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node mpd client api

Api implementation for Music Player Daemon (GIT) protocol.

Wraps the MPD client from mpd2 module with api methods exposed as client.api.x


npm i / yarn add mpd-api
const mpdapi = require('mpd-api')

// config is passed to net.connect()
const config = {
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 6600,

  // if connecting to a local socket rather than
  // host and port; trailing `~` is replaced by
  // `os.homedir()`
  // path: '~/.config/mpd/socket'

  // if MPD requires a password, pass
  // it within the config as well:
  //password: 'password'

const client = await mpdapi.connect(config)

const songs = await'(artist contains "Empire")')
// [{
//   file: 'mpd/music/path//Sleep Wont Sleep - The Cat Empire (2013).m4a',
//   last_modified: '2019-04-05T14:59:00Z',
//   format: '44100:f:2',
//   time: 284,
//   duration: 284.375,
//   artist: 'The Cat Empire',
//   album: 'Steal the Light',
//   title: "Sleep Won't Sleep",
//   track: 10,
//   date: '2013-05-17',
//   disc: 1,
//   label: 'EMI',
//   albumartist: 'The Cat Empire',
//   musicbrainz_artistid: 'a530492f-8806-4bd7-9c14-80c237eb92fe',
//   musicbrainz_albumid: 'aa62c3b7-2576-4375-9301-ed8824966752',
//   musicbrainz_albumartistid: 'a530492f-8806-4bd7-9c14-80c237eb92fe',
//   musicbrainz_trackid: 'b0261a37-8a91-4581-8eab-4c5069d057ea',
//   musicbrainz_releasetrackid: '56f73f38-c224-4827-a7a2-4552990c5da9'
//  }, {
//   file: ...
//  }, ...]

const status = await client.api.status.get()
// { volume: 63,
// repeat: false,
// random: false,
// single: false,
// consume: false,
// playlist: 312,
// playlistlength: 12,
// mixrampdb: 0,
// state: 'play',
// song: 7,
// songid: 116,
// time: { elapsed: 10562, total: 0 },
// elapsed: 10561.648,
// bitrate: '96',
// audio:
//  { sampleRate: 44100,
//    bits: 24,
//    channels: 2,
//    sample_rate_short: { value: 44.1, unit: 'kHz' } },
// nextsong: 8,
// nextsongid: 117 }

All methods return already parsed results.

Reference to mpd2 module is exposed as well, if needed:

const { mpd } = mpdapi
const { cmd, MPDError } = mpd

try {
  client = await mpdapi.connect()
} catch (e) {
  if (e.errno === MPDError.CODES.PERMISSION) {
    console.log('no permission to connect, probably invalid/missing password')

// or disable parsing of values

// and do not convert object keys to snake_case


// typings included

import api, { MPDApi } from 'mpd-api'

type Status = {
  volume: number
  repeat: boolean
  playlist: number
  state: 'play' | 'stop' | 'pause'
  // ...

type ListAllInfo = {
  directory: string
  last_modified: string
  file?: File[]

type File = {
  file: string
  last_modified: string
  format: string
  time: number
  artist: string
  title: string
  // ...

const client: MPDApi.ClientAPI = await api.connect()

const status = await client.api.status.get<Status>()
console.log('state:', status.state)

const lsAll = await client.api.db.listallinfo<ListAllInfo>()
console.log('first directory: %s, files: %o', lsAll[0].directory, lsAll[0].file)

// reference to mpd2 module:


