  430, 822,  432, 794,  484, 744,  508, 744,  508, 744,  508, 744,  508, 744,  510, 744,  508, 736,  516, 770,  508, 770,  508, 770,  508, 770,  508, 772,  506, 744,  560, 768,  484, 744,  508, 688,  486};  // UNKNOWN 225422BE

Circuit diagram and hardware used (if applicable)

Used an esp8266 gpio 4 using a TSOP4838 IR receiver.

I have followed the steps in the [Troubleshooting Guide]

Yes. tried to the best of my ability.

Has this library/code previously worked as expected for you?

Yes, including this last version for the same remotes I've tested before.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
remote control picture attached as well for reference.


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It looks like this is an unsupported protocol at the moment. How far thru did you get?

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Looking at your raw data via our tools, it looks like you've got a poor quality capture. That could be for a number of reasons.

I had to bump up the range matching on our tools to make heads or tails of your data. i.e. -r 300. That is a strong indicator something is not good with your capture setup/hardware etc.

It appears to be a 88 bit message with two identical repeats. i.e. 3 x 88 bit messages.

$ ./tools/ -f /tmp/off2 -r 300
Found 539 timing entries.
Potential Mark Candidates:
[5478, 686]
Potential Space Candidates:
[3762, 1990, 1582, 872]

Guessing encoding type:
Looks like it uses space encoding. Yay!

Guessing key value:
kHdrMark   = 5450
kHdrSpace  = 1936
kBitMark   = 538
kOneSpace  = 1480
kZeroSpace = 732
kSpaceGap = 3670

Decoding protocol based on analysis so far:

  Bits: 88
  Hex:  0x550A04E808B80000000000 (MSB first)
        0x00000000001D10172050AA (LSB first)
  Dec:  102806008838864397892845568 (MSB first)
        31954944676010 (LSB first)
  Bin:  0b0101010100001010000001001110100000001000101110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (MSB first)
        0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111010001000000010111001000000101000010101010 (LSB first)
  Bits: 88
  Hex:  0x550A04E808B80000000000 (MSB first)
        0x00000000001D10172050AA (LSB first)
  Dec:  102806008838864397892845568 (MSB first)
        31954944676010 (LSB first)
  Bin:  0b0101010100001010000001001110100000001000101110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (MSB first)
        0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111010001000000010111001000000101000010101010 (LSB first)
  Bits: 88
  Hex:  0x550A04E808B80000000000 (MSB first)
        0x00000000001D10172050AA (LSB first)
  Dec:  102806008838864397892845568 (MSB first)
        31954944676010 (LSB first)
  Bin:  0b0101010100001010000001001110100000001000101110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (MSB first)
        0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111010001000000010111001000000101000010101010 (LSB first)

Total Nr. of suspected bits: 264

We can potentially work with the data you've collected but I am reluctant to do so till you can get cleaner captures. That is, the respective Mark and Space values are within an acceptable/repeatable range for their reference. i.e. The default range for a value is 200 usecs (+/-100 usecs), which most protocol values are typical well within. Most captures have their respective values within +/-50 usecs. Your captures required +/-150 usecs to get any semblance of decoding.

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dotanger commented Jun 21, 2021

thanks a lot for getting back so quickly.
I didn't go too far with the Adding-support-for-a-new-IR-protocol because I couldn't make heads or tails of my data especially due to the fact that the codes are not repeating at all.
I read the manual you've shared on mitigating bad capture and I will try capturing the signal over 30mm away, I tried capturing from over 10cm away but it's the same.

I have two tv remotes which work fine and another coolix AC remote that also works fine with out a glitch using this setup.

could it be that the transmission beam BW is wide enough to be received by the 38kHz receiver and actually I have the wrong frequency receiver for this remote?
maybe parameters for the capture program?

until I get to do that this is my setup schematics:
this is how it looks:

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I read the manual you've shared on mitigating bad capture and I will try capturing the signal over 30mm away, I tried capturing from over 10cm away but it's the same.

10cm is possibly even too close. 30cm to 100cm is typically optimal in my experience. ie. Remotes are not designed with Point Blank operation in mind.

I have two tv remotes which work fine and another coolix AC remote that also works fine with out a glitch using this setup.

Good to know.

could it be that the transmission beam BW is wide enough to be received by the 38kHz receiver and actually I have the wrong frequency receiver for this remote?

That is entirely possible. A 36, 40, or 56 kHz signal could present like this to a 38kHz receiver.
An oscilloscope is the definitive tool required on the remote to be sure of the frequency in operation.

maybe parameters for the capture program?

Not really. In your situation, the raw data from the receiver looks fine. The timing issues are up stream from the ESP. i.e. receiver/remote/environment etc.

The library is going to recognise it as UNKNOWN regardless as it doesn't (yet) support this 88 bit protocol.

I didn't go too far with the Adding-support-for-a-new-IR-protocol because I couldn't make heads or tails of my data especially due to the fact that the codes are not repeating at all.

In the meantime, try adding/using the -r 300 parameter argument to tools/ It will help you see what is going on.

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dotanger commented Jun 25, 2021

Can you please look at the following data again? I played with it now for a while and distance helps to give me confidence - I put the transmitter well away and the readings seem more stable. using -r 200 still doesn't work though.
btw, it's hard to source IR receivers with frequencies other than 38kHz. ideas?
Another point to note, is that this remote has two IR transmitters it seems. I tried to block one of them for some of the readings each time and the result was the same. don't know what that's about.

I guess my question is if you still think the problem is with the setup? is the timing still bad? or can it be maybe something else?
I tried 2 other remotes I have, 3 AC in total and 2 tv and 1 audio receiver and they work great...

a scope is harder to locate (though may be possible)


Protocol  : UNKNOWN
Code      : 0xABF4C698 (270 Bits)
Raw Timing[539]:
   +  5374, -  1972,    +   512, -   762,    +   522, -  1510,    +   498, -   780, 
   +   578, -  1486,    +   462, -   790,    +   462, -  1550,    +   544, -   708, 
   +   510, -  1500,    +   544, -  1470,    +   516, -   762,    +   482, -   770, 
   +   516, -  1496,    +   518, -  1510,    +   498, -   780,    +   468, -  1544, 
   +   466, -   786,    +   466, -   786,    +   466, -   786,    +   466, -   786, 
   +   486, -   748,    +   526, -   756,    +   506, -  1520,    +   516, -   764, 
   +   516, -  1492,    +   518, -   762,    +   544, -   708,    +   548, -   704, 
   +   602, -  1434,    +   556, -  1456,    +   524, -   726,    +   552, -   700, 
   +   554, -   698,    +   648, -  1438,    +   548, -   684,    +   536, -  1478, 
   +   568, -   682,    +   568, -   682,    +   578, -   702,    +   568, -   684, 
   +   570, -   712,    +   624, -   724,    +   528, -  1482,    +   528, -   726, 
   +   528, -  1482,    +   526, -   724,    +   546, -  1524,    +   568, -   682, 
   +   540, -   710,    +   544, -   734,    +   542, -  1516,    +   492, -   762, 
   +   488, -   744,    +   546, -  1482,    +   492, -   788,    +   544, -   734, 
   +   494, -   758,    +   492, -   760,    +   490, -   744,    +   548, -   828, 
   +   494, -   760,    +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   786, 
   +   492, -   760,    +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   742,    +   508, -   746, 
   +   508, -   788,    +   492, -   760,    +   494, -   786,    +   494, -   786, 
   +   494, -   742,    +   508, -   744,    +   508, -   788,    +   570, -   760, 
   +   494, -   784,    +   494, -   788,    +   568, -   786,    +   492, -   744, 
   +   508, -   772,    +   608, -   768,    +   538, -   714,    +   490, -   786, 
   +   628, -   728,    +   494, -   786,    +   494, -   758,    +   494, -   742, 
   +   508, -  1390,    +   494, -  3692,    +  5394, -  1960,    +   494, -   784, 
   +   494, -  1516,    +   494, -   760,    +   494, -  1516,    +   494, -   760, 
   +   492, -  1516,    +   494, -   760,    +   492, -  1518,    +   524, -  1486, 
   +   494, -   790,    +   486, -   764,    +   492, -  1524,    +   538, -  1472, 
   +   540, -   740,    +   538, -  1546,    +   546, -   728,    +   524, -   726, 
   +   526, -   728,    +   524, -   728,    +   526, -   728,    +   524, -   728, 
   +   524, -  1486,    +   526, -   726,    +   546, -  1464,    +   550, -   702, 
   +   550, -   728,    +   552, -   702,    +   550, -  1460,    +   550, -  1460, 
   +   550, -   702,    +   552, -   728,    +   550, -   702,    +   550, -  1460, 
   +   550, -   728,    +   550, -  1464,    +   548, -   704,    +   546, -   704, 
   +   548, -   732,    +   546, -   704,    +   548, -   704,    +   548, -   730, 
   +   548, -  1462,    +   548, -   706,    +   518, -  1492,    +   546, -   706, 
   +   518, -  1490,    +   546, -   706,    +   520, -   732,    +   520, -   732, 
   +   522, -  1492,    +   518, -   760,    +   518, -   732,    +   546, -  1468, 
   +   516, -   736,    +   516, -   732,    +   520, -   732,    +   520, -   758, 
   +   520, -   818,    +   478, -   772,    +   480, -   802,    +   454, -   894, 
   +   520, -   734,    +   518, -   734,    +   518, -   760,    +   518, -   734, 
   +   518, -   734,    +   518, -   718,    +   506, -   746,    +   480, -   818, 
   +   488, -   790,    +   490, -   744,    +   508, -   790,    +   490, -   744, 
   +   510, -   770,    +   508, -   788,    +   490, -   762,    +   544, -   788, 
   +   490, -   788,    +   462, -   818,    +   566, -   788,    +   490, -   744, 
   +   480, -   770,    +   456, -   794,    +   458, -   894,    +   492, -   762, 
   +   492, -   760,    +   490, -   744,    +   508, -  1390,    +   492, -  3664, 
   +  5398, -  1960,    +   490, -   746,    +   476, -  1552,    +   492, -   742, 
   +   508, -  1504,    +   508, -   746,    +   504, -  1522,    +   494, -   786, 
   +   492, -  1516,    +   494, -  1516,    +   494, -   760,    +   492, -   786, 
   +   494, -  1520,    +   490, -  1520,    +   458, -   822,    +   458, -  1554, 
   +   510, -   788,    +   494, -   784,    +   494, -   760,    +   492, -   742, 
   +   508, -   770,    +   512, -   786,    +   492, -  1516,    +   520, -   760, 
   +   520, -  1488,    +   520, -   734,    +   520, -   760,    +   518, -   734, 
   +   520, -  1490,    +   520, -  1494,    +   516, -   734,    +   518, -   732, 
   +   520, -   762,    +   516, -   762,    +   488, -  1522,    +   458, -  1554, 
   +   506, -   774,    +   506, -   744,    +   508, -   774,    +   508, -   770, 
   +   510, -   742,    +   506, -   746,    +   540, -  1472,    +   506, -   744, 
   +   508, -  1522,    +   488, -   764,    +   488, -  1504,    +   538, -   758, 
   +   520, -   734,    +   520, -   760,    +   520, -  1490,    +   518, -   734, 
   +   520, -   734,    +   520, -  1490,    +   520, -   760,    +   518, -   760, 
   +   538, -   770,    +   488, -   764,    +   516, -   734,    +   518, -   734, 
   +   518, -   818,    +   476, -   802,    +   476, -   774,    +   478, -   904, 
   +   538, -   734,    +   520, -   762,    +   516, -   818,    +   510, -   748, 
   +   476, -   772,    +   458, -   794,    +   458, -   792,    +   516, -   736, 
   +   516, -   736,    +   516, -   736,    +   516, -   738,    +   514, -   762, 
   +   516, -   764,    +   514, -   738,    +   516, -   738,    +   538, -   766, 
   +   516, -   738,    +   514, -   738,    +   514, -   766,    +   512, -   794, 
   +   486, -   768,    +   486, -   794,    +   486, -   766,    +   512, -   738, 
   +   488, -  1398,    +   504

uint16_t rawData[539] = {5374, 1972,  512, 762,  522, 1510,  498, 780,  578, 1486,  462, 790,  462, 1550,  544, 708,  510, 1500,  544, 1470,  516, 762,  482, 770,  516, 1496,  518, 1510,  498, 780,  468, 1544,  466, 786,  466, 786,  466, 786,  466, 786,  486, 748,  526, 756,  506, 1520,  516, 764,  516, 1492,  518, 762,  544, 708,  548, 704,  602, 1434,  556, 1456,  524, 726,  552, 700,  554, 698,  648, 1438,  548, 684,  536, 1478,  568, 682,  568, 682,  578, 702,  568, 684,  570, 712,  624, 724,  528, 1482,  528, 726,  528, 1482,  526, 724,  546, 1524,  568, 682,  540, 710,  544, 734,  542, 1516,  492, 762,  488, 744,  546, 1482,  492, 788,  544, 734,  494, 758,  492, 760,  490, 744,  548, 828,  494, 760,  494, 758,  494, 758,  494, 786,  492, 760,  494, 758,  494, 742,  508, 746,  508, 788,  492, 760,  494, 786,  494, 786,  494, 742,  508, 744,  508, 788,  570, 760,  494, 784,  494, 788,  568, 786,  492, 744,  508, 772,  608, 768,  538, 714,  490, 786,  628, 728,  494, 786,  494, 758,  494, 742,  508, 1390,  494, 3692,  5394, 1960,  494, 784,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 1518,  524, 1486,  494, 790,  486, 764,  492, 1524,  538, 1472,  540, 740,  538, 1546,  546, 728,  524, 726,  526, 728,  524, 728,  526, 728,  524, 728,  524, 1486,  526, 726,  546, 1464,  550, 702,  550, 728,  552, 702,  550, 1460,  550, 1460,  550, 702,  552, 728,  550, 702,  550, 1460,  550, 728,  550, 1464,  548, 704,  546, 704,  548, 732,  546, 704,  548, 704,  548, 730,  548, 1462,  548, 706,  518, 1492,  546, 706,  518, 1490,  546, 706,  520, 732,  520, 732,  522, 1492,  518, 760,  518, 732,  546, 1468,  516, 736,  516, 732,  520, 732,  520, 758,  520, 818,  478, 772,  480, 802,  454, 894,  520, 734,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 718,  506, 746,  480, 818,  488, 790,  490, 744,  508, 790,  490, 744,  510, 770,  508, 788,  490, 762,  544, 788,  490, 788,  462, 818,  566, 788,  490, 744,  480, 770,  456, 794,  458, 894,  492, 762,  492, 760,  490, 744,  508, 1390,  492, 3664,  5398, 1960,  490, 746,  476, 1552,  492, 742,  508, 1504,  508, 746,  504, 1522,  494, 786,  492, 1516,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 786,  494, 1520,  490, 1520,  458, 822,  458, 1554,  510, 788,  494, 784,  494, 760,  492, 742,  508, 770,  512, 786,  492, 1516,  520, 760,  520, 1488,  520, 734,  520, 760,  518, 734,  520, 1490,  520, 1494,  516, 734,  518, 732,  520, 762,  516, 762,  488, 1522,  458, 1554,  506, 774,  506, 744,  508, 774,  508, 770,  510, 742,  506, 746,  540, 1472,  506, 744,  508, 1522,  488, 764,  488, 1504,  538, 758,  520, 734,  520, 760,  520, 1490,  518, 734,  520, 734,  520, 1490,  520, 760,  518, 760,  538, 770,  488, 764,  516, 734,  518, 734,  518, 818,  476, 802,  476, 774,  478, 904,  538, 734,  520, 762,  516, 818,  510, 748,  476, 772,  458, 794,  458, 792,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 738,  514, 762,  516, 764,  514, 738,  516, 738,  538, 766,  516, 738,  514, 738,  514, 766,  512, 794,  486, 768,  486, 794,  486, 766,  512, 738,  488, 1398,  504};  // UNKNOWN ABF4C698

