LookAchoo is a Geolocation Sneeze Context OSS app constructed in MERN stack. Utilizing a series of public API & IP Geolocation it gathers real-time weather, air-quality, and COVID-19 statical data to inform users about local conditions could influence one to sneeze.
MOVE ALONG This is a draft. Documentation in progress...
LookAchoo is a bad pun. But the name draws on a simple verb and a multi-lingual onomatopoeia; focusing on the interwoven relationships like -->
Observer/Discover/Understand/Mitigate <--> Sneeze/Involuntary Action/Other Discomfort
- Javascript ES6 Node.js v16.17.0
- React.js v18.2.0
- Material UI v5.10.6
- Express.js v4.18.1
- Axios* v0.27.2
- dotenv* v16.0.3
- Moment.js*† v2.29.4
- React.js v18.2.0
- MongoDB v6.0
- APIs:
- ipify (IP address identifier)
- WeatherAPI.com** (IP Geolocation)
- VACCOVID** (Covid Statistics by country)
- Tomorrow.io (Weather conditions & air quality)
- Flagpedia (Flag SVG CDN)
- Google Fonts (Font family: Nova Round)
- IP Geolocation upon acknowledgment of innocence in its use
- Conditional and dynamic rendering of images, text, & component styles
- Random assignment of background video sources and Sniffle-Blurbs openers
- Random retrieval of up to 10 Sniffle-Blurbs™ from the database (Invoked a "time-to-live" ☠️ (TTL) feature to the collection, configurated to purge data entries that have surpassed 24 hours)
- Puns and other inorganic attempts at word-play and wit
- Material Icon "Tooltip" components wrap the carousel of Sniffle-Blurbs, revealing hidden plain-text quantified condition levels, which are otherwise highlighted with color by severity (None: Grey, and from Low: Bright Yellow to High: Deep Red)
- Anonymity, no ads, simple yet vibrant User Interface built with the finest MUI components that a beginner can tinker with first...
- Synthesization of materials and links to resources regarding health science educates the user and rationalizes LookAchoo's focus points
Project is: 🪫🔒 no longer being workded on
This project offered many learning opportunities but is no longer being maintained in favor of other projects.
Room for improvement:
- The experience should not be limited to unreliable IP Geolocation, open up to form search for city, state/region, and perhpas Zipcode. One challenge is to maintain/improve the current consistency of the user experience globally due to the inconsistencies in location data entries between services.
- The early vision for LookAchoo included mold and dust "ratings" or statistics quantified by weather and climate conditions analysis or clever math.
- Open LookAchoo up to "sniffle forecasts" by exploiting more additional endpoints with its collection of APIs.
- In it's deployment to vercel the client(frontend) and server(backend) are entangled--as the client is anchored at the root of the project directory and the server anchor is therefore nested in the client deployment. (easy fix 🤞)
To do:
- "Deintegrate" server and client deployments (Only nested in github vercel integration)
- Refactor for accessibility
- Build component(s) that evaluates and qualifies coditions for dust & mold spore displacement