- Master Computer Science | The University of Tokyo (2023~2025(expected)) (Miyao lab)
- Bachelar Computer Science | The University of Tokyo (2019~2023)
- (2024)
- Internship
- Preferred Networks (2023)
- Summer Internship
- Research about Code LLM
- (2023)
- Volunteer
- Built a crawler for LLM data
- NAIST(2022)
- (very short period) Research Internship in Watanabe lab
- Reserach in Grammatical Error Correction
- Nikkei (2021)
- Summer Internship
- Data Scientist for Office pass (url)
- IGPI (2019 ~ 2021)
- Software Engineer
- Research and development of proprietary foreign exchange pricing algorithms for Mizuho Bank's trading platform
- PACLIC (2023)
- Comprehensive Evaluation of Translation Error Correction Models (Masatoshi Otake, Yusuke Miyao)
- 言語処理学会 (2023)
- 対訳コーパスへの疑似文法誤りの挿入による翻訳誤り訂正データセットの構築 (大嶽匡俊, 宮尾祐介)
- Kakusei Project (2023~2024)
- 世界観を崩さない吹き替え
- three million yen
- url
- Spring Founders Program (2022)
- 和文英訳(translation error correction)用のウェブサイトの制作 url
- AtCoder(2023) 青 (Rating 1600)
- Project(2022) 優秀 AI 賞、優秀ウェブアプリ賞, 100program
- Hackathon(2022) 2nd, 自然言語処理若手の会 (YANS) ハッカソン
- Hackathon(2020) 1st, 日立データハッカソン
- Kaggle (2020) 14th, Lyft Motion Prediction
- Kaggle (2020) 17th, Halite by Two Sigma
- English Proficiency (TOEFL score was 86 on 2022/4/8)
- Japanese Native proficiency