py -r 300 'uint16_t rawData[539] = {5374, 1972,  512, 762,  522, 1510,  498, 780,  578, 1486,  462, 790,  462, 1550,  544, 708,  510, 1500,  544, 1470,  516, 762,  482, 770,  516, 1496,  518, 1510,  498, 780,  468, 1544,  466, 786,  466, 786,  466, 786,  466, 786,  486, 748,  526, 756,  506, 1520,  516, 764,  516, 1492,  518, 762,  544, 708,  548, 704,  602, 1434,  556, 1456,  524, 726,  552, 700,  554, 698,  648, 1438,  548, 684,  536, 1478,  568, 682,  568, 682,  578, 702,  568, 684,  570, 712,  624, 724,  528, 1482,  528, 726,  528, 1482,  526, 724,  546, 1524,  568, 682,  540, 710,  544, 734,  542, 1516,  492, 762,  488, 744,  546, 1482,  492, 788,  544, 734,  494, 758,  492, 760,  490, 744,  548, 828,  494, 760,  494, 758,  494, 758,  494, 786,  492, 760,  494, 758,  494, 742,  508, 746,  508, 788,  492, 760,  494, 786,  494, 786,  494, 742,  508, 744,  508, 788,  570, 760,  494, 784,  494, 788,  568, 786,  492, 744,  508, 772,  608, 768,  538, 714,  490, 786,  628, 728,  494, 786,  494, 758,  494, 742,  508, 1390,  494, 3692,  5394, 1960,  494, 784,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 1518,  524, 1486,  494, 790,  486, 764,  492, 1524,  538, 1472,  540, 740,  538, 1546,  546, 728,  524, 726,  526, 728,  524, 728,  526, 728,  524, 728,  524, 1486,  526, 726,  546, 1464,  550, 702,  550, 728,  552, 702,  550, 1460,  550, 1460,  550, 702,  552, 728,  550, 702,  550, 1460,  550, 728,  550, 1464,  548, 704,  546, 704,  548, 732,  546, 704,  548, 704,  548, 730,  548, 1462,  548, 706,  518, 1492,  546, 706,  518, 1490,  546, 706,  520, 732,  520, 732,  522, 1492,  518, 760,  518, 732,  546, 1468,  516, 736,  516, 732,  520, 732,  520, 758,  520, 818,  478, 772,  480, 802,  454, 894,  520, 734,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 718,  506, 746,  480, 818,  488, 790,  490, 744,  508, 790,  490, 744,  510, 770,  508, 788,  490, 762,  544, 788,  490, 788,  462, 818,  566, 788,  490, 744,  480, 770,  456, 794,  458, 894,  492, 762,  492, 760,  490, 744,  508, 1390,  492, 3664,  5398, 1960,  490, 746,  476, 1552,  492, 742,  508, 1504,  508, 746,  504, 1522,  494, 786,  492, 1516,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 786,  494, 1520,  490, 1520,  458, 822,  458, 1554,  510, 788,  494, 784,  494, 760,  492, 742,  508, 770,  512, 786,  492, 1516,  520, 760,  520, 1488,  520, 734,  520, 760,  518, 734,  520, 1490,  520, 1494,  516, 734,  518, 732,  520, 762,  516, 762,  488, 1522,  458, 1554,  506, 774,  506, 744,  508, 774,  508, 770,  510, 742,  506, 746,  540, 1472,  506, 744,  508, 1522,  488, 764,  488, 1504,  538, 758,  520, 734,  520, 760,  520, 1490,  518, 734,  520, 734,  520, 1490,  520, 760,  518, 760,  538, 770,  488, 764,  516, 734,  518, 734,  518, 818,  476, 802,  476, 774,  478, 904,  538, 734,  520, 762,  516, 818,  510, 748,  476, 772,  458, 794,  458, 792,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 738,  514, 762,  516, 764,  514, 738,  516, 738,  538, 766,  516, 738,  514, 738,  514, 766,  512, 794,  486, 768,  486, 794,  486, 766,  512, 738,  488, 1398,  504};'


Protocol  : UNKNOWN
Code      : 0xE30F29FC (270 Bits)
Raw Timing[539]:
   +  5404, -  1938,    +   466, -   814,    +   464, -  1546,    +   512, -   740, 
   +   464, -  1546,    +   518, -   762,    +   516, -  1494,    +   484, -   800, 
   +   480, -  1546,    +   466, -  1622,    +   520, -   734,    +   542, -   710, 
   +   518, -  1492,    +   542, -  1468,    +   518, -   736,    +   516, -  1494, 
   +   482, -   818,    +   602, -   758,    +   466, -   786,    +   466, -   788, 
   +   488, -   792,    +   488, -   814,    +   464, -  1550,    +   458, -   794, 
   +   528, -   750,    +   528, -   798,    +   546, -   734,    +   546, -   706, 
   +   550, -  1460,    +   552, -  1458,    +   554, -   726,    +   554, -   698, 
   +   556, -   698,    +   556, -  1454,    +   556, -   748,    +   538, -   744, 
   +   534, -   716,    +   526, -  1486,    +   566, -   760,    +   582, -   724, 
   +   554, -   698,    +   528, -   802,    +   494, -   760,    +   494, -   788, 
   +   492, -   760,    +   492, -  1594,    +   520, -  1516,    +   494, -   784, 
   +   546, -   762,    +   544, -   736,    +   548, -  1466,    +   548, -   704, 
   +   566, -   786,    +   494, -  1516,    +   494, -   760,    +   540, -   738, 
   +   594, -   710,    +   542, -   710,    +   542, -   710,    +   542, -   738, 
   +   542, -   794,    +   480, -   774,    +   480, -   800,    +   478, -   880, 
   +   560, -   710,    +   542, -   710,    +   542, -   840,    +   568, -   694, 
   +   556, -   738,    +   542, -   788,    +   544, -   736,    +   540, -   712, 
   +   540, -   842,    +   570, -   710,    +   494, -   786,    +   494, -   868, 
   +   482, -   800,    +   480, -   802,    +   504, -   824,    +   512, -   786, 
   +   494, -   760,    +   494, -   862,    +   520, -   784,    +   490, -   746, 
   +   504, -   844,    +   494, -   760,    +   494, -   760,    +   492, -   760, 
   +   494, -  1386,    +   492, -  3662,    +  5400, -  1960,    +   494, -   742, 
   +   510, -  1516,    +   494, -   760,    +   492, -  1516,    +   494, -   758, 
   +   494, -  1516,    +   494, -   760,    +   494, -  1516,    +   492, -  1516, 
   +   494, -   760,    +   494, -   758,    +   494, -  1516,    +   524, -  1486, 
   +   524, -   728,    +   524, -  1490,    +   520, -   728,    +   524, -   728, 
   +   526, -   754,    +   524, -   728,    +   524, -   728,    +   524, -   754, 
   +   526, -  1484,    +   526, -   728,    +   524, -   728,    +   604, -   732, 
   +   540, -   740,    +   538, -   742,    +   592, -  1460,    +   526, -  1484, 
   +   526, -   728,    +   548, -   704,    +   550, -   702,    +   628, -  1436, 
   +   548, -   704,    +   550, -   728,    +   550, -   702,    +   572, -  1470, 
   +   536, -   744,    +   534, -   718,    +   458, -   792,    +   590, -   736, 
   +   520, -   742,    +   480, -   816,    +   618, -   744,    +   458, -  1552, 
   +   456, -  1556,    +   536, -   716,    +   456, -   796,    +   536, -   742, 
   +   534, -  1478,    +   534, -   718,    +   456, -   796,    +   592, -  1488, 
   +   520, -   758,    +   520, -   732,    +   520, -   732,    +   488, -   816, 
   +   520, -   734,    +   520, -   732,    +   520, -   734,    +   518, -   812, 
   +   520, -   732,    +   520, -   760,    +   520, -   862,    +   544, -   734, 
   +   520, -   734,    +   518, -   870,    +   480, -   774,    +   456, -   794, 
   +   458, -   920,    +   518, -   762,    +   518, -   762,    +   490, -   866, 
   +   542, -   764,    +   490, -   762,    +   490, -   842,    +   490, -   762, 
   +   492, -   788,    +   490, -   892,    +   516, -   788,    +   492, -   760, 
   +   490, -   874,    +   478, -   802,    +   478, -   772,    +   458, -   894, 
   +   492, -   762,    +   490, -   788,    +   490, -  1392,    +   460, -  3692, 
   +  5398, -  1960,    +   494, -   786,    +   492, -  1518,    +   492, -   760, 
   +   492, -  1518,    +   490, -   792,    +   486, -  1524,    +   458, -   796, 
   +   458, -  1554,    +   456, -  1556,    +   476, -   774,    +   456, -   794, 
   +   456, -  1554,    +   508, -  1504,    +   506, -   744,    +   512, -  1518, 
   +   492, -   744,    +   508, -   744,    +   510, -   788,    +   490, -   790, 
   +   492, -   760,    +   488, -   742,    +   456, -  1556,    +   508, -   744, 
   +   506, -   744,    +   458, -   796,    +   478, -   802,    +   508, -   772, 
   +   478, -  1552,    +   490, -  1520,    +   520, -   734,    +   520, -   714, 
   +   508, -   742,    +   508, -  1522,    +   520, -   758,    +   520, -   760, 
   +   520, -   732,    +   520, -  1490,    +   520, -   734,    +   540, -   792, 
   +   492, -   760,    +   520, -   760,    +   564, -   748,    +   506, -   772, 
   +   508, -   744,    +   508, -  1524,    +   598, -  1494,    +   516, -   734, 
   +   520, -   734,    +   518, -   734,    +   566, -  1500,    +   458, -   796, 
   +   456, -   820,    +   480, -  1532,    +   508, -   772,    +   506, -   746, 
   +   504, -   748,    +   476, -   820,    +   540, -   816,    +   518, -   734, 
   +   518, -   760,    +   540, -   798,    +   508, -   772,    +   506, -   744, 
   +   510, -   772,    +   506, -   822,    +   538, -   736,    +   518, -   734, 
   +   518, -   736,    +   516, -   736,    +   490, -   746,    +   508, -   790, 
   +   516, -   762,    +   516, -   736,    +   516, -   716,    +   508, -   744, 
   +   504, -   748,    +   478, -   800,    +   478, -   772,    +   480, -   772, 
   +   480, -   800,    +   586, -   794,    +   516, -   736,    +   514, -   766, 
   +   538, -   796,    +   456, -   796,    +   478, -   800,    +   510, -   774, 
   +   506, -  1392,    +   514

uint16_t rawData[539] = {5404, 1938,  466, 814,  464, 1546,  512, 740,  464, 1546,  518, 762,  516, 1494,  484, 800,  480, 1546,  466, 1622,  520, 734,  542, 710,  518, 1492,  542, 1468,  518, 736,  516, 1494,  482, 818,  602, 758,  466, 786,  466, 788,  488, 792,  488, 814,  464, 1550,  458, 794,  528, 750,  528, 798,  546, 734,  546, 706,  550, 1460,  552, 1458,  554, 726,  554, 698,  556, 698,  556, 1454,  556, 748,  538, 744,  534, 716,  526, 1486,  566, 760,  582, 724,  554, 698,  528, 802,  494, 760,  494, 788,  492, 760,  492, 1594,  520, 1516,  494, 784,  546, 762,  544, 736,  548, 1466,  548, 704,  566, 786,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  540, 738,  594, 710,  542, 710,  542, 710,  542, 738,  542, 794,  480, 774,  480, 800,  478, 880,  560, 710,  542, 710,  542, 840,  568, 694,  556, 738,  542, 788,  544, 736,  540, 712,  540, 842,  570, 710,  494, 786,  494, 868,  482, 800,  480, 802,  504, 824,  512, 786,  494, 760,  494, 862,  520, 784,  490, 746,  504, 844,  494, 760,  494, 760,  492, 760,  494, 1386,  492, 3662,  5400, 1960,  494, 742,  510, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 758,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  494, 1516,  492, 1516,  494, 760,  494, 758,  494, 1516,  524, 1486,  524, 728,  524, 1490,  520, 728,  524, 728,  526, 754,  524, 728,  524, 728,  524, 754,  526, 1484,  526, 728,  524, 728,  604, 732,  540, 740,  538, 742,  592, 1460,  526, 1484,  526, 728,  548, 704,  550, 702,  628, 1436,  548, 704,  550, 728,  550, 702,  572, 1470,  536, 744,  534, 718,  458, 792,  590, 736,  520, 742,  480, 816,  618, 744,  458, 1552,  456, 1556,  536, 716,  456, 796,  536, 742,  534, 1478,  534, 718,  456, 796,  592, 1488,  520, 758,  520, 732,  520, 732,  488, 816,  520, 734,  520, 732,  520, 734,  518, 812,  520, 732,  520, 760,  520, 862,  544, 734,  520, 734,  518, 870,  480, 774,  456, 794,  458, 920,  518, 762,  518, 762,  490, 866,  542, 764,  490, 762,  490, 842,  490, 762,  492, 788,  490, 892,  516, 788,  492, 760,  490, 874,  478, 802,  478, 772,  458, 894,  492, 762,  490, 788,  490, 1392,  460, 3692,  5398, 1960,  494, 786,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  490, 792,  486, 1524,  458, 796,  458, 1554,  456, 1556,  476, 774,  456, 794,  456, 1554,  508, 1504,  506, 744,  512, 1518,  492, 744,  508, 744,  510, 788,  490, 790,  492, 760,  488, 742,  456, 1556,  508, 744,  506, 744,  458, 796,  478, 802,  508, 772,  478, 1552,  490, 1520,  520, 734,  520, 714,  508, 742,  508, 1522,  520, 758,  520, 760,  520, 732,  520, 1490,  520, 734,  540, 792,  492, 760,  520, 760,  564, 748,  506, 772,  508, 744,  508, 1524,  598, 1494,  516, 734,  520, 734,  518, 734,  566, 1500,  458, 796,  456, 820,  480, 1532,  508, 772,  506, 746,  504, 748,  476, 820,  540, 816,  518, 734,  518, 760,  540, 798,  508, 772,  506, 744,  510, 772,  506, 822,  538, 736,  518, 734,  518, 736,  516, 736,  490, 746,  508, 790,  516, 762,  516, 736,  516, 716,  508, 744,  504, 748,  478, 800,  478, 772,  480, 772,  480, 800,  586, 794,  516, 736,  514, 766,  538, 796,  456, 796,  478, 800,  510, 774,  506, 1392,  514};  // UNKNOWN E30F29FC

py -r 300 'uint16_t rawData[539] = {5404, 1938,  466, 814,  464, 1546,  512, 740,  464, 1546,  518, 762,  516, 1494,  484, 800,  480, 1546,  466, 1622,  520, 734,  542, 710,  518, 1492,  542, 1468,  518, 736,  516, 1494,  482, 818,  602, 758,  466, 786,  466, 788,  488, 792,  488, 814,  464, 1550,  458, 794,  528, 750,  528, 798,  546, 734,  546, 706,  550, 1460,  552, 1458,  554, 726,  554, 698,  556, 698,  556, 1454,  556, 748,  538, 744,  534, 716,  526, 1486,  566, 760,  582, 724,  554, 698,  528, 802,  494, 760,  494, 788,  492, 760,  492, 1594,  520, 1516,  494, 784,  546, 762,  544, 736,  548, 1466,  548, 704,  566, 786,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  540, 738,  594, 710,  542, 710,  542, 710,  542, 738,  542, 794,  480, 774,  480, 800,  478, 880,  560, 710,  542, 710,  542, 840,  568, 694,  556, 738,  542, 788,  544, 736,  540, 712,  540, 842,  570, 710,  494, 786,  494, 868,  482, 800,  480, 802,  504, 824,  512, 786,  494, 760,  494, 862,  520, 784,  490, 746,  504, 844,  494, 760,  494, 760,  492, 760,  494, 1386,  492, 3662,  5400, 1960,  494, 742,  510, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 758,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  494, 1516,  492, 1516,  494, 760,  494, 758,  494, 1516,  524, 1486,  524, 728,  524, 1490,  520, 728,  524, 728,  526, 754,  524, 728,  524, 728,  524, 754,  526, 1484,  526, 728,  524, 728,  604, 732,  540, 740,  538, 742,  592, 1460,  526, 1484,  526, 728,  548, 704,  550, 702,  628, 1436,  548, 704,  550, 728,  550, 702,  572, 1470,  536, 744,  534, 718,  458, 792,  590, 736,  520, 742,  480, 816,  618, 744,  458, 1552,  456, 1556,  536, 716,  456, 796,  536, 742,  534, 1478,  534, 718,  456, 796,  592, 1488,  520, 758,  520, 732,  520, 732,  488, 816,  520, 734,  520, 732,  520, 734,  518, 812,  520, 732,  520, 760,  520, 862,  544, 734,  520, 734,  518, 870,  480, 774,  456, 794,  458, 920,  518, 762,  518, 762,  490, 866,  542, 764,  490, 762,  490, 842,  490, 762,  492, 788,  490, 892,  516, 788,  492, 760,  490, 874,  478, 802,  478, 772,  458, 894,  492, 762,  490, 788,  490, 1392,  460, 3692,  5398, 1960,  494, 786,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  490, 792,  486, 1524,  458, 796,  458, 1554,  456, 1556,  476, 774,  456, 794,  456, 1554,  508, 1504,  506, 744,  512, 1518,  492, 744,  508, 744,  510, 788,  490, 790,  492, 760,  488, 742,  456, 1556,  508, 744,  506, 744,  458, 796,  478, 802,  508, 772,  478, 1552,  490, 1520,  520, 734,  520, 714,  508, 742,  508, 1522,  520, 758,  520, 760,  520, 732,  520, 1490,  520, 734,  540, 792,  492, 760,  520, 760,  564, 748,  506, 772,  508, 744,  508, 1524,  598, 1494,  516, 734,  520, 734,  518, 734,  566, 1500,  458, 796,  456, 820,  480, 1532,  508, 772,  506, 746,  504, 748,  476, 820,  540, 816,  518, 734,  518, 760,  540, 798,  508, 772,  506, 744,  510, 772,  506, 822,  538, 736,  518, 734,  518, 736,  516, 736,  490, 746,  508, 790,  516, 762,  516, 736,  516, 716,  508, 744,  504, 748,  478, 800,  478, 772,  480, 772,  480, 800,  586, 794,  516, 736,  514, 766,  538, 796,  456, 796,  478, 800,  510, 774,  506, 1392,  514};'


Copy link

NiKiZe commented Jun 25, 2021

The best way to know is to open the remote and put an oscilloscope over the LEDs.
If there is multiple LEDs they are most often just in series.

