0.13.3 - hotfix CocoaPods for SwiftThemis and ObjCThemis [iOS, macOS] for Xcode12
Updated Themis podspec to be compatible with Xcode12:
- exclude arm64 architecture (well, temporary);
- updated iOS/macOS deployment target;
- updated bitcode settings.
Xcode 12: use pod themis, "0.13.3"
. It excludes arm64-iphonesimulator architecture slice for now. Resulting app can be submitted to App Store.
Xcode 11: use pod themis, "0.13.0"
. It is compatible with Xcode 11, not with Xcode 12.
If you use macOS, use 0.13.3, and please exclude mac-arm64 for now (set Build Active Architecture Only = YES
). This will build correct x86_64 application.
Exclude arm64-iphonesimulator architecture slice for now (see #713).
If you use macOS, use 0.13.3, and please exclude mac-arm64 for now (set Build Active Architecture Only = YES
). This will build correct x86_64 application.