Client to client communication MPD documentation

async c2c.list(...args) --> channels ...args

async c2c.subscribe(...args) --> subscribe ...args

method ignores EXIST, expect undefined in this case

async c2c.unsubscribe(...args) --> unsubscribe ...args

method ignores NO_EXIST, expect undefined in this case

async c2c.sendMessage(...args) --> sendmessage ...args

async c2c.readMessages(...args) --> readmessages ...args

Connection settings MPD documentation

async connection.close(...args) --> close ...args

async connection.kill(...args) --> kill ...args

async --> ping ...args

async connection.getTagTypes(...args) --> tagtypes ...args

async connection.enableTagTypes(...args) --> tagtypes enable, ...args

method binds arguments which can not be changed

async connection.disableTagTypes(...args) --> tagtypes disable, ...args

method binds arguments which can not be changed

async connection.clearTagTypes(...args) --> tagtypes clear, ...args

method binds arguments which can not be changed

async connection.enableAllTagTypes(...args) --> tagtypes all, ...args

method binds arguments which can not be changed

async connection.binarylimit(...args) --> binarylimit ...args

The music database MPD documentation

async db.listall(...args) --> listall ...args

async db.listallinfo(...args) --> listallinfo ...args

async db.list(...args) --> list ...args

method reorderes or augments passed arguments, see dbList

async db.count(...args) --> count ...args

async db.find(...args) --> find ...args

async db.findadd(...args) --> findadd ...args

async --> search ...args

async db.searchadd(...args) --> searchadd ...args

async db.searchaddpl(...args) --> searchaddpl ...args

async db.lsinfo(...args) --> lsinfo ...args

async db.songinfo(...args) --> lsinfo ...args

async db.listfiles(...args) --> listfiles ...args

async db.readcomments(...args) --> readcomments ...args

async db.rescan(...args) --> rescan ...args

async db.update(...args) --> update ...args

async db.getfingerprint(...args) --> getfingerprint ...args

async db.albumart(...args) --> albumart

method ignores NO_EXIST, expect undefined in this case

async db.albumartWhole(...args) --> albumartWhole

method ignores NO_EXIST, expect undefined in this case

async db.readpicture(...args) --> readpicture

method ignores NO_EXIST, expect undefined in this case

async db.readpictureWhole(...args) --> readpictureWhole

method ignores NO_EXIST, expect undefined in this case

Mounts and neighbors MPD documentation

async mounts.list(...args) --> listmounts ...args

async mounts.listNeighbors(...args) --> listneighbors ...args

async mounts.mount(...args) --> mount ...args

async mounts.unmount(...args) --> unmount ...args

Audio output devices MPD documentation

async outputs.list(...args) --> outputs ...args

async outputs.enable(...args) --> enableoutput ...args

async outputs.disable(...args) --> disableoutput ...args

async outputs.toggle(...args) --> toggleoutput ...args

async outputs.set(...args) --> outputset ...args

Partition commands MPD documentation

async partition.list(...args) --> listpartitions ...args

async partition.create(...args) --> newpartition ...args

method ignores EXIST, expect undefined in this case

async partition.switchTo(...args) --> partition ...args

async partition.delete(...args) --> delpartition ...args

method ignores NO_EXIST, expect undefined in this case

async partition.moveOutputToCurrentPartition(...args) --> moveoutput ...args

method ignores NO_EXIST, expect undefined in this case

Playback options and controls MPD documentation

async --> next ...args

async playback.prev(...args) --> previous ...args

async playback.pause(...args) --> pause 1, ...args

method binds arguments which can not be changed

async playback.resume(...args) --> pause 0, ...args

method binds arguments which can not be changed

async playback.toggle(...args) --> pause ...args

async --> play ...args

async playback.playid(...args) --> playid ...args

async playback.stop(...args) --> stop ...args

async playback.seekcur(...args) --> seekcur ...args

async --> seek ...args

async playback.seekid(...args) --> seekid ...args

async playback.getvol(...args) --> getvol ...args

async playback.consume(...args) --> consume ...args

method reorderes or augments passed arguments, see boolAt

async playback.crossfade(...args) --> crossfade ...args

async playback.mixrampdb(...args) --> mixrampdb ...args

async playback.mixrampdelay(...args) --> mixrampdelay ...args

method reorderes or augments passed arguments, see mixrampdelay

async playback.random(...args) --> random ...args

method reorderes or augments passed arguments, see boolAt

async playback.repeat(...args) --> repeat ...args

method reorderes or augments passed arguments, see boolAt

async playback.single(...args) --> single ...args

method reorderes or augments passed arguments, see single

async playback.setvol(...args) --> setvol ...args

async playback.setReplayGain(...args) --> replay_gain_mode ...args

method reorderes or augments passed arguments, see replaygain

async playback.getReplayGain(...args) --> replay_gain_status ...args

Stored playlists MPD documentation

async playlists.get(...args) --> listplaylists ...args

async playlists.list(...args) --> listplaylist ...args

async playlists.listinfo(...args) --> listplaylistinfo ...args

async playlists.load(...args) --> load ...args

async playlists.add(...args) --> playlistadd ...args

async playlists.clear(...args) --> playlistclear ...args

async playlists.deleteAt(...args) --> playlistdelete ...args

async playlists.move(...args) --> playlistmove ...args

async playlists.rename(...args) --> rename ...args

async playlists.remove(...args) --> rm ...args

async --> save ...args

async queue.add(...args) --> add ...args

async queue.addid(...args) --> addid ...args

async queue.clear(...args) --> clear ...args

async --> playlistinfo ...args

async --> playlistid ...args

async queue.delete(...args) --> delete ...args

async queue.deleteid(...args) --> deleteid ...args

async queue.move(...args) --> move ...args

async queue.moveid(...args) --> moveid ...args

async queue.find(...args) --> playlistfind ...args

async --> playlistsearch ...args

async queue.prio(...args) --> prio ...args

async queue.prioid(...args) --> prioid ...args

async queue.shuffle(...args) --> shuffle ...args

async queue.swap(...args) --> swap ...args

async queue.swapid(...args) --> swapid ...args

async queue.addtagid(...args) --> addtagid ...args

async queue.cleartagid(...args) --> cleartagid ...args

async queue.getChanges(...args) --> plchanges ...args

async queue.getChangesPosId(...args) --> plchangesposid ...args

async queue.rangeid(...args) --> rangeid ...args

async reflection.config(...args) --> config ...args

async reflection.commands(...args) --> commands ...args

async reflection.notcommands(...args) --> notcommands ...args

async reflection.urlhandlers(...args) --> urlhandlers ...args

async reflection.decoders(...args) --> decoders ...args

Querying MPD’s status MPD documentation

async status.get(...args) --> status ...args

async status.clearerror(...args) --> clearerror ...args

async status.currentsong(...args) --> currentsong ...args

async status.stats(...args) --> stats ...args

async sticker.list(...args) --> sticker list, song, ...args

method binds arguments which can not be changed

async sticker.set(...args) --> sticker set, song, ...args

method binds arguments which can not be changed

method reorderes or augments passed arguments, see stickerSet

async sticker.get(...args) --> sticker get, song, ...args

method binds arguments which can not be changed

method ignores NO_EXIST, expect undefined in this case

async sticker.delete(...args) --> sticker delete, song, ...args

method binds arguments which can not be changed

method reorderes or augments passed arguments, see stickerDel

method ignores NO_EXIST, expect undefined in this case

async sticker.deleteAll(...args) --> sticker delete, song, ...args

method binds arguments which can not be changed

method ignores NO_EXIST, expect undefined in this case

async sticker.find(...args) --> sticker find, song, ...args

method binds arguments which can not be changed

method reorderes or augments passed arguments, see stickerFind

async --> sticker find, song, ...args

method binds arguments which can not be changed

method reorderes or augments passed arguments, see stickerSearch


Node mpd client API






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