It might also be possible to figure out the frequency by looking on the circuit of the remote, maybe it is a chip that we can find documentation for, or maybe simply a crystal from which the frequency be read and used to calculate which possible values the transmitter might use. (but more and more goes to micros these days where its more of a black box)

Copy link

I'll try to take another look at the data soon.
In the meantime, please include all the model info of both the remote and the AC unit you can. Try searching for a circuit diagram for the AC unit. You might get lucky and it could list the part number for the ir receiver. Maybe call their service dept, and they may be able to tell you the part &/or carrier frequency.

Have you tried fresh batteries? (Long shot)

Their are a number of electronic component stores that should carry ir demodulators tuned to various carrier frequencies. E.g. element14, rs-online, eBay, Amazon, AliExpress, etc.

A logic analyser may work too instead of an oscilloscope. No promises.

crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Jun 29, 2021
* Basic support added via `sendSanyoAc88()` & `decodeSanyoAc88()`
* Unit test coverage for the additions/changes.
Note: Bit ordering has NOT been determined. Data values may change in future.

For #1503
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@dotanger I've added some basic experimental support for this protocol. You'll need to test it (sending and receiving) against the real thing. It may work, it may not. It's just a stab in the dark. Download the branch via:

Note: Don't count or rely on the state[] values reported by it at present, this may change as per:

We need the model/brand info for the A/C unit and the remote too. Also, how sure are you that this really is a Sanyo device or protocol? So far, it doesn't look very Sanyo-like.

@crankyoldgit crankyoldgit added more info Pending Confirmation Waiting for confirmation from user labels Jun 29, 2021
Copy link

dotanger commented Jun 29, 2021

Thanks a lot!
I had a quick check for the branch.
it does get the commands as the protocol. I didn't try to send yet.
I will do further testing during the weekend including changing different states to try and see what part is what.

I will have to do a lot of checks I think because it wasn't 100 percent stable. most of the encoding shows a 'header' of AA50 and then suddenly I had a streak of AA4F.

Regarding the remote, I have a problem at the moment because there is absolutely no indication on the plastic/stickers/PCB - absolutely nothing. I did find remotes from other stores that claim it's a substitute but the model seems private for the store. I found the same looking remote on aliexpress after photographing the remote and applying google lens on it. most to all references are for a Sanyo AC.
I will try to investigate more during the weekend.

I applied the spaces below in the codes according to a quick play on what's repeating and changing. the A0 and 20 seem to be the on/off.
Using the python tool before the on off seemed to be 04 and 05.

Timestamp : 000726.364
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 A0 16 07 170 200000080 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5438, 1900,  554, 726,  552, 1456,  554, 698,  554, 1454,  554, 698,  554, 1456,  554, 698,  554, 1538,  576, 678,  568, 684,  566, 684,  564, 686,  534, 1478,  568, 684,  566, 1446,  574, 726,  556, 722,  558, 696,  552, 682,  572, 724,  556, 724,  554, 1454,  556, 698,  554, 1454,  556, 696,  556, 1454,  556, 1452,  558, 696,  556, 1454,  530, 752,  530, 720,  554, 698,  556, 1456,  562, 1452,  566, 1462,  550, 814,  592, 712,  566, 686,  568, 812,  526, 726,  526, 1482,  632, 1482,  492, 1518,  494, 760,  492, 1518,  494, 758,  494, 758,  490, 762,  536, 698,  550, 1478,  542, 738,  594, 710,  544, 734,  570, 682,  676, 690,  588, 664,  558, 692,  590, 692,  584, 762,  578, 702,  578, 676,  578, 778,  600, 704,  578, 658,  590, 764,  598, 674,  578, 674,  578, 782,  594, 660,  584, 668,  590, 688,  592, 690,  592, 702,  576, 660,  588, 664,  590, 704,  576, 658,  594, 688,  592, 702,  578, 658,  590, 660,  586, 664,  560, 694,  638, 668,  594, 676,  570, 662,  558, 694,  560, 1340,  578, 3576,  5476, 1868,  554, 696,  552, 1458,  556, 694,  550, 1462,  558, 694,  556, 1454,  590, 706,  572, 1438,  572, 680,  546, 732,  546, 734,  544, 708,  544, 1464,  544, 708,  544, 1466,  544, 708,  544, 708,  544, 710,  542, 710,  594, 710,  540, 738,  540, 1476,  538, 708,  542, 1502,  456, 794,  544, 1466,  508, 1522,  488, 744,  506, 1522,  492, 760,  490, 744,  510, 768,  508, 1518,  492, 1516,  492, 1516,  464, 816,  492, 786,  492, 760,  544, 738,  490, 762,  490, 1522,  488, 1526,  506, 1504,  508, 788,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 788,  492, 760,  492, 786,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  522, 756,  524, 756,  522, 730,  522, 756,  522, 756,  546, 738,  516, 732,  522, 730,  522, 758,  520, 786,  538, 742,  534, 716,  458, 794,  458, 794,  460, 820,  458, 822,  530, 720,  532, 746,  534, 744,  532, 718,  534, 746,  536, 762,  518, 716,  540, 758,  520, 716,  534, 744,  536, 716,  534, 762,  516, 816,  520, 758,  520, 732,  542, 796,  478, 774,  480, 800,  480, 774,  456, 896,  544, 1438,  520, 3692,  5492, 1974,  456, 794,  458, 1556,  476, 776,  454, 1572,  486, 820,  516, 1492,  518, 736,  540, 1524,  460, 822,  456, 796,  458, 822,  564, 762,  492, 1518,  492, 788,  492, 1518,  492, 762,  492, 760,  492, 762,  490, 762,  570, 764,  490, 760,  492, 1520,  490, 760,  596, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 1516,  492, 764,  510, 1496,  518, 764,  516, 736,  518, 734,  516, 1494,  516, 1494,  490, 1522,  508, 774,  506, 772,  506, 746,  478, 772,  508, 772,  506, 1506,  532, 1494,  518, 1492,  518, 734,  518, 1492,  518, 734,  518, 736,  518, 736,  516, 760,  518, 1492,  518, 736,  518, 734,  518, 736,  542, 762,  518, 762,  516, 736,  640, 722,  506, 792,  516, 716,  614, 736,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 762,  516, 846,  478, 774,  508, 772,  504, 848,  516, 762,  516, 762,  516, 814,  510, 746,  478, 774,  478, 902,  516, 764,  514, 764,  514, 842,  540, 764,  514, 764,  514, 818,  458, 796,  456, 822,  456, 896,  516, 738,  512, 740,  484, 746,  508, 772,  532, 720,  504, 1396,  512};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0xA0, 0x16, 0x07, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

Timestamp : 000731.596
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 20 16 0C 170 200000080 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5454, 1902,  548, 836,  554, 1460,  566, 712,  612, 1470,  554, 698,  554, 1454,  556, 698,  554, 1456,  552, 698,  554, 724,  554, 726,  554, 724,  606, 1438,  566, 682,  564, 1468,  554, 724,  554, 682,  570, 726,  554, 724,  554, 726,  602, 732,  522, 1488,  564, 716,  564, 688,  598, 728,  550, 1460,  550, 1460,  550, 728,  550, 1462,  550, 702,  552, 702,  552, 728,  552, 700,  586, 720,  568, 1444,  566, 1448,  568, 702,  548, 714,  572, 722,  558, 696,  550, 1460,  556, 1454,  556, 1454,  556, 696,  556, 1454,  554, 700,  552, 724,  528, 726,  526, 726,  526, 1482,  528, 726,  494, 760,  652, 682,  546, 734,  480, 798,  566, 760,  492, 786,  540, 740,  646, 718,  560, 738,  544, 734,  598, 708,  570, 708,  574, 680,  574, 704,  576, 756,  568, 690,  562, 720,  586, 762,  576, 704,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 702,  576, 702,  578, 676,  576, 702,  578, 676,  576, 676,  576, 702,  576, 676,  576, 702,  576, 676,  630, 676,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 1306,  574, 3578,  5478, 1878,  574, 678,  574, 1436,  574, 680,  572, 1436,  572, 680,  572, 1438,  574, 704,  546, 1470,  546, 732,  458, 822,  458, 794,  458, 794,  548, 1462,  458, 796,  544, 1468,  478, 774,  478, 800,  458, 796,  458, 794,  544, 706,  572, 708,  544, 1468,  456, 796,  542, 708,  566, 786,  492, 1516,  494, 1516,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  494, 760,  492, 760,  492, 760,  652, 710,  542, 1468,  480, 1550,  490, 762,  492, 770,  506, 744,  510, 786,  492, 1516,  494, 1514,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  494, 1518,  492, 760,  494, 786,  492, 760,  524, 754,  524, 1492,  458, 792,  490, 792,  484, 796,  456, 794,  486, 764,  488, 760,  524, 834,  550, 754,  524, 754,  524, 810,  460, 822,  458, 794,  458, 892,  524, 730,  522, 756,  522, 834,  464, 794,  458, 790,  520, 732,  546, 706,  522, 730,  522, 730,  524, 756,  522, 756,  522, 730,  522, 730,  522, 756,  522, 756,  520, 732,  522, 732,  520, 732,  626, 738,  456, 794,  458, 822,  618, 734,  520, 732,  520, 758,  520, 1362,  460, 3694,  5422, 1936,  518, 736,  516, 1492,  518, 760,  518, 1496,  514, 734,  516, 1498,  458, 790,  514, 1498,  460, 820,  480, 800,  478, 774,  478, 802,  478, 1550,  486, 748,  478, 1548,  492, 786,  492, 760,  492, 760,  490, 788,  492, 786,  492, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 760,  492, 742,  506, 1522,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 788,  492, 760,  492, 760,  540, 822,  456, 1554,  510, 1518,  518, 716,  536, 760,  518, 734,  516, 764,  518, 1490,  518, 1490,  518, 1494,  518, 734,  518, 1490,  488, 794,  488, 762,  516, 736,  518, 734,  518, 1490,  518, 736,  516, 734,  570, 738,  516, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 838,  514, 746,  504, 746,  506, 900,  516, 734,  518, 734,  518, 846,  538, 762,  518, 760,  518, 838,  462, 794,  458, 792,  460, 902,  536, 762,  518, 734,  518, 736,  516, 736,  518, 760,  518, 736,  514, 720,  534, 762,  516, 736,  488, 744,  478, 776,  478, 800,  508, 772,  506, 746,  506, 792,  568, 738,  514, 738,  514, 764,  514, 1370,  454};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0x20, 0x16, 0x0C, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

Timestamp : 000739.358
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 A0 16 14 170 200000000 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5464, 1898,  554, 724,  556, 1456,  554, 698,  554, 1456,  554, 726,  524, 1486,  530, 750,  560, 1450,  566, 686,  564, 714,  564, 688,  532, 718,  524, 1486,  564, 714,  568, 1462,  550, 682,  566, 686,  566, 716,  566, 688,  554, 692,  620, 706,  546, 1462,  546, 732,  546, 1464,  544, 708,  544, 1468,  556, 1456,  522, 730,  552, 1460,  530, 746,  566, 718,  562, 688,  566, 716,  568, 726,  554, 1454,  556, 698,  554, 1456,  554, 698,  556, 696,  582, 696,  556, 1454,  556, 1454,  556, 1456,  554, 696,  556, 1456,  564, 714,  568, 712,  566, 686,  538, 714,  566, 1446,  544, 734,  546, 734,  508, 746,  544, 706,  508, 772,  548, 704,  548, 702,  570, 782,  566, 712,  542, 712,  542, 710,  544, 734,  546, 734,  572, 708,  572, 682,  572, 706,  574, 704,  574, 678,  574, 704,  574, 678,  574, 678,  576, 678,  574, 678,  580, 724,  576, 676,  576, 678,  574, 678,  576, 780,  556, 702,  572, 706,  550, 802,  602, 676,  574, 678,  576, 678,  574, 704,  574, 702,  576, 702,  574, 580,  552, 3618,  5458, 1880,  574, 706,  572, 1442,  568, 682,  598, 1412,  574, 708,  570, 1442,  558, 722,  560, 1466,  544, 692,  558, 694,  476, 774,  458, 796,  614, 1466,  542, 710,  542, 1468,  542, 712,  494, 758,  568, 736,  494, 760,  494, 758,  494, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 784,  494, 1518,  492, 758,  494, 1516,  596, 1518,  494, 760,  494, 1516,  494, 786,  492, 760,  494, 758,  494, 760,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  546, 786,  492, 1522,  538, 716,  488, 760,  594, 846,  560, 1476,  538, 1474,  536, 1490,  494, 760,  490, 1520,  492, 786,  522, 756,  524, 756,  524, 756,  522, 1488,  462, 820,  460, 792,  460, 820,  536, 744,  536, 716,  536, 742,  536, 716,  534, 746,  534, 716,  564, 716,  536, 742,  538, 714,  646, 704,  524, 730,  548, 704,  550, 730,  548, 814,  458, 792,  460, 790,  520, 730,  548, 704,  548, 706,  522, 730,  544, 708,  522, 756,  522, 730,  520, 732,  520, 732,  520, 758,  522, 758,  520, 758,  520, 758,  620, 718,  534, 762,  460, 774,  616, 734,  518, 734,  518, 634,  516, 3638,  5420, 1936,  518, 734,  518, 1492,  518, 736,  516, 1492,  520, 760,  516, 1494,  490, 762,  492, 1520,  516, 766,  458, 794,  458, 820,  458, 822,  478, 1534,  508, 790,  490, 1518,  492, 762,  492, 786,  492, 760,  492, 744,  508, 788,  492, 760,  490, 1520,  492, 762,  490, 1520,  492, 762,  492, 1516,  492, 1516,  494, 786,  492, 1520,  462, 820,  458, 824,  454, 798,  456, 792,  488, 764,  492, 1520,  460, 824,  454, 1554,  512, 768,  508, 740,  536, 762,  492, 1518,  518, 1492,  518, 1492,  518, 736,  518, 1490,  518, 764,  488, 762,  516, 764,  486, 792,  458, 1552,  458, 794,  482, 800,  508, 792,  518, 760,  518, 760,  518, 734,  546, 758,  520, 734,  518, 734,  520, 734,  518, 812,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 734,  520, 732,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 736,  516, 760,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 736,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 734,  596, 734,  518, 736,  516, 762,  516, 736,  516, 840,  514, 746,  536, 762,  516, 816,  514, 764,  514, 738,  514, 868,  542, 636,  512};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0xA0, 0x16, 0x14, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

