modules each directory is a course or a browser guide which contains:
docs the asciidoc source files
images the images
single-pdf container for generating the course guide or exercise guide
single-slides container for generating a single HTML for the entire course
build generated when you convert asciidoc which contains these important artifacts
enrollment the HTML for the enrollment page
online the online HTML and the PDF for each lesson of the course
slides the HTML slides for each lesson of the course
single-pdf the PDF for the course guide or exercise guide
single-slides the HTML slides for the entire course
Since we are using the Gradle Wrapper, the only requirement is to have Java installed.
A Java version between 8 and 13 is required to execute Gradle. Java 14 and later versions are not yet supported.
On Windows, open a terminal and type:
$ gradlew.bat
On Linux and macOS, open a terminal and type:
$ ./gradlew
If you run this command for the first time it will download and install Gradle. Make sure that you have an unrestricted access to Internet (ie. not behind a corporate proxy).
In the following examples, we are going to use the command ./gradlew
If you are using Windows, don’t forget to replace ./gradlew
by gradlew.bat
$ ./gradlew convertOnlineHtml
$ ./gradlew convertOnlinePdf
$ ./gradlew convertSlides
All the generated files will be available at modules/{moduleName}/build.
If you want to convert all the files at once, you can use the convert
$ ./gradlew convert
You can also run a task on a specific module:
$ #./gradlew <nameOfModule>:<task>
For example:
$ ./gradlew 4.0-intro-neo4j:convertSlides $ ./gradlew 4.0-intro-neo4j:convert
If you want to create a single slide deck for a group of slide asciidoc files, make a folder named "single-slides". In that folder include the asciidoc for the group of files you want to combine. (see example in 4.0-intro-neo4j module) Then use this command to build it:
$ #./gradlew <nameOfModule>:convertSingleSlides
There is similar functionality for consolidating PDFs. It uses the folder "single-pdf". The caution with generating a large PDF, however is memory. If you have a large PDF that you want to produce, you may need to install mogrify.
$ #./gradlew <nameOfModule>:convertSinglePdf
Gradle will do his best to detect if a task needs to be run again or not.
If you want to force Gradle to execute a task again, you can remove the build
directory using the clean
$ ./gradlew clean
Once the build
directory is removed, type the task you want to execute.
You can also clean a particular module which removes the build folder for that module:
$ #./gradlew <nameOfModule>:clean
To enable LiveReload, you will need to install the LiveReload browser extension on Chrome. Once it’s done you should have a new icon on the right of your address bar:
Next, you need to open two terminal. In the first one, type the following command to continuously convert the AsciiDoc source to a reveal.js presentation:
$ #./gradlew --continuous <nameOfModule>:convertSlides
On the second one, type the following command to start the LiveReload server on the demo module:
$ #./gradlew <nameOfModule>:liveReload
> Task :liveReload
Enabling LiveReload at port 35729 for /path/to/modules/demo/build
You’re all set!
Now, open Chrome and navigate to the HTML file of your choice, for instance: http://localhost:35729/slides/04_IntroductionToCypherPresentation.html. Don’t forget to enable the LiveReload extension on your browser by clicking on the icon:
Notice that the middle circle is now filled in black.
If you edit the corresponding AsciiDoc source (or resources), and wait a few seconds, your browser will automatically be refreshed with your changes.
To add a new module, edit the settings.gradle file at the root of this project. For instance, if we want to add a new module named `browser" located at modules/browser-guides, we need to add the following lines:
include 'browser'
project(':browser').projectDir = file('modules/browser-guides')
Now we can execute tasks on this new module, for instance:
./gradlew browser:convert
In a terminal window, navigate to the folder where the slides HTML resides, for example:
cd modules/demo/build/slides
Open the an HTML page in JS-enabled Browser
to see summary slides -
Page down/Page up to move from slide to slide
Option + Click to zoom in/zoom out
S to open speaker notes in a different window