This simulation was developed to support the theoretical results of this work:
Pezzato C., Ferrari, R., Henrandez C., A Novel Adaptive Controller for Robot Manipulators Based on Active Inference, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020.
@ARTICLE{Pezzato2019, author={C. {Pezzato} and R. {Ferrari} and C. H. {Corbato}}, journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, title={A Novel Adaptive Controller for Robot Manipulators Based on Active Inference}, year={2020}, volume={5}, number={2}, pages={2973-2980},}
If you found this controller useful, please consider citing the paper above.
A video showing the capability of active inference in the real world is now on youtube!
The code for controlling the real Panda using either libfranka or franka_ros is now available at
Repository for the dynamic simulation of the Franka Emika Panda robot arm in Gazebo using Active Inference. This repository contains 3 packages:
- franka_description: it contains the urdf and xacro of the robot and the scene
- panda_control: the package contains the active inference controller and a model reference adaptive controller for comparison
- panda_simulation: package for launching the simulation loading a jointEffortController for each joint and the scene with the robot(s)
The file panda_arm.xacro has been updated with more accurate inertia tensor and centers of mass obtained using Meshlab and the .stl models. See also
Make sure you installed ros-kinetic-desktop-full and that you have all the necessary dependencies.
If you want, you can install Singularity and build a container for this simulation. You can do that building a singularity image from this singulatity recipe:
Run a shell within the container:
- With Nvidia GPU:
$ singularity shell --nv YOUR_IMAGE_NAME
- Without Nvidia GPU:
$ singularity shell YOUR_IMAGE_NAME
Once inside the image:
- Source:
$ source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
Either in your local machine or inside the image you just created:
- Create a folder for your catkin_ws:
$ mkdir -p your_catkin_ws/
- Move to the folder: $ cd your_catkin_ws/`
- Clone the repository
$ git clone src
- Build the workspace:
$ catkin_make
- Source:
$ source devel/setup.bash
- Launch:
$ roslaunch panda_simulation simulation.launch
The launch file launches a Gazebo simulation in pause with a single robot. The launch file run the node panda_control_AIC for the active inference controller (AIC) by default. Alternatively one can run the model reference adaptive controller (MRAC) through the node panda_control_MRAC, modifying the launch file accordingly. Just press play and enjoy.
The result with the active inference controller is the following:
If you are using ROS Melodic and Gazebo 9, the robot meshes will probably not be showed. To solve this, just remove the "transparent" attribute in the .dae flesin franka_description/meshes/visual