Timestamp : 000746.357
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 20 16 1B 170 200000080 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5448, 1888,  554, 700,  552, 1540,  574, 700,  550, 1456,  554, 698,  554, 1454,  554, 750,  554, 1458,  528, 724,  636, 744,  554, 700,  554, 698,  554, 1456,  630, 702,  550, 1460,  524, 728,  524, 726,  630, 726,  546, 686,  568, 714,  676, 700,  524, 1490,  532, 746,  534, 720,  598, 708,  566, 1466,  550, 1458,  552, 700,  552, 1456,  554, 698,  554, 724,  554, 698,  554, 1454,  556, 1458,  552, 726,  534, 1478,  562, 1450,  570, 714,  564, 684,  568, 684,  568, 1462,  552, 1458,  554, 1454,  552, 726,  528, 1484,  526, 724,  528, 724,  528, 724,  526, 752,  494, 1516,  494, 758,  492, 760,  492, 760,  494, 784,  538, 714,  540, 712,  542, 694,  558, 710,  568, 788,  572, 680,  574, 708,  570, 786,  600, 678,  574, 706,  574, 780,  568, 718,  560, 692,  554, 798,  578, 676,  576, 676,  576, 702,  576, 676,  574, 660,  592, 702,  578, 658,  594, 702,  574, 678,  572, 662,  592, 706,  576, 704,  574, 660,  594, 702,  576, 660,  644, 676,  578, 702,  576, 704,  680, 686,  592, 1302,  576, 3574,  5484, 1880,  574, 704,  574, 1436,  574, 678,  574, 1436,  572, 680,  572, 1438,  572, 708,  570, 1520,  568, 708,  544, 692,  556, 694,  562, 734,  544, 1466,  544, 734,  542, 1466,  544, 814,  562, 698,  478, 774,  544, 706,  548, 734,  456, 824,  476, 1534,  508, 744,  510, 786,  492, 744,  506, 1520,  492, 1516,  494, 760,  494, 1620,  514, 748,  506, 774,  506, 868,  492, 1520,  542, 1472,  478, 800,  510, 1516,  494, 1516,  492, 762,  516, 760,  492, 760,  494, 1516,  492, 1516,  494, 1518,  490, 760,  492, 1518,  542, 738,  540, 738,  540, 740,  506, 774,  538, 1490,  524, 712,  540, 756,  524, 754,  524, 728,  524, 730,  522, 712,  538, 712,  536, 716,  536, 796,  540, 730,  524, 754,  524, 730,  522, 756,  524, 730,  522, 730,  522, 756,  522, 730,  524, 754,  524, 730,  522, 728,  520, 716,  536, 742,  540, 756,  522, 756,  548, 730,  522, 730,  522, 732,  522, 730,  522, 862,  464, 794,  458, 794,  516, 732,  520, 732,  520, 732,  520, 760,  520, 760,  518, 734,  518, 1368,  478, 3692,  5346, 1992,  518, 734,  516, 1526,  478, 802,  454, 1572,  518, 760,  516, 1494,  518, 734,  518, 1492,  490, 762,  492, 760,  492, 760,  544, 762,  492, 1518,  492, 762,  492, 1520,  490, 762,  484, 794,  492, 760,  492, 762,  492, 760,  490, 844,  458, 1552,  480, 800,  558, 816,  492, 762,  492, 1520,  490, 1522,  458, 792,  482, 1528,  458, 796,  458, 792,  490, 760,  540, 1546,  488, 1522,  516, 762,  514, 1494,  518, 1492,  518, 764,  460, 820,  458, 792,  460, 1550,  458, 1554,  476, 1552,  518, 762,  518, 1492,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 760,  520, 760,  518, 1492,  516, 734,  518, 736,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 736,  518, 760,  544, 736,  516, 734,  516, 734,  518, 760,  526, 786,  482, 792,  516, 736,  516, 892,  518, 760,  518, 736,  518, 816,  458, 792,  516, 736,  516, 762,  486, 768,  514, 736,  514, 764,  488, 794,  458, 822,  456, 796,  512, 740,  512, 738,  514, 738,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 738,  564, 768,  514, 738,  514, 738,  514, 738,  514, 738,  514, 1368,  456};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0x20, 0x16, 0x1B, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

Timestamp : 000757.856
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 20 16 27 170 200000080 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5456, 1886,  536, 714,  526, 1484,  564, 688,  534, 1476,  562, 690,  536, 1476,  566, 684,  566, 1450,  562, 688,  560, 690,  560, 692,  562, 714,  562, 1450,  566, 684,  564, 1468,  550, 682,  576, 726,  546, 684,  566, 686,  560, 692,  532, 720,  522, 1488,  532, 720,  530, 750,  530, 722,  534, 1478,  560, 1454,  566, 686,  560, 1466,  550, 704,  550, 730,  550, 686,  594, 726,  552, 1456,  554, 1462,  550, 698,  554, 698,  536, 1472,  556, 698,  556, 724,  554, 1456,  564, 1448,  562, 1448,  574, 724,  552, 1458,  556, 698,  552, 724,  554, 698,  552, 728,  526, 1482,  528, 724,  528, 752,  494, 758,  494, 760,  492, 760,  598, 764,  570, 680,  542, 712,  536, 714,  540, 842,  542, 736,  544, 708,  544, 814,  576, 678,  572, 706,  570, 784,  598, 706,  574, 680,  574, 754,  578, 680,  574, 702,  554, 828,  600, 706,  572, 676,  576, 790,  590, 662,  590, 660,  594, 792,  594, 678,  574, 676,  576, 806,  602, 702,  576, 676,  578, 754,  560, 724,  562, 718,  562, 790,  600, 580,  588, 3604,  5350, 1990,  550, 732,  548, 1462,  458, 794,  548, 1464,  552, 700,  552, 1460,  586, 708,  546, 1464,  546, 732,  546, 706,  546, 710,  540, 736,  544, 1466,  544, 736,  542, 1466,  544, 708,  542, 710,  542, 710,  542, 712,  542, 710,  494, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 758,  494, 786,  572, 734,  492, 1520,  490, 1522,  544, 734,  544, 1468,  510, 786,  492, 760,  490, 746,  506, 774,  536, 1492,  492, 1516,  492, 786,  492, 786,  492, 1522,  490, 790,  540, 740,  540, 1472,  538, 1490,  492, 1516,  492, 786,  494, 1516,  492, 790,  490, 760,  492, 760,  522, 730,  522, 1486,  524, 756,  524, 730,  522, 754,  524, 730,  522, 758,  520, 758,  520, 732,  520, 758,  524, 730,  652, 730,  522, 730,  522, 712,  536, 716,  538, 812,  548, 728,  524, 730,  522, 868,  542, 754,  524, 754,  522, 808,  522, 732,  520, 732,  520, 862,  548, 756,  524, 756,  522, 782,  522, 732,  520, 732,  520, 730,  522, 760,  518, 758,  518, 764,  458, 822,  456, 824,  474, 774,  458, 792,  460, 794,  516, 636,  506, 3716,  5426, 1916,  504, 748,  476, 1552,  518, 812,  518, 1494,  516, 764,  618, 1492,  518, 736,  518, 1490,  518, 760,  518, 736,  464, 816,  490, 762,  490, 1520,  514, 766,  540, 1472,  478, 800,  480, 802,  478, 772,  564, 788,  492, 760,  492, 786,  542, 1526,  480, 802,  454, 796,  458, 792,  592, 1518,  492, 1518,  496, 782,  494, 1520,  458, 792,  462, 818,  460, 820,  480, 1532,  478, 1550,  492, 1516,  492, 760,  492, 760,  490, 1520,  516, 736,  492, 760,  516, 1492,  518, 1490,  518, 1492,  518, 760,  520, 1494,  460, 792,  516, 734,  518, 734,  520, 734,  518, 1492,  518, 734,  518, 760,  520, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  488, 816,  518, 736,  518, 760,  650, 734,  518, 734,  488, 742,  508, 746,  478, 874,  544, 762,  516, 734,  518, 864,  516, 720,  534, 762,  518, 812,  518, 762,  488, 792,  516, 840,  542, 736,  516, 736,  516, 736,  486, 746,  506, 746,  504, 774,  504, 748,  476, 776,  454, 796,  458, 794,  514, 736,  516, 738,  516, 736,  516, 738,  514, 764,  514, 1370,  478};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0x20, 0x16, 0x27, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

Timestamp : 000760.858
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 A0 16 2A 170 200000080 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5464, 1898,  552, 700,  554, 1454,  556, 680,  574, 1454,  556, 698,  554, 1454,  556, 724,  554, 1456,  554, 698,  554, 698,  554, 698,  554, 698,  554, 1454,  556, 698,  554, 1454,  554, 726,  552, 728,  550, 726,  524, 754,  602, 706,  566, 732,  550, 1458,  552, 728,  534, 1474,  550, 702,  552, 1458,  550, 1458,  552, 702,  552, 1460,  526, 752,  564, 716,  566, 716,  568, 1462,  552, 680,  570, 686,  564, 1462,  552, 684,  566, 1462,  556, 724,  556, 698,  552, 1456,  554, 1454,  554, 1458,  550, 700,  528, 1482,  526, 726,  528, 726,  526, 728,  492, 758,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  494, 758,  494, 760,  544, 760,  492, 760,  540, 712,  542, 710,  544, 708,  544, 692,  558, 692,  558, 694,  552, 700,  550, 700,  576, 678,  572, 678,  576, 704,  574, 676,  614, 696,  560, 722,  556, 696,  660, 716,  578, 702,  576, 676,  680, 686,  588, 662,  590, 690,  674, 676,  576, 676,  576, 702,  680, 686,  588, 664,  560, 692,  558, 690,  554, 782,  594, 676,  578, 676,  572, 662,  560, 1336,  576, 3580,  5478, 1880,  570, 666,  590, 1436,  572, 706,  546, 1462,  546, 706,  546, 1464,  544, 734,  544, 1466,  544, 708,  544, 708,  544, 708,  544, 708,  544, 1466,  542, 738,  540, 1468,  540, 712,  492, 760,  492, 788,  482, 800,  540, 738,  540, 708,  564, 1522,  494, 758,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 1516,  492, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 760,  492, 786,  518, 1492,  492, 760,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  572, 1470,  486, 760,  492, 762,  490, 1518,  542, 1472,  540, 1472,  538, 714,  538, 1472,  538, 760,  522, 712,  538, 714,  538, 742,  540, 1486,  524, 730,  524, 756,  522, 756,  524, 728,  524, 730,  522, 712,  540, 814,  542, 762,  518, 732,  520, 814,  540, 712,  536, 716,  456, 794,  458, 794,  458, 790,  520, 730,  546, 734,  520, 730,  522, 730,  522, 730,  522, 730,  522, 756,  566, 742,  518, 732,  520, 758,  540, 814,  522, 758,  520, 732,  520, 758,  520, 792,  540, 762,  516, 734,  516, 816,  542, 760,  520, 758,  518, 820,  482, 794,  458, 1440,  520, 3634,  5368, 1970,  458, 794,  460, 1554,  454, 794,  458, 1554,  480, 770,  458, 1556,  476, 774,  480, 1534,  502, 746,  480, 772,  458, 794,  458, 822,  478, 1534,  504, 748,  504, 1524,  492, 788,  492, 762,  488, 750,  500, 746,  508, 774,  504, 792,  492, 1518,  492, 786,  492, 1516,  494, 760,  518, 1520,  488, 1524,  456, 794,  482, 1532,  506, 772,  478, 774,  506, 774,  508, 772,  508, 1518,  494, 760,  518, 1490,  518, 734,  518, 1492,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 1492,  518, 1494,  516, 1496,  480, 800,  506, 1504,  506, 748,  454, 794,  458, 794,  458, 820,  458, 1552,  508, 748,  454, 796,  456, 792,  460, 792,  570, 738,  506, 776,  504, 744,  644, 736,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 736,  518, 820,  480, 794,  458, 794,  514, 736,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 736,  516, 736,  516, 762,  518, 762,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 736,  620, 742,  456, 796,  458, 822,  616, 736,  514, 738,  516, 764,  538, 794,  458, 822,  456, 794,  458, 822,  478, 1422,  514};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0xA0, 0x16, 0x2A, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

Timestamp : 000764.353
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 20 16 2D 170 200000080 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5440, 1876,  570, 710,  568, 1464,  554, 724,  554, 1454,  556, 724,  554, 1456,  554, 698,  552, 1512,  570, 682,  570, 710,  574, 782,  576, 698,  552, 1458,  682, 698,  552, 1456,  554, 700,  552, 700,  618, 714,  550, 702,  550, 700,  552, 728,  550, 1462,  548, 726,  534, 722,  534, 746,  528, 1482,  560, 1472,  552, 680,  564, 1464,  554, 698,  648, 710,  552, 702,  552, 1458,  530, 720,  616, 1426,  570, 1458,  554, 680,  570, 1458,  556, 680,  574, 724,  554, 1454,  554, 1456,  554, 1458,  492, 788,  538, 1474,  564, 688,  538, 712,  490, 760,  524, 754,  492, 1522,  568, 684,  568, 680,  494, 758,  572, 712,  540, 766,  554, 726,  552, 698,  656, 720,  542, 710,  546, 706,  572, 682,  572, 786,  558, 700,  550, 700,  552, 830,  598, 678,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 702,  576, 702,  576, 678,  576, 676,  576, 676,  572, 662,  594, 686,  590, 660,  588, 666,  554, 700,  586, 692,  648, 700,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 658,  590, 784,  554, 728,  576, 676,  576, 1326,  576, 3576,  5448, 1892,  550, 698,  576, 1440,  548, 702,  572, 1438,  558, 722,  560, 1468,  568, 710,  546, 1464,  546, 706,  544, 734,  544, 734,  544, 708,  544, 1464,  544, 710,  542, 1468,  542, 710,  542, 738,  540, 740,  490, 760,  494, 758,  494, 760,  492, 1516,  492, 786,  494, 758,  494, 758,  494, 1516,  492, 1520,  540, 712,  516, 1494,  460, 822,  540, 710,  542, 736,  564, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 1516,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  494, 1518,  492, 758,  494, 786,  494, 1522,  536, 1474,  540, 1472,  508, 788,  490, 1518,  494, 760,  522, 730,  522, 714,  536, 714,  538, 1490,  522, 714,  536, 712,  540, 742,  538, 714,  536, 714,  458, 794,  622, 754,  524, 730,  524, 730,  522, 712,  540, 806,  524, 730,  524, 754,  524, 730,  522, 730,  522, 756,  522, 758,  520, 758,  522, 760,  518, 732,  520, 762,  516, 734,  518, 732,  520, 758,  520, 732,  522, 730,  548, 730,  520, 732,  520, 732,  520, 732,  520, 732,  520, 732,  520, 734,  514, 718,  534, 718,  480, 802,  478, 772,  534, 1364,  518, 3632,  5426, 1918,  506, 790,  512, 1498,  518, 764,  540, 1494,  516, 736,  620, 1494,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 788,  490, 762,  492, 786,  492, 762,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  544, 1522,  458, 820,  458, 824,  478, 772,  564, 760,  492, 744,  506, 744,  590, 1520,  490, 792,  486, 764,  492, 760,  562, 1506,  506, 1522,  492, 742,  510, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 786,  492, 786,  512, 1498,  492, 760,  514, 1496,  494, 1518,  516, 734,  520, 1494,  514, 736,  516, 764,  514, 1496,  458, 1554,  510, 1520,  520, 716,  504, 1522,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 760,  520, 760,  518, 1492,  518, 762,  516, 762,  518, 736,  516, 764,  458, 820,  458, 794,  514, 736,  518, 762,  488, 762,  518, 736,  516, 734,  518, 736,  518, 866,  544, 716,  504, 746,  506, 746,  458, 794,  460, 822,  504, 776,  504, 746,  478, 774,  478, 800,  456, 796,  478, 800,  478, 772,  480, 800,  506, 774,  506, 746,  536, 744,  506, 792,  514, 718,  614, 738,  514, 738,  514, 766,  512, 764,  514, 818,  508, 748,  506, 1396,  514};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0x20, 0x16, 0x2D, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

Timestamp : 000766.606
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 A0 16 2F 170 200000080 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5436, 1898,  556, 698,  554, 1456,  554, 724,  556, 1456,  552, 730,  522, 1486,  562, 818,  554, 1456,  554, 698,  658, 706,  566, 684,  566, 734,  652, 1438,  522, 756,  528, 1484,  558, 694,  528, 724,  572, 706,  528, 724,  524, 754,  674, 704,  548, 1464,  546, 706,  548, 1462,  548, 702,  568, 1446,  552, 1460,  528, 724,  530, 1480,  566, 714,  574, 704,  568, 682,  576, 1438,  574, 1452,  556, 1454,  556, 1454,  556, 724,  552, 1458,  460, 792,  460, 820,  534, 1476,  568, 1444,  566, 1460,  554, 726,  526, 1482,  528, 828,  552, 754,  526, 726,  526, 810,  516, 1520,  570, 710,  600, 726,  492, 786,  492, 786,  642, 720,  548, 702,  574, 676,  576, 706,  556, 748,  562, 692,  592, 690,  590, 790,  574, 702,  558, 722,  558, 820,  576, 676,  576, 676,  578, 676,  576, 676,  572, 662,  588, 664,  560, 694,  554, 694,  574, 678,  550, 732,  556, 722,  558, 720,  590, 692,  586, 664,  588, 708,  656, 676,  576, 676,  576, 676,  680, 684,  558, 738,  538, 696,  658, 718,  576, 1312,  560, 3608,  5438, 1900,  570, 708,  570, 1440,  550, 704,  570, 1440,  548, 704,  570, 1440,  548, 704,  460, 1626,  568, 708,  544, 710,  542, 710,  542, 736,  542, 1466,  542, 710,  542, 1468,  494, 760,  492, 786,  492, 788,  490, 788,  540, 712,  492, 790,  488, 1522,  542, 710,  538, 1472,  544, 708,  544, 1468,  542, 1470,  508, 786,  492, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 760,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 1516,  494, 1516,  494, 1520,  490, 786,  542, 1472,  540, 712,  538, 716,  490, 1522,  540, 1472,  538, 1490,  492, 760,  524, 1486,  494, 784,  494, 786,  524, 730,  522, 756,  602, 1464,  460, 794,  536, 744,  538, 744,  592, 756,  524, 728,  524, 730,  522, 730,  520, 810,  524, 730,  522, 756,  522, 730,  522, 730,  522, 728,  524, 730,  546, 734,  522, 730,  522, 712,  540, 714,  536, 760,  520, 714,  566, 730,  522, 758,  522, 756,  548, 732,  520, 756,  522, 730,  522, 732,  520, 842,  532, 748,  534, 746,  532, 788,  520, 732,  520, 732,  520, 716,  532, 720,  532, 762,  516, 718,  478, 1418,  520, 3638,  5422, 1918,  560, 760,  518, 1492,  518, 762,  516, 1496,  514, 736,  518, 1496,  458, 820,  458, 1552,  480, 776,  478, 816,  462, 772,  480, 800,  506, 1522,  490, 746,  506, 1518,  492, 788,  492, 788,  492, 788,  492, 760,  492, 762,  492, 760,  492, 1516,  620, 790,  490, 1518,  492, 786,  492, 1516,  494, 1518,  490, 760,  492, 1520,  490, 762,  490, 760,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 1518,  462, 1552,  508, 1504,  536, 742,  536, 1492,  520, 734,  516, 736,  490, 1520,  518, 1490,  518, 1492,  518, 734,  518, 1492,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 1490,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 760,  520, 758,  520, 760,  518, 762,  516, 734,  590, 748,  504, 748,  456, 794,  458, 794,  458, 896,  544, 760,  622, 740,  506, 746,  506, 774,  616, 736,  516, 762,  516, 736,  516, 738,  516, 840,  482, 774,  478, 802,  506, 844,  516, 738,  516, 736,  516, 738,  514, 718,  506, 748,  504, 774,  534, 764,  516, 720,  504, 746,  506, 744,  480, 1422,  514};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0xA0, 0x16, 0x2F, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

