This is a TypeScript-Fetch client for interacting with our Gen-Server. It follows the Gen-Server's OpenAPI-specification.
Add the client package to your project:
yarn add @cozy-creator/gen-server-ts-client
Use the client in a simple polling script:
import { CozyCreator } from "@cozy-creator/ts-client";
const cozy = new CozyCreator({
baseUrl: "http://localhost:8881",
apiKey: "LtozVIUp9dAvfZSe6HAWCDZWtJfP1uTC",
async function main(): Promise<Text2MediaResult> {
const { id, status } = await cozy.text2Media.submit({
models: { "stable-diffusion": 1 },
positive_prompt: 'A beautiful sunset over the ocean',
negative_prompt: '',
aspect_ratio: '16/9',
output_format: 'webp'
while (true) {
const { status } = await cozy.text2Media.getStatus(id);
if (status === 'COMPLETED') {
return await cozy.text2Media.getResult(id);
if (status === 'FAILED') {
throw new Error('Job failed');
// Poll every second
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
OpenAPI can auto-generate clients, but it was impossible to make a client that could handle streams and message-pack encoding/decoding, plus the code it wrote was mostly trash. Hence why we wrote this client by hand. Honestly I'm pretty bearish on old-fashioned auto-generated code now that we have LLMs.