This is a pretty good vim setup. This setup focuses on Python3 and is also set up for Rust and Go development (Javascript still WIP).
This configuration works with neovim with a couple additional steps -
see neovim
section below for more details.
brew install macvim --override-system-vim
xargs brew install < homebrew.list
xargs sudo apt install -y < deb-pkgs.txt
BAK=$HOME/.vim-$(date +%d-%b-%Y).bak
mkdir $BAK
mv $HOME/.vim* $BAK/.
mv $HOME/.darglint $BAK/.
git clone $HOME/.vim --recursive
ln -s $HOME/.vim/vimrc $HOME/.vimrc
ln -s $HOME/.vim/darglint $HOME/.darglint
cd $HOME/.vim
git submodule update --recursive --remote bundle/*
I have this setup to use a Python3 Virtual Environment
Create a virtual environment with the following commands:
cd $HOME/.vim
python3 -m venv venv
Then activate your virtual environment and install dependancies
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Create a directory and symlink so that neovim
knows where to look.
mkdir -p $HOME/.config
ln -s ~/.vim ~/.config/nvim
For jedi to work we need to install python's neovim
module into the system'sPYTHONPATH
pip3 install neovim --user
After this neovim should work! Please let me know if there are any issues.