Timestamp : 000957.111
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 A0 16 3A 1A0 200000080 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5462, 1880,  566, 714,  564, 1446,  568, 684,  568, 1462,  554, 724,  554, 1456,  554, 698,  554, 1456,  554, 700,  554, 698,  554, 698,  554, 680,  570, 1458,  554, 726,  552, 1458,  552, 702,  550, 702,  550, 728,  550, 728,  548, 730,  582, 700,  544, 1466,  526, 750,  528, 1484,  560, 692,  558, 1452,  570, 1458,  554, 726,  554, 1456,  554, 698,  554, 698,  554, 698,  556, 696,  556, 1454,  556, 696,  556, 1454,  556, 1454,  556, 1454,  554, 696,  556, 696,  556, 698,  554, 1456,  554, 698,  552, 1456,  526, 1484,  570, 712,  566, 686,  490, 760,  494, 758,  494, 1516,  544, 736,  550, 730,  572, 682,  570, 684,  676, 702,  542, 712,  542, 736,  648, 714,  552, 702,  548, 702,  574, 676,  572, 784,  598, 680,  574, 658,  590, 662,  590, 692,  590, 704,  574, 678,  574, 660,  586, 666,  558, 722,  592, 706,  576, 702,  576, 704,  576, 674,  576, 676,  572, 664,  560, 692,  560, 720,  586, 664,  662, 714,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 780,  558, 700,  570, 678,  574, 1328,  576, 3604,  5480, 1862,  554, 698,  552, 1458,  588, 692,  588, 1438,  546, 732,  546, 1464,  546, 736,  544, 1470,  538, 708,  570, 708,  570, 682,  542, 710,  542, 1470,  542, 708,  540, 1470,  548, 734,  544, 708,  568, 680,  544, 740,  538, 714,  542, 734,  544, 1468,  542, 710,  542, 1468,  456, 796,  542, 1468,  478, 1550,  492, 744,  506, 1522,  492, 760,  494, 784,  494, 786,  492, 786,  494, 1516,  492, 760,  494, 1516,  492, 1520,  492, 1522,  542, 740,  538, 712,  542, 738,  540, 1470,  508, 744,  480, 1548,  492, 1516,  494, 786,  492, 786,  494, 760,  522, 730,  522, 1486,  524, 756,  522, 730,  524, 754,  524, 756,  524, 728,  524, 728,  524, 756,  524, 730,  522, 754,  550, 730,  522, 732,  520, 756,  522, 730,  524, 834,  548, 732,  518, 714,  540, 810,  524, 730,  522, 730,  524, 730,  522, 756,  522, 730,  522, 714,  536, 714,  532, 720,  478, 772,  458, 822,  456, 794,  534, 744,  542, 740,  534, 718,  534, 764,  598, 732,  520, 732,  520, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  516, 1364,  518, 3638,  5422, 1934,  518, 760,  518, 1492,  518, 734,  518, 1492,  518, 736,  516, 1492,  516, 766,  512, 1498,  460, 820,  458, 794,  458, 822,  456, 794,  458, 1554,  478, 772,  458, 1554,  482, 816,  488, 746,  478, 772,  456, 794,  458, 794,  482, 770,  592, 1518,  494, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 786,  492, 1518,  492, 1520,  488, 764,  492, 1522,  458, 822,  478, 802,  478, 774,  456, 796,  456, 1554,  476, 774,  458, 1556,  506, 1520,  518, 1492,  518, 734,  518, 736,  518, 734,  490, 1518,  518, 760,  518, 1490,  518, 1492,  520, 734,  518, 734,  520, 732,  518, 734,  518, 1492,  520, 760,  518, 760,  518, 764,  516, 734,  518, 734,  596, 740,  506, 772,  510, 770,  588, 736,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 736,  518, 838,  484, 800,  478, 774,  458, 876,  536, 736,  516, 762,  518, 736,  516, 762,  516, 736,  516, 762,  516, 736,  518, 736,  516, 762,  516, 736,  516, 718,  534, 764,  516, 764,  516, 736,  516, 764,  540, 738,  516, 762,  516, 738,  514, 738,  514, 842,  508, 776,  504, 1396,  514};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0xA0, 0x16, 0x3A, 0x1A, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

Timestamp : 000959.097
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 20 16 00 1B0 200000080 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5440, 1898,  556, 698,  554, 1456,  554, 724,  556, 1456,  554, 698,  554, 1456,  550, 702,  526, 1568,  572, 700,  552, 726,  554, 698,  554, 724,  554, 1454,  556, 698,  554, 1454,  554, 802,  580, 726,  552, 726,  552, 758,  576, 696,  552, 700,  550, 1458,  550, 780,  572, 708,  542, 686,  562, 1470,  544, 1466,  548, 730,  548, 1460,  550, 704,  654, 708,  566, 714,  568, 730,  632, 698,  554, 698,  554, 698,  556, 696,  554, 786,  586, 688,  564, 714,  566, 1464,  552, 1456,  556, 680,  572, 1454,  556, 1454,  554, 698,  606, 700,  552, 698,  528, 752,  674, 1440,  528, 750,  526, 752,  494, 758,  546, 760,  494, 758,  494, 786,  598, 784,  494, 786,  538, 714,  642, 718,  552, 726,  550, 702,  642, 712,  572, 708,  572, 680,  572, 680,  572, 764,  594, 710,  556, 722,  554, 750,  594, 660,  590, 660,  560, 692,  562, 722,  590, 704,  572, 662,  590, 690,  590, 678,  542, 692,  592, 688,  588, 664,  558, 692,  552, 698,  552, 700,  574, 676,  576, 676,  576, 780,  602, 1338,  616, 3656,  5526, 1924,  570, 732,  550, 1462,  642, 680,  574, 1436,  574, 680,  572, 1438,  546, 732,  572, 1438,  546, 706,  546, 734,  574, 706,  594, 716,  478, 1532,  562, 734,  544, 1466,  542, 736,  542, 710,  542, 736,  540, 712,  620, 716,  540, 708,  542, 1474,  478, 800,  590, 734,  492, 784,  494, 1516,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  494, 1516,  492, 760,  492, 790,  488, 786,  516, 766,  542, 738,  542, 708,  588, 766,  492, 786,  492, 758,  494, 786,  494, 838,  494, 1524,  540, 1470,  506, 746,  536, 1520,  494, 1516,  492, 760,  492, 784,  494, 760,  492, 760,  522, 1488,  522, 730,  522, 730,  598, 736,  520, 730,  524, 728,  524, 756,  522, 808,  544, 714,  534, 716,  460, 792,  520, 732,  522, 730,  522, 756,  462, 818,  520, 732,  520, 730,  522, 756,  522, 762,  458, 820,  458, 794,  460, 790,  520, 730,  592, 720,  456, 792,  520, 734,  520, 732,  520, 886,  522, 730,  522, 732,  520, 840,  460, 792,  518, 734,  460, 822,  458, 820,  458, 792,  518, 732,  520, 760,  460, 1442,  520, 3630,  5424, 1920,  458, 792,  516, 1496,  480, 800,  504, 1506,  536, 760,  518, 1492,  518, 760,  518, 1492,  518, 736,  516, 736,  516, 762,  518, 762,  464, 1550,  514, 736,  488, 1524,  460, 820,  458, 822,  478, 820,  488, 792,  490, 788,  488, 816,  492, 1518,  492, 762,  492, 760,  514, 820,  458, 1554,  478, 1532,  510, 760,  492, 1516,  492, 760,  490, 744,  510, 786,  492, 786,  490, 816,  492, 788,  490, 760,  566, 770,  458, 794,  480, 798,  458, 794,  458, 1554,  456, 1572,  518, 760,  516, 1492,  518, 1492,  518, 734,  462, 816,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 1490,  516, 792,  516, 736,  516, 734,  520, 734,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 736,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 716,  506, 744,  506, 774,  534, 764,  518, 718,  556, 818,  516, 736,  516, 734,  518, 736,  518, 814,  460, 794,  484, 766,  486, 794,  458, 794,  516, 736,  516, 764,  514, 738,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 762,  460, 818,  516, 738,  514, 736,  516, 1366,  480};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0x20, 0x16, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

Timestamp : 000961.364
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 A0 16 02 1B0 200000080 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5420, 1914,  556, 698,  556, 1456,  552, 698,  526, 1486,  548, 704,  548, 1462,  534, 746,  564, 1544,  554, 698,  554, 698,  554, 698,  554, 700,  552, 1456,  552, 700,  552, 1458,  552, 728,  550, 702,  552, 726,  552, 702,  550, 702,  548, 704,  548, 1460,  548, 704,  548, 1462,  546, 734,  546, 1464,  548, 1464,  524, 728,  552, 1458,  568, 712,  560, 692,  532, 720,  530, 720,  552, 1458,  562, 692,  534, 744,  534, 720,  526, 726,  550, 698,  556, 696,  654, 1458,  556, 1454,  556, 698,  554, 1456,  554, 1456,  552, 726,  526, 726,  528, 726,  526, 752,  526, 1488,  536, 712,  542, 740,  570, 708,  572, 708,  548, 704,  548, 732,  550, 728,  614, 736,  544, 734,  544, 708,  700, 708,  572, 706,  572, 706,  600, 680,  574, 678,  574, 676,  576, 678,  576, 814,  558, 692,  554, 700,  572, 674,  576, 678,  574, 676,  576, 676,  576, 678,  576, 678,  574, 702,  576, 676,  576, 702,  576, 700,  576, 678,  576, 678,  576, 676,  576, 704,  574, 730,  578, 702,  574, 676,  576, 1312,  592, 3576,  5438, 1898,  574, 678,  574, 1442,  548, 730,  558, 1454,  560, 722,  560, 1466,  546, 732,  546, 1464,  544, 708,  546, 706,  544, 734,  544, 708,  544, 1466,  544, 708,  542, 1468,  542, 710,  542, 710,  540, 712,  492, 760,  492, 786,  492, 744,  508, 1518,  492, 760,  546, 1518,  492, 760,  494, 1520,  490, 1524,  540, 710,  538, 1476,  542, 710,  542, 738,  540, 712,  536, 712,  562, 1522,  492, 760,  492, 760,  490, 744,  564, 890,  516, 746,  538, 714,  566, 1446,  506, 1520,  492, 786,  492, 1516,  494, 1518,  492, 788,  490, 760,  494, 788,  492, 790,  488, 1522,  538, 712,  460, 792,  490, 758,  524, 728,  550, 728,  524, 728,  524, 758,  522, 732,  520, 834,  548, 712,  536, 714,  540, 836,  524, 728,  524, 728,  524, 728,  524, 730,  522, 730,  522, 756,  522, 756,  524, 728,  524, 730,  522, 712,  538, 714,  536, 742,  538, 758,  520, 732,  520, 714,  534, 718,  534, 814,  522, 732,  520, 732,  520, 716,  536, 716,  532, 718,  532, 746,  532, 718,  478, 772,  458, 1442,  520, 3634,  5422, 1938,  544, 718,  534, 1492,  596, 738,  514, 1496,  460, 794,  458, 1552,  458, 794,  484, 1528,  456, 794,  460, 792,  514, 738,  592, 788,  492, 1518,  490, 762,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 760,  492, 788,  492, 760,  494, 760,  492, 870,  458, 1552,  508, 772,  564, 1490,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 1518,  492, 786,  492, 1520,  462, 792,  488, 762,  492, 760,  492, 786,  490, 1552,  478, 802,  478, 774,  506, 774,  510, 788,  490, 742,  506, 746,  642, 1496,  458, 1554,  506, 772,  506, 1522,  516, 1494,  518, 760,  518, 760,  518, 734,  520, 732,  518, 1490,  520, 734,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 736,  518, 760,  518, 734,  592, 768,  458, 792,  460, 820,  646, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 792,  484, 820,  458, 794,  486, 894,  518, 760,  518, 736,  516, 816,  486, 766,  516, 736,  490, 788,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 764,  516, 736,  516, 762,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 736,  540, 738,  516, 764,  514, 738,  538, 796,  456, 1446,  514};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0xA0, 0x16, 0x02, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

Timestamp : 000963.103
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 20 16 04 1B0 200000000 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5476, 1886,  552, 700,  552, 1456,  552, 700,  632, 1454,  548, 684,  568, 1462,  556, 726,  552, 1456,  554, 698,  554, 700,  552, 726,  552, 700,  620, 1444,  522, 730,  552, 1458,  534, 748,  526, 726,  570, 710,  562, 716,  560, 720,  644, 706,  546, 1462,  548, 706,  550, 728,  600, 708,  530, 1482,  562, 1464,  554, 682,  566, 1460,  554, 700,  548, 682,  572, 726,  550, 702,  634, 698,  556, 1454,  556, 698,  554, 696,  630, 704,  570, 712,  566, 684,  680, 1430,  554, 1456,  494, 788,  538, 1474,  568, 1446,  540, 710,  542, 736,  542, 708,  544, 706,  546, 1468,  542, 706,  508, 792,  462, 772,  548, 704,  610, 716,  542, 692,  554, 700,  554, 722,  588, 766,  592, 680,  572, 680,  574, 678,  574, 678,  576, 704,  574, 678,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 660,  592, 704,  574, 660,  590, 662,  592, 702,  574, 662,  590, 706,  646, 710,  576, 678,  574, 676,  576, 676,  576, 762,  552, 696,  552, 700,  572, 676,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 704,  576, 676,  576, 578,  594, 3584,  5456, 1898,  572, 708,  570, 1442,  460, 822,  558, 1472,  536, 696,  458, 1554,  644, 704,  544, 1466,  544, 708,  544, 708,  626, 682,  572, 710,  544, 1468,  476, 776,  636, 1442,  494, 760,  492, 786,  492, 760,  566, 766,  546, 740,  540, 706,  622, 1490,  492, 760,  494, 784,  494, 760,  602, 1466,  536, 1474,  478, 800,  478, 1550,  492, 742,  512, 786,  492, 742,  508, 788,  492, 786,  520, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 758,  494, 786,  538, 768,  490, 762,  516, 1498,  534, 1474,  508, 774,  538, 1490,  494, 1516,  522, 730,  524, 728,  522, 756,  524, 728,  524, 1486,  524, 728,  524, 756,  568, 738,  522, 730,  524, 754,  542, 794,  536, 716,  536, 716,  486, 766,  520, 732,  520, 758,  460, 818,  460, 790,  520, 730,  522, 730,  522, 730,  522, 756,  522, 730,  522, 730,  522, 756,  522, 730,  522, 730,  542, 822,  456, 794,  458, 792,  486, 766,  518, 862,  520, 732,  522, 758,  520, 814,  518, 734,  518, 764,  514, 734,  520, 760,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 656,  516, 3634,  5346, 1994,  516, 734,  518, 1496,  644, 734,  518, 1492,  518, 734,  516, 1494,  516, 736,  462, 1546,  492, 762,  490, 788,  492, 788,  488, 822,  456, 1556,  476, 776,  474, 1550,  492, 788,  492, 786,  492, 762,  492, 760,  540, 790,  492, 786,  492, 1522,  480, 802,  456, 796,  458, 792,  490, 1522,  480, 1532,  478, 774,  564, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 788,  492, 786,  462, 816,  518, 764,  514, 1496,  458, 822,  478, 802,  506, 774,  510, 788,  514, 816,  518, 1494,  516, 1496,  458, 792,  488, 1524,  478, 1552,  488, 744,  478, 772,  458, 822,  536, 746,  534, 1492,  518, 760,  518, 734,  520, 760,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 760,  596, 738,  458, 794,  488, 762,  462, 820,  516, 838,  544, 734,  518, 734,  518, 838,  492, 762,  516, 736,  516, 736,  518, 734,  518, 736,  516, 762,  516, 736,  516, 762,  516, 762,  516, 762,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 738,  514, 764,  594, 738,  458, 794,  514, 738,  514, 736,  516, 738,  516, 736,  514, 738,  514, 738,  514, 634,  514};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0x20, 0x16, 0x04, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

