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Increase and Decrease Contrast

Jaime Bermejo edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 3 revisions

Tool to increase or decrease the contrast of an image

This Tool compute the increase or the decrease of the contrast of an image using the Matlab function Imadjust.

To use this tool, you have to bear in mind that the left slider must lower than the right slider of the same color channel. Otherwise, a warning is shown in the tool specifing the color channel where is the problem.

The tool is divided in four main regions:

  • Sliders: control the quantity of increase or decrease that we want to apply to the image.
  • Image frame: Where the changes in the image are shown.
  • Warnings advices: Where warnings are shown in case of the sliders values were in wrong position.
  • Export button: to export the image to other frame to save it or do other operations with it.

The formula applied to make the contrast transformation is:

PContrast Formula

This is a demo of how this tool works: Tool video demostration

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