Version: 2.6.7
Matt Banks ( @mattbanks / / )
WordPress Starter Theme for use as a starting template for building custom themes. Uses Compass/SCSS, HTML5 Boilerplate 4 with Modernizr and Normalize.css. Tested with WordPress 3.4 - 3.5.
Rename folder to your theme name and begin development. Code as you will.
I use CodeKit for Compass/SCSS compiling, but feel free to use whatever app or command line tool you prefer. LiveReload and Grunt are also great tools for compiling SCSS.
- Compile
(defined in config.rb for Compass) - Compile
- Compile
- ??
- Profit
- Normalized stylesheet for cross-browser compatibility using Normalize.css version 2 (IE8+ only)
- Easy to customize
- Flexible grid from Chris Coyier
- Media Queries for mobile and tablets ready to populate
- Removed comments from pages
- Compass & SCSS with plenty of mixins ready to go
- Much much more
- Use Google Libraries
- WordPress SEO by Yoast
- Google Analytics for WordPress by Yoast
- W3 Total Cache
- Gravity Forms
- Fix remove_menu_page to trigger on admin_menu instead of admin_init
- Add grid column sizes I typically use, general code cleanup
- Fix calls for favicon and apple-touch-icon in header
- Remove older IE conditional comments since I don't support IE7 and below
- Change chromeframe call to include IE7
- Clean up footer dynamic_sidebar() call
- Add comment blocks for template parts
- Add functions to remove dashboard widgets, remove admin menu pages, reorder admin menu
- Include add_image_size if needed in init
- Fix text selection bg and color not pulling from variables
- Move border-box from
- Add border-box support for pseudo elements, because it makes the world a better place
- Fix broken call in sidebar.php
- Properly translate widget titles
- Break functions out into their own included files
- Register style before enqueue
- Redo comments template based on Underscores Theme
- Added required classes to _posts.scss to remember to style them
- Broke register_sidebar() out of loop
- Add support for custom-header, custom-background, editor-style.css, content_width
- Add GPL license info to style.scss
- Add function to remove query strings from static resources
- Remove shortlink from wp_head
- Ran theme through Theme Check plugin to verify things were in order
- remove jQuery loading from Google CDN. Use Google Libraries plugin is a better option while using version of jQuery in WordPress Core
- cleaned up functions.php and made it more robust
- Moved index, single and page displays out to template parts
- Properly enqueue stylesheet in functions.php instead of manually in header.php
- Updated social network buttons to latest code
- Renamed jquery.functions.js to main.js
- Add flexible grid SCSS
- Updated to HTML5 Boilerplate 4
- Updated to Normalize.css 2
- Updated to Modernizr 2.6.2
- Include @media bubbling mixins, via Chris Coyier
- Other bug fixes and changes
- added compass with config.rb
- removed mixins covered by compass
- added SCSS as preprocessor files
- upgraded modernizr to 2.5.2
- upgraded jQuery to 1.7.2
- renamed script.js to jquery.functions.js
- functions.php points to minified versions of plugins.js and jquery.functions.js
- removed unneeded code in functions.php
- cleaned up header.php and footer.php
- added google +1 button to social buttons
- initial version
Without these projects, this WordPress Starter Theme wouldn't be where it is today.