Timestamp : 000979.602
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 A0 16 14 1B0 200000000 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5460, 1880,  570, 682,  568, 1460,  554, 678,  570, 1460,  554, 726,  554, 1456,  554, 698,  552, 1456,  552, 700,  552, 726,  552, 700,  550, 702,  594, 1444,  524, 754,  524, 1488,  522, 730,  522, 730,  564, 716,  520, 730,  552, 700,  546, 706,  544, 1466,  546, 758,  536, 1484,  532, 716,  636, 1474,  518, 1494,  522, 730,  542, 1468,  460, 792,  526, 756,  562, 716,  532, 718,  528, 724,  616, 1444,  552, 726,  552, 1456,  554, 724,  554, 698,  554, 724,  554, 1454,  556, 1456,  554, 696,  556, 1456,  534, 1478,  568, 684,  566, 714,  568, 712,  566, 686,  564, 1464,  524, 754,  552, 726,  528, 752,  526, 726,  526, 752,  492, 760,  626, 704,  494, 762,  490, 786,  624, 758,  494, 758,  494, 760,  538, 698,  550, 800,  564, 710,  544, 710,  542, 866,  544, 734,  544, 708,  572, 786,  578, 678,  570, 680,  572, 680,  574, 680,  574, 678,  574, 706,  574, 678,  574, 678,  574, 678,  574, 704,  574, 706,  574, 678,  574, 678,  574, 678,  574, 704,  680, 684,  554, 726,  560, 606,  574, 3610,  5476, 1880,  574, 704,  574, 1436,  572, 706,  572, 1440,  570, 710,  570, 1442,  548, 702,  572, 1440,  546, 704,  572, 678,  574, 706,  548, 732,  548, 1464,  562, 718,  560, 1466,  544, 710,  542, 710,  542, 736,  542, 736,  494, 760,  492, 742,  506, 1520,  494, 760,  492, 1518,  494, 784,  492, 1518,  492, 1520,  490, 790,  544, 1468,  544, 706,  544, 736,  480, 802,  508, 788,  490, 744,  478, 1534,  510, 786,  492, 1516,  494, 786,  494, 786,  492, 760,  494, 1516,  494, 1516,  492, 760,  492, 1522,  488, 1524,  540, 740,  538, 712,  540, 712,  540, 740,  538, 1472,  538, 714,  538, 712,  538, 712,  540, 742,  536, 714,  458, 794,  460, 820,  458, 794,  460, 818,  624, 728,  522, 730,  524, 710,  540, 712,  534, 818,  544, 730,  524, 728,  524, 886,  524, 730,  548, 686,  538, 716,  538, 740,  538, 714,  534, 718,  456, 794,  458, 794,  518, 730,  522, 758,  520, 732,  520, 730,  464, 818,  518, 760,  486, 768,  646, 732,  520, 732,  522, 758,  542, 820,  460, 820,  538, 630,  520, 3634,  5422, 1918,  534, 746,  534, 1492,  520, 760,  518, 1490,  520, 732,  520, 1490,  518, 760,  518, 1492,  462, 822,  458, 794,  458, 822,  456, 794,  514, 1496,  458, 820,  478, 1552,  462, 772,  478, 774,  456, 794,  458, 826,  476, 818,  490, 790,  486, 1524,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 762,  490, 1518,  492, 1518,  492, 788,  490, 1522,  458, 820,  458, 794,  458, 820,  460, 820,  480, 800,  478, 1550,  494, 786,  492, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 760,  492, 762,  490, 1516,  494, 1516,  492, 786,  492, 1518,  492, 1520,  460, 792,  490, 762,  492, 760,  518, 734,  520, 1490,  518, 734,  518, 734,  520, 734,  520, 760,  518, 734,  518, 734,  490, 816,  518, 760,  518, 764,  618, 736,  518, 716,  508, 744,  506, 744,  508, 848,  542, 734,  520, 732,  518, 872,  536, 762,  518, 714,  538, 812,  518, 760,  518, 734,  520, 732,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 760,  518, 760,  518, 736,  518, 760,  518, 736,  518, 734,  516, 762,  516, 762,  544, 736,  516, 736,  516, 638,  506};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0xA0, 0x16, 0x14, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

Timestamp : 000983.861
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 A0 16 19 1B0 200000080 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5464, 1902,  552, 724,  554, 1456,  554, 700,  552, 1456,  552, 700,  552, 1456,  552, 700,  552, 1458,  552, 726,  552, 728,  550, 702,  550, 730,  548, 1462,  524, 756,  528, 1484,  566, 734,  544, 688,  530, 720,  532, 722,  518, 732,  614, 696,  560, 1468,  518, 760,  516, 1492,  518, 736,  516, 1492,  516, 1494,  516, 762,  516, 1496,  524, 728,  526, 754,  524, 726,  552, 698,  554, 698,  576, 704,  550, 1460,  526, 1486,  562, 690,  528, 724,  624, 686,  570, 1456,  556, 1454,  556, 722,  556, 1452,  556, 1456,  526, 754,  526, 726,  528, 726,  552, 698,  552, 1460,  550, 700,  550, 702,  528, 752,  552, 726,  526, 728,  492, 760,  494, 784,  494, 864,  518, 760,  494, 786,  492, 838,  546, 738,  570, 710,  572, 780,  570, 736,  544, 708,  544, 820,  558, 722,  584, 666,  586, 770,  590, 682,  572, 680,  572, 680,  572, 680,  572, 680,  572, 680,  572, 660,  588, 692,  590, 662,  558, 692,  560, 722,  588, 706,  574, 704,  574, 678,  574, 704,  626, 704,  574, 678,  574, 582,  554, 3614,  5460, 1876,  572, 680,  572, 1438,  570, 680,  546, 1464,  576, 706,  572, 1440,  480, 818,  460, 1548,  544, 734,  546, 734,  544, 708,  544, 734,  544, 1466,  542, 736,  540, 1470,  544, 738,  460, 820,  458, 824,  506, 774,  508, 788,  494, 786,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 786,  494, 1516,  494, 1520,  490, 760,  542, 1472,  544, 738,  540, 710,  540, 710,  536, 712,  492, 762,  492, 758,  494, 1518,  492, 1522,  538, 712,  490, 762,  490, 760,  492, 1520,  488, 1524,  534, 714,  540, 1472,  538, 1472,  538, 714,  538, 712,  540, 740,  540, 758,  522, 1488,  524, 754,  524, 728,  524, 728,  522, 732,  520, 758,  524, 728,  550, 754,  524, 728,  524, 754,  568, 794,  536, 716,  458, 792,  626, 756,  524, 728,  548, 704,  550, 728,  550, 782,  522, 760,  518, 730,  548, 808,  548, 730,  548, 704,  520, 714,  538, 758,  520, 716,  536, 714,  456, 794,  458, 842,  518, 758,  518, 716,  538, 744,  536, 716,  534, 764,  514, 720,  478, 772,  592, 732,  520, 732,  520, 628,  520, 3636,  5422, 1916,  534, 718,  478, 1550,  516, 720,  536, 1492,  518, 762,  518, 1490,  518, 736,  516, 1492,  518, 734,  518, 736,  492, 762,  490, 788,  490, 1518,  492, 762,  490, 1518,  492, 762,  492, 760,  492, 762,  490, 762,  492, 760,  570, 760,  492, 1520,  490, 762,  490, 1522,  488, 762,  514, 1498,  460, 1552,  480, 798,  480, 1548,  492, 760,  488, 746,  478, 772,  478, 1554,  486, 746,  478, 772,  532, 1524,  494, 1516,  492, 786,  494, 760,  492, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 1516,  494, 786,  492, 1520,  460, 1552,  506, 772,  508, 790,  518, 760,  520, 714,  538, 1490,  518, 760,  520, 760,  520, 732,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  490, 742,  506, 746,  478, 900,  518, 760,  520, 732,  520, 818,  506, 746,  456, 844,  486, 876,  482, 822,  458, 790,  490, 844,  540, 716,  534, 762,  520, 734,  514, 720,  504, 746,  456, 794,  458, 822,  506, 772,  534, 748,  534, 718,  504, 746,  456, 794,  480, 800,  478, 772,  478, 800,  588, 738,  516, 762,  516, 736,  516, 762,  516, 1366,  456};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0xA0, 0x16, 0x19, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

Timestamp : 000985.352
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 20 16 1A 1B0 200000000 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5436, 1900,  552, 728,  552, 1456,  552, 726,  552, 1458,  554, 726,  552, 1460,  524, 728,  520, 1548,  564, 704,  548, 732,  546, 836,  572, 716,  560, 1464,  626, 706,  518, 1494,  520, 734,  514, 738,  592, 742,  536, 762,  516, 718,  638, 740,  512, 1498,  518, 734,  548, 704,  590, 744,  530, 1496,  518, 1492,  518, 760,  520, 1492,  542, 706,  546, 706,  548, 704,  550, 702,  630, 1436,  530, 750,  522, 1486,  564, 1450,  568, 684,  564, 686,  566, 716,  564, 1462,  556, 1454,  556, 696,  556, 1454,  556, 1454,  554, 724,  554, 698,  554, 698,  554, 726,  526, 1484,  526, 726,  528, 724,  526, 726,  492, 760,  494, 758,  494, 786,  492, 760,  492, 846,  592, 682,  570, 680,  572, 794,  560, 710,  544, 708,  544, 734,  544, 692,  586, 708,  572, 706,  572, 682,  572, 680,  572, 706,  572, 664,  590, 680,  540, 692,  558, 692,  552, 700,  550, 700,  576, 706,  548, 778,  598, 706,  574, 678,  574, 766,  584, 720,  456, 794,  560, 792,  574, 678,  574, 662,  590, 706,  572, 576,  574, 3580,  5452, 1908,  546, 706,  546, 1464,  546, 708,  572, 1436,  544, 708,  544, 1464,  544, 708,  544, 1466,  544, 734,  544, 736,  544, 734,  542, 708,  546, 1496,  480, 802,  510, 1516,  492, 786,  492, 786,  492, 760,  494, 758,  492, 742,  668, 712,  488, 1522,  538, 712,  492, 760,  570, 768,  508, 1518,  494, 1516,  492, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 784,  494, 758,  494, 784,  494, 758,  546, 1496,  488, 760,  492, 1520,  544, 1468,  540, 742,  538, 714,  538, 740,  510, 1516,  494, 1516,  524, 728,  524, 1486,  524, 1484,  524, 754,  524, 754,  492, 790,  486, 764,  522, 1488,  490, 766,  516, 732,  522, 728,  524, 756,  522, 758,  460, 820,  570, 756,  518, 714,  540, 758,  628, 732,  546, 704,  548, 702,  548, 730,  548, 784,  544, 760,  548, 730,  548, 782,  548, 736,  518, 730,  522, 840,  544, 756,  522, 756,  522, 792,  480, 792,  462, 820,  458, 876,  538, 732,  520, 714,  538, 760,  518, 734,  518, 734,  516, 762,  522, 758,  518, 734,  516, 736,  460, 774,  504, 776,  532, 636,  596, 3658,  5346, 1992,  516, 736,  516, 1494,  514, 822,  510, 1520,  490, 788,  596, 1500,  476, 774,  458, 1554,  480, 816,  490, 788,  492, 760,  462, 770,  482, 1548,  490, 744,  560, 1494,  492, 786,  492, 760,  492, 760,  596, 766,  458, 794,  458, 792,  488, 1522,  564, 744,  510, 786,  494, 786,  596, 1500,  476, 1534,  506, 744,  506, 1522,  494, 786,  494, 760,  492, 742,  506, 764,  490, 1504,  510, 786,  518, 1492,  518, 1490,  520, 760,  518, 762,  518, 734,  518, 1494,  516, 1496,  458, 794,  458, 1554,  506, 1506,  508, 744,  506, 746,  456, 794,  458, 792,  460, 1552,  458, 792,  460, 792,  516, 734,  520, 732,  520, 760,  518, 812,  512, 746,  478, 776,  456, 794,  482, 766,  462, 818,  458, 822,  456, 794,  458, 796,  514, 734,  518, 736,  516, 736,  518, 732,  518, 760,  518, 736,  518, 734,  518, 762,  516, 814,  484, 802,  476, 774,  458, 896,  516, 736,  516, 738,  514, 716,  506, 746,  504, 776,  536, 764,  514, 738,  486, 746,  476, 774,  456, 794,  458, 796,  510, 660,  516};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0x20, 0x16, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

Timestamp : 000987.112
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 A0 16 1C 1B0 200000080 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5416, 1924,  522, 728,  552, 1458,  534, 748,  574, 1436,  572, 708,  570, 1458,  552, 726,  552, 1458,  550, 728,  550, 730,  546, 704,  548, 730,  550, 1462,  520, 732,  546, 1466,  532, 746,  564, 716,  562, 738,  542, 710,  518, 762,  570, 762,  518, 1494,  516, 734,  516, 1496,  522, 758,  520, 1490,  480, 1550,  516, 720,  532, 1496,  520, 758,  544, 734,  546, 732,  548, 706,  548, 730,  550, 1458,  552, 1460,  552, 1462,  530, 722,  524, 728,  554, 696,  554, 1458,  554, 1460,  530, 718,  534, 1476,  562, 1450,  566, 684,  568, 682,  564, 686,  566, 686,  492, 1520,  568, 684,  538, 714,  540, 738,  566, 684,  598, 684,  568, 684,  568, 712,  640, 738,  492, 760,  494, 784,  624, 714,  570, 682,  570, 678,  576, 706,  572, 784,  568, 734,  546, 706,  572, 760,  576, 676,  574, 678,  572, 680,  572, 708,  576, 706,  574, 706,  556, 722,  558, 724,  554, 698,  554, 724,  558, 694,  552, 698,  548, 704,  572, 676,  576, 704,  556, 726,  546, 706,  570, 676,  572, 682,  570, 1314,  586, 3580,  5438, 1902,  570, 680,  570, 1440,  574, 708,  548, 1464,  478, 772,  548, 1466,  560, 720,  560, 1466,  544, 710,  542, 734,  542, 710,  544, 692,  504, 1522,  542, 712,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  494, 784,  494, 758,  494, 758,  494, 784,  494, 760,  492, 1518,  494, 758,  494, 1518,  492, 758,  494, 1516,  494, 1518,  490, 786,  494, 1520,  490, 762,  490, 760,  492, 758,  494, 760,  520, 758,  492, 1520,  490, 1520,  540, 1472,  540, 712,  540, 712,  488, 762,  490, 1524,  538, 1492,  520, 758,  494, 1516,  524, 1486,  524, 756,  524, 756,  524, 728,  524, 728,  524, 1484,  524, 728,  524, 728,  524, 754,  524, 754,  524, 754,  524, 730,  628, 736,  542, 754,  524, 730,  602, 728,  524, 728,  548, 730,  550, 704,  548, 808,  572, 732,  548, 704,  518, 812,  548, 704,  548, 730,  548, 704,  548, 730,  546, 706,  522, 730,  546, 732,  522, 732,  520, 756,  522, 732,  520, 732,  520, 758,  520, 732,  522, 758,  520, 758,  546, 732,  520, 732,  520, 758,  520, 732,  520, 836,  488, 1474,  460, 3766,  5532, 1934,  518, 760,  518, 1494,  620, 760,  518, 1494,  516, 736,  516, 1492,  516, 764,  518, 1496,  514, 734,  516, 766,  488, 762,  514, 794,  458, 1554,  480, 772,  478, 1550,  462, 772,  510, 770,  510, 786,  492, 788,  544, 762,  490, 762,  492, 1516,  492, 788,  568, 1500,  506, 744,  506, 1524,  492, 1518,  492, 786,  494, 1516,  492, 760,  492, 760,  492, 786,  492, 760,  492, 760,  494, 1516,  492, 1516,  494, 1518,  490, 762,  490, 790,  488, 764,  460, 1550,  460, 1552,  458, 794,  480, 1532,  510, 1520,  518, 760,  518, 734,  516, 736,  492, 788,  518, 1492,  520, 760,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 760,  520, 732,  568, 796,  458, 794,  480, 800,  618, 734,  518, 734,  518, 760,  520, 760,  518, 816,  458, 822,  480, 772,  458, 894,  520, 734,  518, 762,  518, 734,  518, 736,  516, 716,  506, 746,  478, 774,  480, 800,  508, 792,  486, 748,  504, 746,  458, 794,  508, 774,  456, 796,  456, 794,  460, 822,  480, 846,  542, 736,  514, 738,  486, 748,  502, 1394,  516};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0xA0, 0x16, 0x1C, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

