A bot, for Discord, that allows you and your friends to create polls and vote.
Commands start with an exclamation mark (!) followed by the command and then each parameter separated by a space. If a parameter contains spaces, it should be written within quotation marks ("), otherwise it will be split into multiple parameters.
!poll_channel <setting>
Available settings for the channel configuration include:
- -dc - all messages with commands for the bot will be deleted in this channel;
- -da - all messages will be deleted in this channel;
- -ka - all messages are kept in this channel, nothing is deleted.
A channel can only be configure by an administrator.
!poll_channel -da
!poll <settings> poll_key question <response_options>
If no response options are provided, the default responses are Yes and No.
The poll_key is used for referring to this specific poll. It can be any string without spaces.
The first parameter that does not start with a dash is considered to be the poll_key, the next one the question and all of the following, the response options. If any of these parameters contains spaces, then they should be surrounded by quotation marks.
Available settings for the poll include:
- -m - each user may vote in multiple options;
- -o - each option displays only the number of votes;
- -n - users can vote in new options;
- -e - users can vote for external users;
- -y - confirm the creation of the poll. This is necessary when there's a poll with the same id or the poll limit has been reached for that server.
Settings can be combined together, using dash (-) followed by all the desired settings.
If the poll options are supposed to be the weekdays, a shortcut can be used by adding -weekly (or -weekly_pt for the portuguese version). The parameter after this is assumed to be the starting day and ending day for the options, separated by comma (,). If the parameter contains only one number, the ending day will be sunday after the starting day. If no number is provided, the starting day will be today.
Note: the number of active polls per server is limited to 15. When the limit has been reached use Delete Poll).
!poll -n party2night "Let's party tonight?" Yes No "Only after midnight"
!poll -n party "When do you wanna party?" -weekly 20,25
Depending on whether you want to edit the question, settings or options, you should use one of the following variants of the command:
!poll_edit poll_key
- to edit the question or settings - use the base command and add the new settings as in Create Poll, using dash (-), or add the new question. You cannot change both with the same command;
- to add options - use the base command and add -add followed by the list of options, formatted similarly to Create Poll;
- to remove options - use the base command and add -rm followed by the list of options, using their number ids separated by comma (,) and no spaces;
- to lock options - use the base command and add -lock followed by the list of options, using their number ids separated by comma (,) and no spaces;
- to unlock options - use the base command and add -unlock followed by the list of options, using their number ids separated by comma (,) and no spaces.
A poll can only be edited by its owner.
!poll_edit party2night "Let's party tomorrow?"
!poll_edit party2night -mn
!poll_edit party2night -add Maybe "Only if booze"
!poll_edit party2night -rm 3,4
!poll_close poll_key selected_options
The selected_options are a list options separated by comma (,) and no spaces, which will be displayed in the closed poll.
A poll can only be closed by its owner.
!poll_delete poll_key
A poll can only be deleted by its owner. The difference between Close Poll and Delete Poll is that delete will also delete the message associated with the poll, while close only prevents interactions with it.
!poll_delete party2night
!poll_refresh poll_key
Refreshing a poll means a new message will be created with the poll, saving you the trouble of trying to find the previous location of the poll.
!poll_refresh party2night
!vote poll_key selected_options
The selected_options are a list of options separated by comma (,).
If the poll allows for new options to be created, the command followed by the new option within quotation marks (") can be used instead:
!vote poll_key "New option"
If the poll allows for external votes, to vote for an external user simply add -e followed by the voter's name within quotation marks ("), as in:
!vote poll_key selected_options -e "External voter's name"
Users can now also vote by reacting to the number of the option they desire.
!vote party2night 3
!vote party2night "Only if booze"
!vote party2night 1 -e "My friend not on the server"
!unvote poll_key selected_options
Remove vote from a list of options in the poll.
Similarly to Vote Poll, to unvote a vote from an external user add -e followed by the voter's name within quotation marks (").
Removing a reaction to the number of an option also removes that user's vote.
!unvote party2night 3
!unvote party2night 1 -e "My friend not on the server"
!poll_mention poll_key poll_option desired_message
Create a message that mentions all the participants that voted the poll_option on the poll identified by the poll_key, with the desired message.
!poll_mention party2night 1 "Wanna checkout that new bar?"
Help creates a temporary message that shows examples of basic commands.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Acácio Correia
- José Manteigueiro
This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.
Thanks for the help with suggestions on features, improvements and the README itself.
- José Ribeiro
- Vasco Lopes