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A highly configurable DICOM parser plugin for an Orthanc 1.9.7 server. Migrating is simple. Reads and parses a raw data buffer of a DICOM file, very fast, very very fast.


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DICOM Data Filter

This software has been developed as a plugin to run on Orthanc DICOM servers. This repo builds a plugin for orthanc 1.9.7. You are welcome to attempt building for newer versions by replacing OrthancCPlugin.h under include/orthanc/.

Table of Contents



You need to build from source, unless someone makes a package for your package manager. You'll need to use your package manager to install your package for libpq - the postrgres client API.

# clone repo
git clone orthanc-filter
cd orthanc-tmi
# develop is where all the action is
git checkout develop
# we need to populate submodules (googletest)
git submodule init
git submodule update
Don't forget to populate submodules.
The submodules you need to initialize.
Library Purpose URI
libpqxx libpq wrapper
nlohmann/json json API
googletest unit testing


The project is configured to build a plugin (dll/so) (target 'data-anonymizer') binary, then copy it to docker/plugins for development use (testing).

To build and test the plugin. To configure

$ cmake .. -G Ninja -B build
$ ninja -C build
$ sudo docker-compose up

From there you just interact via the adminer page, that is http://localhost:8042/.


We don't currently provide binaries, so you'll have to build and install yourself. We can't guarantee your plugin directory will be in this location, so verify its location for yourself and update the install prefix as needed.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/share/orthanc/plugins
$ sudo ninja install


To test locally you'll need to launch docker with..

$ sudo docker-compose up

This will launch 3 docker containers with images from Docker Hub:

  • orthanc-server: Custom image based on Archlinux with Orthanc server, all official plugins as well as dependencies needed for our plugin
  • postgresql: Official PostgreSQL docker image. Database.
  • adminer: Official Adminer docker image, use to manage PostgreSQL database.

Then you can proceed to test whatever in whatever way. The docker server reads a copy of the plugin binary from docker/plugins/ (cmake configures the copy operation).

Build Image

To build the custom docker image instead of pulling from Docker Hub:

cd ./docker
docker image build .

Then update docker-compose.yml with the new image ID.

Windows Subsystem for Linux

When working in WSL, permissions may be an issue for docker mounting the persistent PostgreSQL data. By default Windows' file systems will be mounted under /mnt for WSL. To avoid permission issues with mounting docker's /var/lib/postgresql/data you'll need to change the volume for Postgres to any location that's native to your linux distribution.

You can edit docker-compose.yml where..

#instead of using
#use this instead

Plugin Configuration (json)

To configure this plugin you'll need to add a section to your json file with the key "DataAnon" : {} under this section different parts of the plugin can be configured. Here is an empty configuration showing the different sections. These are the parts of the configuration that must be present. If missing Orthanc will fail to start.

  "DataAnon": {
    "HardlinksUseHashBins" : true,
    "Hardlinks": { },
    "DateTruncation": {
      "default": "YYYYMMDD"
    "Filter": {
      "blacklist": [ ],
      "whitelist": [ ]

note: changing the configuration does not (currently) affect existing DICOM files that have already been received and processed by the server.

Hard Links

Hard links are a special type of file on a filesystem that allow you to alias another file such that even if you rename the underlying file the hard link will still point to that file. In fact you could delete the underlying file and the hard link will take its place so to speak, which is to say the data is not lost because there is still a file referencing that spot on the storage medium. note: not all filesystem types support hard links (eg. FAT32)

For users of this data anonymization plugin, hard links allow us to provide a way to conveniently customize how data is organized on the filesystem. Hard links can be configured in the json using a "/folder-name/" : "group,element" pair.

For example: Say you want to organize your DICOM files according to the patients' date of births. You would add "/by-dob/": "0010,0030" to the "Hardlinks" : {} section like so

"Hardlinks" : {
   "/by-dob/": "0010,0030"

This will create a directory named by-dob in which dicom files will be grouped according to their date of birth. For a patient who's date of birth is recorded in an incoming DICOM file as 19880404 the relative path to that file from Orthanc's storage directory will be by-dob/19880404/.

You can add multiple hardlinks by separating them by commas. The directory you use can be anything, the plugin will ensure the directory is created if it does not exist, and you can find them under the Orthanc storage directory seen in the orthanc configuration json under "StorageDirectory" this too can be customized.

Hash Bins

You may have more files than your file system is willing to manage under a particular group (eg. by-dob/19880404/) and so you can enable the use of hash bins which will use the first two characters of the DICOM file's name as part of the path. eg. by-dob/19880404/4A/; the file names are uuid.DCM where uuid is the file's rather long uuid. To enable or disable this feature you would set the "HardlinksUseHashBins" field accordingly (ie. true or false).

Date Truncation

You may want to keep dates, but also anonymize them to a certain degree which you can accomplish via the date truncation feature. You can configure different dates to be truncated differently even. The date truncation code will take the configuration and simply mask the date with it. For example:

date: 19880404
config: YYYY0101
result: 19880101

So in practice you could configure the date truncater to give you weird results by using a config such as 99YYM1DD. This would result in the example date turning into 99880104 or 19881212 becoming 99881112. Probably not what you'd want, so just be sure you set it correctly.


Dates in DICOM files should be in the format YYYYMMDD and our plugin uses this same format to configure date truncation.

Default configuration

The date truncation requires a default truncation otherwise the plugin will not load. You can configure the truncation to do nothing by simply using YYYYMMDD (technically you could use any non-digits, but might as well make sense). To configure this you would just add "default" : "YYYYMMDD" to the "DateTruncation": { } section. The example at the top shows what this would look like.

Truncating Different Dates Differently

Say you want all dates to be truncated by month, except date of birth which you want truncated by year. That is to say you only care about what year they were born, and everything else you care up to the month but not the day. To achieve this you would add an entry to the "DateTruncation": { } section using the DOB's group,element which would be "0010,0030" along with the truncation mask.. in the end you'd have the following.

    "DateTruncation": {
      "default": "YYYYMM01",
      "0010,0030": "YYYY0101"
  1. note: you can add a different mask for each and every type of date you can find in a DICOM file just add the appropriate tag (group,element) and the mask you want for each.
  2. note: specific dates configured for truncation will be automatically be added to the Filter whitelist (inside the plugin, not the json).

Filter - Removing Dicom Elements

If you want to completely remove data, you can use the "Filter" : { "blacklist" : [] } section to achieve it.


The blacklist can be configured in two ways, you can either remove an entire group of DICOM elements, or specific elements. To remove an entire group you simply use the group tag eg. "0010" and for a specific element it would be something like "00FF,0010"


The whitelist can only be configured for specific DICOM elements because it is intended to counter-act blacklisting an entire group. note: dates specified under the "DateTruncation": { } section will automatically be added to the whitelist.


A highly configurable DICOM parser plugin for an Orthanc 1.9.7 server. Migrating is simple. Reads and parses a raw data buffer of a DICOM file, very fast, very very fast.








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