Timestamp : 000998.610
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 A0 16 27 1B0 200000000 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5424, 1890,  554, 698,  552, 1458,  526, 726,  550, 1460,  528, 726,  552, 1458,  564, 714,  572, 1458,  550, 704,  544, 686,  560, 692,  576, 702,  562, 1452,  568, 682,  568, 1462,  552, 726,  552, 700,  552, 726,  552, 726,  624, 712,  550, 702,  550, 1460,  532, 748,  594, 1462,  548, 686,  566, 1464,  546, 1462,  548, 730,  550, 1462,  548, 704,  550, 702,  550, 728,  554, 1458,  550, 1462,  524, 1490,  560, 690,  562, 718,  566, 1464,  556, 724,  554, 724,  556, 1454,  556, 1452,  556, 696,  556, 1454,  556, 1454,  464, 788,  554, 698,  554, 700,  552, 700,  526, 1482,  528, 726,  526, 726,  528, 724,  494, 760,  492, 760,  490, 760,  488, 766,  526, 706,  548, 828,  540, 712,  544, 736,  544, 766,  572, 708,  550, 700,  574, 676,  576, 678,  572, 704,  554, 730,  552, 726,  560, 720,  560, 720,  588, 662,  560, 692,  562, 718,  558, 692,  556, 698,  550, 698,  584, 698,  550, 700,  576, 706,  556, 724,  588, 762,  576, 702,  576, 702,  576, 730,  578, 678,  572, 676,  576, 580,  588, 3582,  5438, 1898,  574, 708,  552, 1460,  550, 700,  572, 1440,  548, 704,  570, 1440,  458, 796,  546, 1464,  560, 738,  540, 694,  554, 696,  478, 800,  480, 1548,  544, 692,  504, 1522,  542, 712,  540, 738,  492, 760,  516, 816,  492, 758,  494, 760,  494, 1516,  600, 710,  540, 1472,  544, 708,  544, 1466,  482, 1548,  490, 764,  486, 1522,  494, 742,  510, 784,  494, 786,  518, 1490,  494, 1516,  494, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 790,  488, 1524,  512, 768,  540, 710,  542, 1470,  506, 1522,  490, 744,  538, 1488,  494, 1516,  494, 758,  494, 758,  492, 760,  520, 714,  540, 1488,  524, 756,  522, 712,  538, 714,  538, 758,  522, 730,  520, 712,  596, 754,  524, 756,  524, 728,  542, 794,  458, 794,  460, 820,  458, 794,  484, 866,  550, 730,  522, 730,  522, 730,  524, 756,  522, 730,  520, 714,  536, 716,  458, 794,  532, 750,  530, 720,  456, 794,  516, 734,  518, 732,  520, 762,  516, 732,  522, 732,  520, 844,  538, 758,  522, 732,  518, 814,  518, 732,  520, 758,  520, 732,  520, 636,  456, 3712,  5402, 1934,  518, 734,  518, 1490,  518, 734,  464, 1546,  464, 818,  460, 1552,  458, 794,  458, 1552,  456, 794,  460, 820,  458, 794,  458, 824,  504, 1548,  492, 788,  492, 1518,  492, 786,  492, 762,  492, 786,  492, 788,  490, 790,  488, 762,  490, 1522,  460, 790,  490, 1522,  460, 792,  460, 1552,  480, 1532,  478, 774,  456, 1572,  492, 742,  478, 772,  458, 794,  478, 1532,  480, 1550,  492, 1518,  492, 786,  492, 760,  492, 1516,  518, 734,  494, 786,  518, 1492,  518, 1492,  518, 738,  514, 1496,  460, 1552,  506, 774,  506, 744,  480, 802,  478, 774,  458, 1554,  536, 746,  536, 760,  518, 734,  488, 746,  506, 746,  506, 746,  458, 794,  458, 820,  590, 764,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 838,  462, 794,  458, 820,  458, 876,  538, 734,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 762,  518, 760,  518, 736,  516, 736,  518, 762,  516, 736,  516, 734,  518, 762,  516, 736,  514, 720,  506, 746,  478, 774,  614, 738,  516, 738,  516, 762,  516, 764,  516, 816,  482, 798,  480, 692,  516};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0xA0, 0x16, 0x27, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

Timestamp : 001001.110
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 20 16 2A 1B0 200000000 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5438, 1896,  556, 698,  548, 1460,  556, 698,  552, 1456,  556, 698,  554, 1454,  556, 698,  554, 1456,  554, 698,  554, 724,  554, 726,  554, 698,  552, 1456,  554, 728,  550, 1460,  522, 730,  526, 752,  524, 756,  534, 746,  532, 722,  528, 722,  546, 1466,  558, 740,  540, 692,  528, 724,  524, 1486,  562, 1468,  550, 728,  550, 1460,  552, 700,  554, 700,  554, 726,  530, 748,  554, 1454,  556, 698,  554, 1454,  556, 698,  530, 1480,  554, 696,  556, 698,  556, 1454,  554, 1458,  488, 764,  552, 1460,  538, 1472,  568, 684,  568, 712,  542, 710,  566, 686,  568, 1446,  542, 706,  568, 684,  562, 744,  508, 772,  506, 764,  598, 758,  576, 704,  572, 680,  646, 736,  544, 692,  588, 708,  650, 680,  576, 706,  574, 674,  574, 680,  574, 782,  600, 678,  574, 662,  592, 784,  574, 678,  574, 676,  576, 676,  576, 702,  576, 702,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 702,  576, 676,  576, 676,  576, 702,  576, 702,  576, 702,  576, 702,  578, 702,  574, 706,  574, 676,  678, 604,  552, 3600,  5476, 1880,  572, 680,  570, 1438,  546, 706,  546, 1462,  546, 706,  546, 1464,  546, 708,  544, 1466,  544, 708,  542, 710,  544, 708,  544, 736,  542, 1466,  542, 712,  540, 1470,  492, 760,  492, 786,  492, 760,  494, 760,  492, 760,  494, 786,  492, 1520,  490, 788,  492, 762,  490, 758,  494, 1516,  494, 1522,  540, 710,  544, 1468,  540, 710,  540, 708,  492, 790,  516, 766,  540, 1474,  504, 790,  490, 1520,  494, 742,  508, 1518,  494, 786,  494, 758,  494, 1516,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  494, 1520,  490, 1520,  490, 762,  522, 732,  490, 786,  522, 730,  522, 1488,  490, 760,  522, 730,  548, 732,  522, 730,  524, 728,  524, 728,  524, 832,  548, 756,  520, 714,  538, 838,  524, 756,  522, 734,  518, 816,  538, 714,  538, 742,  534, 716,  536, 746,  538, 758,  520, 732,  518, 714,  536, 746,  536, 758,  522, 756,  522, 756,  522, 756,  522, 760,  520, 730,  522, 732,  520, 758,  520, 758,  520, 732,  598, 738,  458, 794,  458, 792,  518, 734,  516, 820,  530, 718,  478, 690,  518, 3660,  5426, 1936,  516, 718,  532, 1496,  518, 734,  518, 1492,  516, 736,  516, 1492,  518, 736,  492, 1518,  492, 762,  492, 760,  492, 786,  492, 762,  492, 1516,  492, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 760,  492, 760,  492, 786,  596, 764,  458, 822,  480, 1532,  504, 748,  536, 742,  510, 788,  492, 1518,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 1516,  492, 786,  492, 788,  460, 820,  514, 764,  458, 1554,  478, 774,  478, 1534,  532, 766,  516, 1490,  520, 760,  518, 734,  518, 1492,  518, 1492,  518, 734,  518, 1492,  518, 1494,  460, 822,  456, 792,  514, 736,  518, 734,  518, 1496,  458, 794,  514, 764,  490, 762,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 838,  512, 746,  478, 774,  456, 794,  458, 822,  478, 800,  506, 746,  458, 794,  458, 822,  476, 804,  476, 772,  458, 796,  458, 822,  478, 802,  504, 748,  504, 774,  538, 762,  484, 748,  504, 746,  478, 802,  476, 828,  536, 736,  516, 764,  516, 738,  514, 764,  516, 764,  514, 738,  514, 738,  516, 764,  514, 738,  514, 718,  532, 636,  514};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0x20, 0x16, 0x2A, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

Timestamp : 001005.364
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 A0 16 2E 1B0 200000000 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5470, 1898,  556, 698,  552, 1458,  554, 698,  554, 1456,  556, 696,  556, 1454,  556, 696,  556, 1454,  556, 698,  554, 698,  554, 700,  554, 678,  574, 1454,  554, 726,  554, 1456,  554, 698,  554, 698,  552, 698,  554, 726,  552, 724,  554, 726,  552, 1458,  550, 700,  552, 1460,  526, 752,  524, 1488,  564, 1450,  564, 730,  550, 1460,  550, 732,  548, 730,  550, 728,  552, 728,  552, 1458,  534, 1476,  564, 1550,  574, 702,  554, 1458,  656, 698,  554, 696,  554, 1456,  556, 1454,  556, 696,  556, 1454,  556, 1454,  556, 726,  552, 698,  554, 698,  572, 706,  554, 1460,  492, 760,  568, 714,  548, 730,  568, 684,  568, 710,  548, 734,  506, 816,  520, 786,  494, 786,  492, 814,  574, 680,  538, 710,  570, 710,  572, 678,  570, 682,  572, 680,  572, 680,  574, 678,  574, 678,  576, 702,  576, 678,  576, 676,  604, 702,  576, 678,  574, 676,  576, 702,  576, 754,  580, 674,  576, 676,  574, 678,  574, 676,  576, 702,  576, 704,  576, 704,  576, 704,  572, 676,  574, 676,  576, 598,  568, 3582,  5510, 1930,  576, 704,  574, 1434,  628, 676,  572, 1440,  550, 704,  570, 1438,  550, 702,  594, 1418,  548, 704,  546, 732,  458, 794,  672, 706,  544, 1464,  546, 708,  544, 1466,  544, 738,  570, 710,  570, 682,  538, 710,  672, 712,  540, 738,  494, 1516,  494, 786,  552, 1462,  490, 760,  494, 1518,  492, 1522,  544, 734,  458, 1556,  510, 786,  494, 742,  508, 746,  478, 772,  478, 1532,  508, 1518,  494, 1518,  492, 760,  494, 1516,  492, 760,  494, 786,  492, 1516,  494, 1520,  490, 760,  492, 1520,  488, 1522,  538, 714,  536, 712,  492, 764,  488, 760,  492, 1516,  464, 818,  488, 762,  488, 792,  458, 794,  460, 818,  536, 744,  538, 742,  596, 728,  522, 730,  520, 714,  538, 758,  522, 786,  544, 730,  522, 728,  524, 730,  524, 754,  524, 756,  524, 730,  522, 730,  524, 730,  522, 730,  522, 756,  546, 706,  522, 756,  522, 730,  520, 732,  520, 756,  548, 756,  522, 732,  520, 732,  522, 730,  520, 810,  520, 760,  520, 730,  522, 864,  546, 758,  520, 734,  518, 632,  460, 3740,  5404, 1934,  520, 734,  518, 1490,  518, 734,  518, 1492,  518, 734,  518, 1496,  458, 794,  514, 1496,  460, 822,  456, 794,  458, 792,  462, 822,  456, 1554,  478, 772,  458, 1556,  476, 772,  480, 818,  462, 770,  508, 772,  506, 792,  488, 744,  590, 1522,  486, 792,  460, 1552,  456, 796,  480, 1530,  458, 1554,  510, 786,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 760,  492, 786,  492, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 1516,  492, 1520,  490, 760,  492, 1518,  492, 760,  492, 790,  490, 1520,  460, 1552,  458, 796,  458, 1552,  478, 1552,  518, 762,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 734,  516, 1492,  520, 734,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 734,  490, 744,  506, 744,  480, 774,  478, 800,  508, 818,  544, 734,  518, 734,  518, 870,  476, 774,  478, 776,  456, 894,  518, 760,  518, 734,  518, 734,  520, 716,  534, 718,  504, 746,  478, 772,  480, 802,  478, 774,  456, 794,  458, 820,  480, 802,  506, 772,  534, 746,  534, 762,  542, 736,  516, 736,  516, 720,  532, 762,  516, 844,  458, 716,  514};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0xA0, 0x16, 0x2E, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

Timestamp : 001006.854
Library   : v2.7.18

Protocol  : SANYO_AC88
Code      : 0xAA50 20 16 30 1B0 200000080 (88 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[539] = {5458, 1900,  554, 698,  554, 1456,  554, 724,  554, 1458,  552, 698,  552, 1458,  534, 746,  532, 1552,  552, 698,  554, 700,  554, 726,  554, 724,  552, 1456,  552, 728,  550, 1460,  524, 834,  574, 702,  550, 702,  548, 832,  536, 722,  532, 748,  564, 1466,  542, 710,  574, 706,  546, 686,  566, 1464,  552, 1456,  554, 700,  552, 1456,  556, 696,  556, 722,  556, 756,  558, 1478,  564, 1446,  572, 1456,  558, 1452,  556, 696,  556, 1454,  554, 698,  554, 698,  554, 1454,  554, 1456,  528, 724,  528, 1482,  526, 1484,  572, 710,  544, 734,  544, 706,  550, 732,  546, 1464,  508, 774,  552, 698,  552, 698,  558, 740,  538, 696,  564, 716,  586, 694,  584, 666,  696, 682,  572, 678,  574, 678,  574, 678,  574, 766,  580, 694,  560, 722,  556, 818,  576, 702,  576, 676,  576, 780,  602, 660,  592, 658,  596, 788,  598, 676,  574, 678,  576, 786,  596, 660,  592, 660,  590, 690,  592, 662,  588, 688,  588, 664,  586, 664,  556, 696,  554, 698,  550, 698,  550, 730,  552, 728,  558, 610,  574, 3576,  5480, 1864,  456, 822,  562, 1452,  558, 694,  560, 1466,  544, 692,  560, 1464,  544, 708,  542, 1572,  486, 818,  538, 696,  476, 880,  562, 742,  540, 1472,  510, 796,  510, 1518,  494, 742,  508, 744,  582, 794,  492, 760,  492, 760,  492, 760,  492, 1516,  494, 794,  562, 712,  490, 760,  492, 1522,  488, 1524,  538, 710,  540, 1470,  506, 774,  616, 732,  494, 760,  494, 1516,  494, 1518,  486, 1526,  488, 1524,  508, 772,  506, 1522,  492, 744,  506, 746,  644, 1462,  522, 1492,  484, 766,  522, 1490,  458, 1554,  538, 712,  538, 716,  538, 742,  538, 742,  538, 1472,  540, 756,  524, 756,  522, 756,  524, 754,  524, 728,  524, 728,  524, 754,  524, 754,  546, 706,  548, 704,  522, 730,  592, 740,  546, 704,  538, 740,  678, 706,  522, 730,  522, 756,  600, 730,  462, 818,  460, 820,  564, 816,  520, 732,  520, 732,  520, 732,  520, 810,  520, 732,  520, 732,  520, 758,  520, 732,  520, 732,  520, 760,  518, 734,  520, 732,  520, 760,  518, 734,  520, 732,  520, 734,  544, 636,  458, 3692,  5422, 1936,  490, 788,  490, 1518,  492, 762,  492, 1520,  490, 760,  492, 1520,  488, 762,  492, 1522,  458, 820,  458, 820,  478, 774,  458, 792,  488, 1526,  456, 794,  458, 1552,  458, 796,  480, 800,  456, 796,  478, 800,  506, 794,  484, 746,  478, 1534,  508, 744,  508, 792,  490, 742,  510, 1520,  494, 1516,  494, 760,  492, 1518,  516, 736,  518, 734,  518, 736,  518, 760,  518, 760,  518, 734,  516, 818,  488, 1522,  458, 1554,  504, 776,  504, 744,  506, 1506,  508, 1520,  518, 760,  518, 1492,  518, 1490,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 1492,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 718,  588, 762,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 734,  518, 812,  518, 736,  516, 764,  514, 740,  486, 786,  490, 792,  484, 768,  488, 792,  484, 766,  514, 738,  516, 766,  512, 738,  516, 736,  516, 736,  516, 738,  516, 736,  594, 736,  488, 794,  458, 792,  514, 740,  512, 842,  540, 764,  514, 738,  514, 816,  486, 794,  512, 740,  514, 738,  514, 766,  512, 740,  514, 1372,  504};  // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x50, 0x20, 0x16, 0x30, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

@crankyoldgit crankyoldgit removed the Pending Confirmation Waiting for confirmation from user label Jun 30, 2021
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Regarding the remote, I have a problem at the moment because there is absolutely no indication on the plastic/stickers/PCB - absolutely nothing.

But what about the A/C unit itself?

Re: Your collected data.

If you don't tell us what the corresponding settings are for each state[] code, no one can help you.
All of the data you've included at present doesn't tell us anything other than the library is now correctly detecting your protocol. Thanks for the confirmation btw.

The next step is to collect a temperature range so we can check if we have the bit ordering correct or not.

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dotanger commented Jul 2, 2021

Hi @crankyoldgit,

But what about the A/C unit itself?

It is a mini central or whatever it's called so I don't really have anything to go with. it is inside a compartment in the ceiling.
I did have a go with the remote control again and took apart the display and found underneath a "Rolbit" chip part number 86C820F-3DC7. it seems like TOSHIBA has something similar with 86C820F. I guess it needs programming anyway so that is probably not helpful...

I found remotes which are very similar in how they look, most to all are considered Sanyo replacement.
many hits by searching "sanyo air conditioner remote control" in google.
example from amazon: "HCDZ Replacement Remote Control for Sanyo KS2462R RCS-5S1E KS2432A 26KS72R KHS0952 RCS-BH80UA-WL RCS-6FHPMS2C-D Multi-Split AC Air Conditioner."
example from joybuy "Air conditioner remote control suitable for sanyo air conditioning 2GHR1 replace RCS-5WS1C RCS-7WN1C".

I did further testing and am happy to report that the codes are sent well (on/off with 22C, Cool, auto) and accepted by the AC receiver.

I will continue in trying to map bits for the modes/temp/etc.


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It is a mini central or whatever it's called so I don't really have anything to go with. it is inside a compartment in the ceiling.

Well, that's a bugger. :-(

I found remotes which are very similar in how they look, most to all are considered Sanyo replacement.
many hits by searching "sanyo air conditioner remote control" in google.
example from amazon: "HCDZ Replacement Remote Control for Sanyo KS2462R RCS-5S1E KS2432A 26KS72R KHS0952 RCS-BH80UA-WL RCS-6FHPMS2C-D Multi-Split AC Air Conditioner."
example from joybuy "Air conditioner remote control suitable for sanyo air conditioning 2GHR1 replace RCS-5WS1C RCS-7WN1C".

I'm really reluctant to add "possible" supported brands/models etc. When we say something is supported, we like to be fairly sure.
Oh well.

I did further testing and am happy to report that the codes are sent well (on/off with 22C, Cool, auto) and accepted by the AC receiver.

Excellent! Thanks for confirming that bit seems to be working. I'll note it in the code when we have the bit order confirmed.

I will continue in trying to map bits for the modes/temp/etc.

Thanks in advance. Looking forward to the results.

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dotanger commented Jul 3, 2021

This is what I have so far, I'd say it's the important parts.
The rest I would guess are relevant to timer of STOP and START and also just clock.

The majority is already covered so input/guidance would be welcome at this stage.
how to read:
columns are the description of the field.
rows are the value of the fields.
the matrix is colored to cross-reference description with values.
There is a use of bits to on/off features in this protocol. so more specific then nibbles and bytes.


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Please make the document/spreadsheet publically readable.

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dotanger commented Jul 4, 2021


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dotanger commented Jul 9, 2021

I have been playing with ElectraAC coding (physically near my 'SanyoAc88)' as well for one of my ACs and I had 2 observations,

  1. Sometimes my supposed 'Sanyo88Ac' beeped (despite not doing anything other than beep) - does that make any sense?
  2. couldn't find a minRepeats for the ElectraAC, is that on purpose? (I know it's out of scope for this thread)


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Okay, that's weird.

I've got a few other issues on the go at the moment, and I'll get back to this issue/task when they are done. i.e. I haven't forgotten. Just busy & distracted.

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2. couldn't find a minRepeats for the ElectraAC, is that on purpose? (I know it's out of scope for this thread)

Yes. ElectraAC doesn't have required repeats to work. You can make it repeat, but no captures for it ever showed repeats.

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Thanks for the clarification of ElectraAC, it makes sense.

updated the spreadsheet to include the bit for filter.
The remote has timers and they do have effect on the code obviously - I did not cover those...

crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 1, 2021
* Basic support added via `sendSanyoAc88()` & `decodeSanyoAc88()`
* Unit test coverage for the additions/changes.
Note: Bit ordering has NOT been determined. Data values may change in future.

For #1503
crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 1, 2021
* Settings supported:
  - Power
  - Mode
  - Temp
  - Fan Speed
  - Sleep
  - Turbo
  - Filter
* Add support in `IRac` class.
* Unit tests added & updated.
* Other minor code cleanups.

Note: Protocol breakdown is nowhere near complete. This is untested. Not enough data supplied.

For #1503
Copy link

@dotanger I've added some experimental detailed support for this protocol. You'll need to test it (sending and receiving) against the real thing. It may work, it may not. It's based on your spreadsheet, which has a LOT of incomplete data & analysis.

Download the branch via:

@crankyoldgit crankyoldgit added the Pending Confirmation Waiting for confirmation from user label Aug 1, 2021
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dotanger commented Aug 1, 2021

Thanks. I will test.
Regarding the missing info, my observation is that it's clock and timers.
I did find that I covered information you'd normally parse for other protocols.

Also, answered your comments in the spreadsheet.

crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 10, 2021
* Add `set/getClock()`.
* Add & update unit tests.

For #1503
Copy link

@dotanger I've added Clock support in a new commit to that branch. Have you tried it out yet? Any feedback?

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Just a reminder, we are waiting on your testing & feedback before we can proceed.

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first test looks very much correct.
After transmitting I checked what the remote thinks about the time and it said 23.4 which is correct since it does not show the minutes and seconds.

I'll be trying to understand what the second byte is next.

Protocol : SANYO_AC88
Code : 0xAA5BA015102E1700000080 (88 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Power: On, Mode: 2 (Cool), Temp: 21C, Fan: 0 (Auto), Swing(V): Off, Turbo: Off, Sleep: Off, Clock: 23:46

uint16_t rawData[539] = {5406, 1926, 556, 696, 556, 1454, 556, 696, 556, 1456, 552, 698, 556, 1456, 530, 750, 566, 1518, 556, 1454, 556, 1454, 556, 698, 632, 1438, 560, 1446, 574, 676, 568, 1462, 554, 680, 572, 726, 552, 682, 568, 682, 560, 692, 652, 700, 550, 1460, 550, 702, 550, 1460, 550, 1462, 550, 730, 464, 1548, 528, 724, 462, 1548, 534, 746, 532, 718, 530, 724, 526, 724, 524, 728, 650, 704, 548, 706, 546, 1464, 552, 726, 608, 726, 524, 754, 552, 702, 656, 1454, 556, 1454, 556, 1454, 556, 696, 558, 1454, 538, 744, 526, 724, 554, 1458, 532, 1478, 568, 1462, 550, 682, 568, 1462, 554, 724, 528, 724, 528, 706, 544, 708, 544, 708, 568, 682, 546, 734, 546, 704, 572, 682, 542, 710, 570, 710, 644, 710, 544, 692, 556, 696, 560, 720, 560, 766, 596, 680, 574, 704, 574, 792, 590, 660, 592, 706, 576, 754, 576, 676, 576, 704, 576, 676, 576, 704, 576, 676, 576, 678, 576, 702, 576, 676, 576, 702, 576, 702, 576, 702, 578, 706, 572, 1330, 576, 3574, 5442, 1898, 576, 676, 578, 1436, 552, 774, 600, 1434, 574, 704, 600, 1412, 570, 680, 554, 1454, 546, 1466, 574, 1440, 458, 792, 460, 1552, 560, 1468, 542, 694, 560, 1466, 544, 690, 562, 734, 544, 710, 490, 746, 508, 786, 494, 742, 512, 1516, 494, 740, 508, 1520, 496, 1514, 494, 758, 494, 1516, 494, 758, 494, 1514, 496, 758, 494, 758, 494, 784, 494, 784, 494, 784, 494, 784, 600, 712, 542, 1486, 462, 772, 540, 710, 566, 784, 494, 758, 494, 1516, 494, 1514, 496, 1514, 494, 758, 494, 1518, 492, 758, 494, 758, 494, 1516, 494, 1520, 490, 1522, 540, 738, 540, 1488, 522, 730, 522, 712, 540, 712, 542, 738, 540, 714, 538, 740, 544, 736, 542, 754, 526, 710, 622, 726, 526, 726, 526, 728, 524, 728, 526, 728, 524, 754, 550, 702, 550, 684, 538, 712, 536, 716, 458, 792, 460, 790, 520, 730, 522, 756, 546, 706, 546, 704, 548, 704, 524, 730, 522, 834, 542, 716, 460, 792, 460, 790, 462, 818, 460, 792, 518, 732, 518, 1384, 522, 3630, 5350, 1990, 518, 732, 520, 1494, 516, 736, 518, 1494, 460, 818, 460, 1570, 490, 744, 458, 1572, 518, 1492, 518, 1490, 518, 734, 518, 1490, 520, 1492, 516, 734, 492, 1518, 518, 764, 516, 734, 518, 764, 488, 762, 492, 760, 492, 786, 494, 1520, 460, 792, 490, 1520, 460, 1552, 482, 816, 488, 1522, 492, 786, 492, 1516, 494, 760, 494, 758, 494, 784, 494, 760, 494, 758, 494, 758, 492, 740, 480, 1550, 490, 744, 510, 786, 492, 760, 488, 746, 476, 1550, 492, 1518, 494, 1514, 516, 736, 518, 1490, 520, 734, 518, 734, 520, 1490, 520, 1490, 520, 1492, 490, 790, 460, 1554, 456, 792, 460, 822, 458, 792, 458, 792, 516, 734, 520, 732, 520, 732, 520, 732, 520, 760, 542, 766, 490, 762, 518, 734, 518, 734, 520, 814, 512, 790, 490, 742, 458, 794, 458, 792, 460, 794, 516, 734, 518, 732, 520, 762, 518, 734, 518, 734, 518, 734, 520, 734, 490, 816, 518, 734, 518, 760, 568, 768, 506, 746, 508, 772, 508, 792, 516, 788, 542, 1440, 518}; // SANYO_AC88
uint8_t state[11] = {0xAA, 0x5B, 0xA0, 0x15, 0x10, 0x2E, 0x17, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80};

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So, it appears to be decoding the remote correctly. Is it able to control the A/C correctly?

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It controls it perfectly

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It controls it perfectly

Thanks for confirming.

@crankyoldgit crankyoldgit removed help wanted more info Pending Confirmation Waiting for confirmation from user labels Aug 16, 2021
crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 16, 2021
* Basic support added via `sendSanyoAc88()` & `decodeSanyoAc88()`
* Unit test coverage for the additions/changes.
Note: Bit ordering has NOT been determined. Data values may change in future.

For #1503
crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 16, 2021
* Settings supported:
  - Power
  - Mode
  - Temp
  - Fan Speed
  - Sleep
  - Turbo
  - Filter
* Add support in `IRac` class.
* Unit tests added & updated.
* Other minor code cleanups.

Note: Protocol breakdown is nowhere near complete. This is untested. Not enough data supplied.

For #1503
crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 16, 2021
* Add `set/getClock()`.
* Add & update unit tests.

For #1503
crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 16, 2021
* Settings supported:
  - Power
  - Mode
  - Temp
  - Fan Speed
  - Sleep
  - Turbo
  - Filter
  - Clock
* Add support in `IRac` class.
* Unit tests added & updated.
* Other minor code cleanups.

Fixes #1503
crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 28, 2021
_v2.7.20 (20210828)_

**[Bug Fixes]**
- Make `strToSwingH()` match "Right Max" (#1550 #1551)

- Experimental Bose remote support (#1579)
- Added MitsubishiAC VaneLeft (#1572 #1576)
- HAIER_AC176: Add experimental detailed support (#1480 #1571)
- Detailed support for Tornado/Sanyo 88-bit A/C protocol (#1503 #1568)
- Add support for new `TROTEC_3550` A/C protocol (#1563 #1566 #1507)
- SamsungAc: Use `sendExtended()` going forward. (#1484 #1562)
- SamsungAc: Redo/fix checksum calculations. (#1538 #1554)
- LG: Add support for `AKB73757604` model (#1531 #1545)
- Daikin176: Add support for Unit Id. (#1543 #1544)
- Daikin2: Add support for Humidity setting/operation. (#1535 #1540)
- TCL112AC: Add support for quiet/mute setting. (#1528 #1529)
- LG2: Add Fan speed, Swing, & Light support for new `AKB74955603` model (#1513 #1530)
- Add Mitsubishi AC "fan only" mode (#1527)

- Fix pylint issues due to pylint update. (#1569 #1570)
- DAIKIN216: Update supported models. (#1552 #1567)
- IRMQTTServer: Build a minimal OTA image via PlatformIO. (#1513 #1541)
- Reduce memory fragmentation cause by String usage. (#1493 #1536)
- Refactor `decodeMitsubishiAC()` (#1523 #1532)
- Fix incorrect comment.
- Migrate from Travis to GitHub Actions (#1522 #1526)
- Documentation update with additional supported Panasonic AC models (#1525)
crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 28, 2021
_v2.7.20 (20210828)_

**[Bug Fixes]**
- Make `strToSwingH()` match "Right Max" (#1550 #1551)

- Experimental Bose remote support (#1579)
- Added MitsubishiAC VaneLeft (#1572 #1576)
- HAIER_AC176: Add experimental detailed support (#1480 #1571)
- Detailed support for Tornado/Sanyo 88-bit A/C protocol (#1503 #1568)
- Add support for new `TROTEC_3550` A/C protocol (#1563 #1566 #1507)
- SamsungAc: Use `sendExtended()` going forward. (#1484 #1562)
- SamsungAc: Redo/fix checksum calculations. (#1538 #1554)
- LG: Add support for `AKB73757604` model (#1531 #1545)
- Daikin176: Add support for Unit Id. (#1543 #1544)
- Daikin2: Add support for Humidity setting/operation. (#1535 #1540)
- TCL112AC: Add support for quiet/mute setting. (#1528 #1529)
- LG2: Add Fan speed, Swing, & Light support for new `AKB74955603` model (#1513 #1530)
- Add Mitsubishi AC "fan only" mode (#1527)

- Change when some github workflows run (#1583)
- Add/update supported device info (#1580 #1581 #1585)
- Fix pylint issues due to pylint update. (#1569 #1570)
- DAIKIN216: Update supported models. (#1552 #1567)
- IRMQTTServer: Build a minimal OTA image via PlatformIO. (#1513 #1541)
- Reduce memory fragmentation cause by String usage. (#1493 #1536)
- Refactor `decodeMitsubishiAC()` (#1523 #1532)
- Fix incorrect comment.
- Migrate from Travis to GitHub Actions (#1522 #1526)
- Documentation update with additional supported Panasonic AC models (#1525)
crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 28, 2021
## _v2.7.20 (20210828)_

**[Bug Fixes]**
- Make `strToSwingH()` match "Right Max" (#1550 #1551)

- Experimental Bose remote support (#1579)
- Added MitsubishiAC VaneLeft (#1572 #1576)
- HAIER_AC176: Add experimental detailed support (#1480 #1571)
- Detailed support for Tornado/Sanyo 88-bit A/C protocol (#1503 #1568)
- Add support for new `TROTEC_3550` A/C protocol (#1563 #1566 #1507)
- SamsungAc: Use `sendExtended()` going forward. (#1484 #1562)
- SamsungAc: Redo/fix checksum calculations. (#1538 #1554)
- LG: Add support for `AKB73757604` model (#1531 #1545)
- Daikin176: Add support for Unit Id. (#1543 #1544)
- Daikin2: Add support for Humidity setting/operation. (#1535 #1540)
- TCL112AC: Add support for quiet/mute setting. (#1528 #1529)
- LG2: Add Fan speed, Swing, & Light support for new `AKB74955603` model (#1513 #1530)
- Add Mitsubishi AC "fan only" mode (#1527)

- Change when some github workflows run (#1583)
- Add/update supported device info (#1580 #1581 #1585)
- Fix pylint issues due to pylint update. (#1569 #1570)
- DAIKIN216: Update supported models. (#1552 #1567)
- IRMQTTServer: Build a minimal OTA image via PlatformIO. (#1513 #1541)
- Reduce memory fragmentation cause by String usage. (#1493 #1536)
- Refactor `decodeMitsubishiAC()` (#1523 #1532)
- Fix incorrect comment.
- Migrate from Travis to GitHub Actions (#1522 #1526)
- Documentation update with additional supported Panasonic AC models (#1525)
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FYI, the changes mentioned above have been included in the just released v2.7.20 of the library.

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dotanger commented Sep 2, 2021

Thanks a lot!
has been a pleasure.

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